Special Collections and Archives
Special Collections and Archives
on a fresh 'n pretty spring Monday at half-past noon
with a last, leaping life/death lesson taught/learned hard
beneath opalescent skies on a rocky rolling green tree 'n grass campus
at the hillside edge of a shadowless commuter parking lot you see
soldiers advancing bellies boiling
khaki working-guy home warriors doing as told about
enemy insurrection 'n civil disorder
some of them surly greaser-type draft-sliders just
stoked to smoke some freaks
all of them troops aiming M-1s, lobbing teargas-
"Disperse!" (you fuckers!)
students retreating brains roiling
denim 'burb kids sharing collegial delusions about jonwayne combat 'Nam with
too many fellow danger-blind white teens/twenties boys 'n girls
lots of 'em surely caring about war and bombs but
some just cat curious in a crowd
others hurling stones, spitting words-
"Get out!" (you fuckers!)
two sides of one tribe, companions amid the uncivil chaos of a
20th Century American civil war
facing off on the commons with plenty in common, yes, but this day
cursing each other across the unprotected void (a killing field work-in-progress)
swirling together around and about the empty school hall
wending their wrathful, ghosty way towards devastation
all these U.S. citizens yet nobody shares nothing at Kent State on May 4 and in any case
the imperial imperative to chase down the Demon Commie means
government gunmen sometimes can act with contempt just like the
lenin/stalin/mao/ho archfiend-
morgue slabs for any unarmed civilians stupid enough to get in the way, oh yes
everybody ultra-busy about the business of turning anger into fear, fear into anger so
clumsy, angry killers-leaderless, scared and ill-prepared-fire fatal volleys
a feds'-best-guess 67 shots in 13 seconds to
explode the foolish face off a stubborn crowd just
way too nixonbum noisy and reallyreallyreally roadkill askin' for it
one fusillade of high-velocity .30 06 (thirty-ought-six) slugs
a clipful of .45s
all steel-jacketed, of course, in accord with
(as Life would say about death) the
articles of war
ripping flesh
tearing nerve tissue
breaking bone
shattering spine
spilling red marrow
killing four young people-two women, two men
maiming 9 more, wounding the world with 54 other bullet holes
producing a scene of mean slaughter that would've made
Ike weep
American youth smashed to ground and
sprawled dead across bloodsoaked asphalt
blasted bodies crushed in the furious, unforgiving spaces between the empty cars while
all 'round begins the telling of a staggered people's longsad story
first in the smoky, teary-eyed silence following shot #67
then amidst the low moaning and anguished groaning
soon escalated into shouting, screaming, wailing
(genuine sounds of too-true school prayer wished on icy breath into slippery orbit)
cracked voice to a tale told about
war without warning, violence without comfort
rage without responsibility, pain without pause
death without deliverance, hell without healing and
bitterness without end
spun down the years since, shoulder permanently hunched against shot #68
quite a lesson, pay attention, what a shuddering shame, damned hard test but
popular murder'll twist the world a bit that way you know and someone had to
take it
on that sunny no-apologies/no forgiveness Monday at half-past noon
beneath brilliant buckeye skies on a blaming campus when
learning blood-fused with teaching in bodybags and
school let out forever