School of Library and Information Science records
Special Collections and Archives
School of Library and Information Science records
Special Collections and Archives
School of Library and Information Science records
School of Library and Information Science records, 1945-1985
Finding Aid
Prepared by Barbara Bass, May 2, 1994; revised and updated, May 15, 1996; Updated March 2025
55 cubic feet; 55 boxes (51 record storage boxes, 2 letter size document cases, 1 slim letter document case, 1 oversized box); 11th floor
Scope and Content
This collection was transferred to Special Collections and Archives at various times beginning in 1979 with the latest deposit made in 1991. The collection covers the range of years from 1945 through 1985.
During those years the Department of Library Science was under the College of Education with John B. Nicholson as the Head of the Department in addition to his other duties as the Head of the Library. In July, 1963, it became the thirty-third fully accredited program in the United States and on September 16, 1966, the Department of Library Science became the School of Library Science.
- Series 1 - Internal Subjects: Boxes 1-33
- Series 2 - Correspondence by Subject: Boxes 33-41
- Series 3 - Correspondence, Chronological: Boxes 42-47
- Series 4 - Conferences, Projects and Programs: Boxes 47-50
- Series 5 - A. Robert Rogers Collection: Box 50-51
- Series 6 - Miscellaneous - Boxes 52-54
Series 1 - Internal Subjects
Box 1
Folder, Description
- AACR2- videotape correspondence,1983-86
- AACR2 grants-contracts,1980
- AACR2 grants-expenditures of Phase 1 Workshop,1980
- AACR2 grants-Phase 1-2 Workshops1980
- AACR2 Workshops-Ann Allen's correspondence, memos, 1980
- AACR2 Workshops-correspondence, 1978
- AACR2 Workshops-correspondence, 1979
- AACR2 Workshops-correspondence, 1980
- AAUP, 1971-73
- ALA - Accreditation Process (1972 standards), 1973-76
- ALA - Committee on Accreditation "Statistical Data from Annual Review Reports", 1970-71
- ALA - "Manual of Procedures for Evaluation Visits Under Standards of Accreditation", 1972
- ALA - Memo on Accreditation, Oct. 30, 1985
- ALA - Annual report - Committee on Accreditation, 1972/72
- ALA - Council - Minutes, 1967/68
- ALA - Council -Minutes, Constitution and Bylaws, 1968/69
- ALA - pamphlets - "Facts and Faces - The ALA Council in 1968", 1968
- AV Services, 1972-79
- Academic Administration Advisory Council, Minutes and Memos, 1967
- Academic Administration Advisory Council, Minutes and Memos, 1968
- Academic Administration Advisory Council, Minutes and Memos, 1969
- Academic Administration Advisory Council, Minutes and Memos, 1970
- Academic Centers - Correspondence, 1963
- Academic Track - Correspondence to participants, Summer Institute 1984
Box 2
Folder, Description
- Accreditation - Correspondence, 1971-84
- Accreditation - Resource documents, 1972
- Accreditation - Committee on - Report (original) pt. 1, 1975
- Accreditation - Committee on - Report (original) pt. 2, 1975
- Accreditation - Committee on - List of members, 1982-83
- Accreditation - Committee on - Self-study correspondence, 1982/83
- Accreditation - Title III research grant - application, 1980/81
- Accreditation - Title III research grant - correspondence, Jan-Jun., 1980
- Accreditation - Title III research grant - correspondence, Jul-Dec., 1980
- Accreditation - Title III research grant - correspondence, Jan-Jun., 1981
- Accreditation - Title III research grant - correspondence, Jul-Dec., 1981
- Accreditation - Title III research grant - correspondence, 1982-84
- Accreditation - "Alternative Modes for Providing Graduate Education in Librarianship in Ohio : Phase One: Needs Assessment" - Related paper #1, Jan., 1981
- Accreditation - "Alternative Modes for Providing Graduate Education in Librarianship in Ohio : Phase One: Needs Assessment" - Related paper #2, Mar., 1981
- Accreditation - "Alternative Modes for Providing Graduate Education in Librarianship in Ohio : Phase One: Needs Assessment" - Related paper #3, Apr., 1981
- Accreditation - "Alternative Modes for Providing Graduate Education in Librarianship in Ohio : Phase One: Needs Assessment" - References and appendixes, 1981?
