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FAQ / Questions

FAQ / Questions

FAQ / Questions


Questions about the Application Process

Do I have to be a currently enrolled Kent State University student to apply?
Are only University Library Student Assistants eligible for a scholarship?
May Regional Campus students apply for the scholarship?
Is the scholarship open to graduate students?
Can I win the scholarship more than once?
Where do I submit my application materials?
When are the application materials due?
How can I get an unofficial transcript?
If I work in University Libraries or on campus, will my supervisor be contacted about my application?
How can I be sure that my application materials are “my own original work”?
May I have an extension to file my materials?
How do I demonstrate financial need? 

Questions about the Essay

What is the essay topic?  Will it be the same every year? 
How long is the essay supposed to be?  
How do I know how many words my essay contains? 
How do I save or convert something to PDF format?

Questions about the Awards Process

What happens to my application materials after submission?
Who decides who will win the scholarships?
How will I be notified if I win?

Scholarship Details

What is the amount of the scholarships?
Will receiving one of these scholarships have an impact on the rest of my financial aid package?
When will funds from the scholarship be available to me, and what will I be able to use it for?


If my question has not been answered in this FAQ, who may I contact for further information?



1. Do I have to be a currently enrolled Kent State University student to apply?
Yes. You must also be enrolled for the following Fall semester.

2. Are only University Library Student Assistants eligible for a scholarship?
No. While the scholarship started as one for University Libraries Student Assistants, we have now opened it to any eligible Kent Campus undergraduate students.

3. May Regional Campus students apply for the scholarship?
No, the scholarships are only for students enrolled at the Kent Campus.

5. Is the scholarship open to graduate students?
No, only sophomore, junior or senior undergraduates are eligible at this time. 

6. Can I win the scholarship more than once?
No, you can only be awarded the scholarship once while attending Kent State University.

7. Where do I submit my application materials?
Through the online application page. See "How to Apply" to the left.

8. When are the application materials due?
Monday, December 18, 2023 by 11:59 pm.  The online application will close after this time, and absolutely no late applications will be accepted.

9. How can I get an unofficial transcript?

  • Log into FlashLine, and go to the “Student Dashboard."

  • Find the box labeled “View Unofficial Transcript” and click on that link.

  • For Academic Transcript Options, the default Transcript is “All Levels,” and the default “Transcript Type” is “Advising.” Click “Submit,” and your unofficial transcript will open.

  • To print the entire transcript, right click and then select “Print.”

    • Note: This may not work in every browser; Internet Explorer seems to work the best.

  • The file must be in PDF format to submit.

    • If you are using a browser with the functionality, or have an extension or add-on in your browsers, you may be able to choose "Save as PDF" in some way when printing.

    • If not, you can print the document and bring it to the library, where we can show you how to scan and convert it to PDF format.

10. If I work in University Libraries or on campus, will my supervisor be contacted about my application?
Possibly. During the application process, you will be asked to supply the contact information for one reference, either a KSU Faculty member, or your KSU supervisor. If you supply your supervisor as your reference, then yes, they will be contacted. If you choose to instead supply a faculty member as your reference, then no, we will not contact your supervisor. 

11. How can I be sure that my application materials are “my own original work”?
Please visit KSU Libraries "Academic Honesty and Plagiarism" web pages.

12. May I have an extension to file my materials?
All elements of the scholarship application, unofficial transcript, essay, and, 2024-25 FAFSA must be completed and submitted by the due date and time. Late and incomplete submissions will not be considered.

13. How do I demonstrate financial need?
You must have a 2024-25 FAFSA on file with the KSU Financial Aid Office to be eligible for this scholarship. In addition to a  2024-25 FAFSA, you may also provide a separate written personal statement of need with your application to provide further details to the committee. Please do not include the personal statement of need in the text of your essay on this year's topic. All financial information will be considered confidential. 



14. What is the essay topic?  Will it be the same every year? 
The essay topics may vary from year to year.  This year’s topic is now available: How has University Libraries contributed to your success as a student?

Essay Topic 2024-25.

How has University Libraries contributed to your success as a student?

Successful essays will be focused, thoughtful, and free from grammatical and spelling errors. The winning essays may be published, so please do not include sensitive personal information in your essay.

15. How long is the essay supposed to be?  
Essays are to be at least 600 but not more than 1,000 words.

16. How do I know how many words my essay contains? 
Click here for steps.

17. How do I save or convert something to PDF format?

  • Some browsers have a built-in function during the "Print" process where you can choose to instead "Save as PDF."

  • All major word processing software has a function in the "Save As..." options to save as PDF format instead of its own document format. Remember to first save as a regular document first in case you want to make changes later. 

  • Other browsers and operating systems have small programs, extensions, or add-ons you can install to have a similar function as above.  University Libraries can't endorse or recommend any specific software, so please be careful when installing anything you don't trust.

  • You may also print out a physical copy of any document and bring it to the library, where we can help you scan and convert it to PDF format.  



18. What happens to my application materials after submission?
All application materials, including the essay, will be distributed to the University Libraries Scholarship Committee for consideration and evaluation. The committee may be made up of representatives from University Libraries' faculty and staff, the Faculty Senate Library Advisory Committee, and the University Libraries National Advisory Council. 

19. Who decides who will win the scholarships?
Decisions are recommended by the University Libraries Scholarship Committee to the Dean of Libraries, who makes the final decision.

20. How will I be notified if I win?
The winners will be notified by phone or email in February 2024. Award recipients will be formally announced at the University Libraries Student Appreciation Event in Spring Semester.



21. What is the amount of the scholarships?
University Libraries is awarding multiple $1,000 scholarships for the 2024-25 academic year. 

22. Will receiving one of these scholarships have an impact on the rest of my financial aid package?
This may vary on a case-by-case basis, so please contact Student Financial Aid for information and guidance on this matter.

23. When will funds from the scholarship be available to me, and what will I be able to use it for?
Half of the scholarship funds will be applied to the winning students' bursar account in Fall Semester 2024 and the other half will be applied in Spring Semester 2025. Scholarship funds may be used for tuition, books, and fees.



24. If my question has not been answered in this FAQ, who may I contact for further information?
Please contact Cynthia Williams, Library Communications Office, cdwillia [at] (subject: University%20Libraries%20Student%20Scholarships) .