Map Library
Map Library
These collections are not part of the University Library online catalog, but can be borrowed from the Map Library for teaching or research.
Topographic Maps
- USGS (United States Geological Survey) topographic maps, all states and scales in paper
- Canadian topographic maps, most areas, selected scales
Mexican topographic maps, selected areas
- Geological Survey of Japan, AIST publications
- National official topographic series, selected countries and scales
- AMS (United States Army Map Service) and GSGS (Geographical Section, General Staff of the British War office) World War II and post-World War II era topographic maps, most countries and scales
3D Topographic Relief Sets
3-dimensional plastic topographic relief maps with contour lines. They range in size from 18" x 20" to 24" x "36 and include areas in the Americas, Europe, the Middle East and Asia. These teaching sets are available for check out.
Air Photos
Black and white aerial photographs 8" x 8" flown by various agencies in the service of the USDA. Many Ohio counties are available for check out.
Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps
The Map Library houses a very extensive collection of Ohio paper Sanborn Maps. For more information on using Sanborn Maps in research, consult the Research Guide.
- Ohio cities and towns, 1880s - 1950s, paper and microfilm
- Ohio cities and towns, 1867 - 1970, available online through OhioLINK and OPLIN
Nirenstein Realty Atlas Collection
The Nirenstein National Realty Map Collection is a product of the now-disbanded Nirenstein National Realty Map Company of Springfield, Massachusetts, established in 1925 by Nathan Nirenstein.
The primary purpose of the atlases, when printed, was to serve as detailed and in-depth information guides to urban and suburban businesses and shopping centers across North America, including the Dominion of Canada.
The atlases housed in the Kent State Map Library collection span publication dates roughly from 1925 to 1958, when production of the atlases ceased, and cover a wide range of geographic areas. The primary index for the atlases, found in the front of all 12 copies, describes the atlases as containing Complete and Accurate Information on Business Locations, such as the percentage of locations, history of the city, principle industries, chain stores, and aerial views. It lists itself as the standard reference for banks, chain stores, colleges, insurance companies, investors, libraries, realtors, state, country and municipal offices,as well as declaring itself as an authoritative source, stating that it is Compiled from original records, private plans and actual surveys by M.L. Bowers, Civil Engineer, Springfield, Mass., under the personal direction of Nathan Nirenstein with the assistance of [multiple] engineers. Nirenstein Index, p. 2).
Aeronautical and Nautical Charts
- NIMA (National Imagery and Mapping Service) aeronautical charts, most world areas, series, and scales
- NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) and NIMA nautical charts, United States, and most of the world