- Accreditation - "Alternative Modes for Providing Graduate Education in Librarianship in Ohio : Phase One: Needs Assessment" - Final report, May 1981
- Accreditation - "A Quantitative Evaluation of Library and Information Science Periodical Collections in the State of Ohio", Jan., 1981
- Accreditation - "A Quantitative Evaluation of Library and Information Science Periodical Collections in the State of Ohio" - Revised Edition, Mar., 1981
- Accreditation - "Periodical Holdings of Twenty-three Ohio Libraries..." Supplement to "A Quantitative Evaluation of Library and Information Science Periodical Collections in the State of Ohio", Mar., 1981
Box 3
Folder, Description
- Ad Hoc Committee for School Library/Media Centers, 1984
- Ad Hoc Committee on Innovative Curriculum Change, 1970
- Ad Hoc Committee on Manpower Training and Utilization of the Illinois Library Association - Correspondence, Proposal, 1969
- Ad Hoc Committee on Statistics Courses, 1959-63
- Ad Hoc Task Force - Bibliographies, articles, n.d.
- Administration, Vice Pres. for (Walter Bruska) - Correspondence, 1972-77
- Administrative Sciences - Correspondence, 1972-73
- Administrative Services, 1970-71
- Admissions Office, 1963-67
- Admissions Office, 1972-78
- Advisees, 1919-1952/53
- Advising & Orientation, Office of (John J. Binder, Director), Correspondence; Parent Program Evaluation, 1976/77
- Advisor Information - "Guide for Faculty Advisors", 1951-54
- Advisory Committee for Institutional Library Services, 1976
- Advisory Council, 1963-73
- Advisory Council on Federal Library Programs - Minutes; Lists of members, 1970-76
- Advisory Council on Federal Library Programs - Minutes; Memos, 1978
- Advisory Council on Federal Library Programs - Minutes; Memos, 1979
- Advisory Council on Federal Library Programs - Correspondence: "The Ohio Long Range Program for Improvement of Library Services", 1979
- Advisory Council on Federal Library Programs - Correspondence "An Evaluation of Title I of the Library Services & Construction Act", 1980-82
- Affirmative Action, Office of - Correspondence; Misc., 1972-75
- Affirmative Action, Office of - Title IX Conference, Apr. 1, 1977
- Alpers Award, 1965-71
- Alumni - Mailing lists, 1969-71
- Alumni Association - Correspondence; Constitution, 1952-54
- Alumni Association - Correspondence, 1962-70
- Alumni Association - Correspondence, 1972-78
- Alumni Association - Constitution and By-laws, n.d.
- Alumni newsletter - v. 1, no. 1, v. 2, no. 1, Mar., Fall, 1968
- American Studies Program, 1975
- Annual Conference for Library Science Teachers- Second, Correspondence; Workshop materials, May 26-27, 1967
- Annual Conference for Library Science Teachers - Second - Speakers Notes (1), May 26-27, 1967
- Annual Conference for Library Science Teachers - Second - Speakers Notes (2), May 26-27, 1967
- Annual Conference for Library Science Teachers - Second - Materials and Correspondence, (May 26-27, 1967), 1966-68
- Annual Conference for Library Science Teachers - Third - Correspondence, May 10-11, 1968
Box 4
Folder, Description
- Application for Grants to Institutions of Higher Education for Education in Librarianship, 1966
- Application for Grants to Institutions of Higher Education for Education in Librarianship - Misc. information, 1968
- Architecture - Correspondence, 1972-74
- Archives - Correspondence, 1984
- Art - Correspondence, 1963-77
- Art Librarianship - Correspondence, 1984
- Articles, 1969-83
- Artist Lecture Series, 1972
- Arts and Sciences, College of - Correspondence, 1974-78
- Aspects of Librarianship - Correspondence, 1956-57
- Aspects of Librarianship - Correspondence, 1963-72
- Associate Provost John Flower - Correspondence, 1973
- Assistant Provost Benjamin G. McGinnis - Correspondence, 1975-79
- Assistant to the President - Correspondence, 1970-74
- Associate Provost (Vice President), 1967-69
- Associate Provost (Vice President), 1970-72
- Associate Provost (Vice President), 1973-74
- Audio Visual Services - Tele-lecture materials, 1962-66
- Beta Kappa Theta - Constitution, rules and song, n.d., 1955
- Beta Kappa Theta - Correspondence, 1949-79
- Beta Kappa Theta - Financial records, 1950-56
- Beta Kappa Theta - Initiation material, n.d.
