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Kanopy Streaming Videos

Kanopy Streaming Videos

Kanopy Streaming Videos


About Kanopy

Kanopy is a streaming video platform provided to you by Kent State University Libraries. It can be accessed from on or off campus and contains high-quality documentaries, feature films, and other essential films for enriching education.

Faculty who wish to request a film will be asked to complete a form.  Upon approval purchases will be available within three business days.    

Please note that all currently licensed films will still be available for viewing while the license is active.  For a complete list of currently available Kanopy films and the expiration date click here.

How do I order a Kanopy Film?

  1. Browse Kanopy titles at the Kanopy site. 
  2. Choose the film needed for your course
  3. Complete the request form.  
  4. Specify the reason it is needed (in-class screening, individual viewing for assignment, etc.), and a need by date.  

Once submitted a librarian will review your request and may email you for additional information before the library authorizes purchase. Please make your request at least one week before you need the film.

Once ordered the film information will be sent to Reserves Services to help you manage your course's videos. It will take at least three business days for the order to be processed and the film to be available. Once the film is available, Reserve Services will contact you with access information.

Planning for the next semester

Submit your request as soon as possible. Provided funding is available, we will try to accommodate your requests to the best of our ability.

Whenever possible, we ask you to consider using films from University Library’s other streaming media collections and free streaming media options: Video Resources.  This will help secure funding for online courses, for films only available via Kanopy, and for individuals in need of closed captioning.