- Beta Kappa Theta - Membership lists, 1951-59
- Beta Kappa Theta - Minutes, 1951
- Beta Phi Mu - Constitution, 1965
- Beta Phi Mu - Membership lists, 1970-72
- Beta Phi Mu - Newsletter #11, Oct. 1959; #13-21, Jan-Jun 1966; #23-39, May 1967 - Mar. 1976;
- Beta Phi Mu - Newsletter #40-66, Oct. 1977-Spr. 1992
- Beta Phi Mu, Rho Chapter - Membership list, n.d.
- Bibliographical & Textual Center - Background, 1966
- BiblioKent - Correspondence, 1967-71
- BiblioKent - Minutes; Constitution, 1968-71
- BiblioKent Student Yearbook - The Collective Farmer, Aug. 1975
- Biles, Fay R., Vice Pres. for Public Affairs & Developement, 1972-78
- Bindery tours, 1970
- Biological Sciences - Correspondence, 1962
- Bixenstine Commission, n.d.
- Black scholarships - Correspondence; forms, 1969
- Blossom Festival School - Memo, Mar. 8, 1967
Box 5
Folder, Description
- Book order problems, 1970-72
- Books added to Library Science, 1960-63
- Bookstore, 1966-69
- Bookstore - orders (3239), Dec. 1968 - Mar. 1969
- Bookstore - orders completed (3239); Fellowship, 1968-69
- Bowman Foundation - Correspondence, 1963
- Bro-Dart Books, Inc., 1972
- Bryant, E. T. (B915) - Correspondence, 1972-84
- Budget, 1963/64-1964/65
- Budget, 1965/66
- Budget, 1966/67
- Budget, 1967/68
- Budget, 1968/69
- Budget, 1969/70
- Budget, 1970/71
- Budget, 1971/72
- Budget, 1972/73
- Budget, 1973/74
- Budget, 1974/75
- Budget, 1975/76
- Budget, 1976/77
- Budget, 1977/78
- Budget, 1978/79
- Budget, 1979/80
- Budget, 1980/81
- Budget, 1981/82
- Budget, 1982/83
- Bursar, 1963-67
- Bureau of Education Research - Correspondence, 1964-65
- Bureau of Institutional Research - Correspondence, 1963
Box 6
Folder, Description
- Business Administration, College of, 1963
- Business Administration, College of, 1974-80
- Business Manager, 1961-63
- Business Office - Confirming pay; Fellowship (3572), 1969-70
- Business Office - Purchase requisitions; Fellowship (3572), 1969-70
- Business Office - Orders completed; Fellowship (3239), 1969-70
- Business Office - Orders completed; Fellowship (3572), 1969-70
- CAPP - Correspondence, 1974
- CLR Grant - Correspondence, 1984/85
- CLR Grant and Review, 1984/85
- CLR Report - Correspondence, 1984
- CLR Report - Correspondence, 1985
- COA (Committee on Accreditation) - Annual report, 1975/76
- Candidates for Information Specialist position, 1982/83
- Career Planning & Placement Center, 1977-79
- Catalog requests, 1969-71
- Cataloging workshops - Correspondence; Expenditures (SLO 1-4-A-79 Rogers), 1979
- Catalogs, 1978-79
- Census Conference, Apr. 21, 1972
- Census Conference - Catalog mailing lists, 1972
- Census Conference - Misc. material, Apr. 1972
- Census Conference - Receipts; Misc., 1972
- Center for Human Understanding - Correspondence; Misc., 1968-70
- Center for LIbrary Studies, 1968-69
- Center for Library Studies - Correspondence; "Colloquium in Library Networks" (Nov. 1969), 1970-73
- Center for Peaceful Change, 1971
- Century One - Lists of reference books; Correspondence, 1971-73
- Certification of Curricular Proposals, 1968-71
- Certification Project, 1967
- Chemistry Dept. - Correspondence, 1962-63
- Chemistry Dept. - Correspondence, 1979
- Clark, Raymond (Dean) - Correspondence, 1948-59
Box 7
Folder, Description
- Class lists, 1953-59
- Class lists, 1960
- Class lists, 1961
- Class lists, 1962
- Class lists, 1963
- Class lists, 1964
- Class lists, 1965
- Class schedules, Summer 1962
- Class schedules - Misc., 1967/68-1986
- Class schedules, 1969/70
- Class schedules, 1970/71
- Class schedules, 1971/72
- Class schedules, 1972/73
- Class schedules, 1973/74
- Class schedules, 1974/75
- Class schedules, 1975/76
- Class schedules, 1976/77
- Class schedules - Background information, 1973, 1977
- Class schedules - Basic information sheets, 1983/84
- Cleveland Program - Historical information, 1973-78
- Collective Bargaining - Memos, 1976
- Collective Bargaining - Memos, Agreement, Grievance forms, 1978
- Collective Bargaining, 1979
- Collective Bargaining - Memos, 1981-82
- Colloquium, 1971-79
- Columbus Extension Program - Report by Bonnie Hanson-Buckley, et al, June 28, 1982
- Columbus Extension Program - Report by Dorothy Landis, et al, June 28, 1982
- Columbus Extension Program - Student Survey, n.d.
- Columbus Extension Program - Questionnaire, 1982-83
- Columbus Extension Program - Correspondence, Apr. 1979 - Aug. 1981
- Columbus Extension Program - Correspondence, Sept. 1981-Jun. 1982
- Columbus Extension Program - Correspondence, 1982-85
- Columbus Extension Program - Historical - Correspondence, 1975-80
Box 8
Folder, Description
- Commission on Continuing Education, Apr. 3, 1970
- Commencement deadlines, 1952-59
- Commission on Recruiting, 1970-71
- Committee & Commission on Undergraduate Programs, 1967?
- Committee on Committees, 1969
- Committee on Special Programs, 1969
- Committee on Teaching Loads, 1970
- Committee on the Character of Undergraduate Education, 1970
- Committee to Select President, 1962-63
- Committees and Commissions - General guidelines, Nov. 1970
- Committees and Commissions - AAAC (Academic Administrative Advisory Council), Jan. - Jun. 1970
- Committees and Commissions - AAAC, Jul. - Dec. 1970
- Committees and Commissions - AAAC, Jan. - Jun. 1971
- Committees and Commissions - AAAC, Jul. - Dec. 1971
- Committees and Commissions - AAAC, Nov. 1971 - Apr. 1972
- Committees and Commissions - AAAC, Apr. - Sept. 1972
- Committees and Commissions - AAAC, Oct. - Dec. 1972
- Committees and Commissions - AAAC, 1975
- Committees and Commissions - Academic Space Planning Section, Campus Planning Commission, 1968
- Committees and Commissions - Academic Space Planning Section, Administrative Committee on the Library, 1966
- Committees and Commissions - Administrative Council, 1963-68
- Committees and Commissions - Associate and Assistant Deans Committee, 1967-70
- Committees and Commissions - Associate and Assistant Deans Committee, 1971
- Committees and Commissions - Computer Advisory Committee, 1964
- Committees and Commissions - Council on Curriculum, 1961-65
- Committees and Commissions - Council on Curriculum, 1965-66
- Committees and Commissions - Grievance, 1968
- Committees and Commissions - Miscellaneous Committees, 1966-71
- Committees and Commissions - Music Commiettee, 1960's
- Committees and Commissions - Sub-committee on Rules and Regulations, 1968-70
- Community Relations - Correspondence, 1971-74
- Comprehensive exam questions, 1966-68
- Comptroller's Office, 1967-68
- Computer Center - Correspondence, 1963
- Computer Services - Correspondence ; Bills ; User's guide (1978), 1968-79
- Concert-Lecture Series - Correspondence, 1964-65
- Confidentiality of student records, 1970
- Continuing Education, 1971
- Continuing Education Committee, 1971
- Course - Basic Reference (400) - Mis. ; Final exams ; Mid term ; "Survey of Selected Reviews of the Novels of Saul Bellow" by Virginia Bartlett, 1965
- Course Inventory, 1975
- Course Inventory, 1976
- Course Inventory, 1977
Box 9
Folder, Description
- Course 60600 - Foundations in Librarianship (folder 1), 1975-85
- Course 60600 - Foundations in Librarianship (folder 2), 1975-85
- Course syllabi (LS60691) - Seminar: Evaluation of Library Programs and Services, n.d.
- Courses, 1965
- Courses - Additions, Changes, etc., 1947-56
- Crawford Award, 1959-62
- Crawford Award, 1968-79
- Curriculum - Correspondence, 1978-82
- Curriculum and Instruction - Correspondence, 1978-79
- Curriculum Committee, 1970-71
- Curriculum Committee, 1978-79
- Curriculum Committee, 1979/80-1980/81
- Curriculum Committee, 1981/82-1986/87
- Curriculum Committee - Correspondence, 1976-80
- Daily Kent Stater - Correspondence, 1978
- Data Processing in the Library - Proposed course, 1966
- DeHeer, Andrew - Guest speaker - Photograph, postcards, 1975
- Demand Analysis - Printouts & correspondence, 1976-77
- Department review, 1960-65
- Development Office - Ronald Roskens, 1966-68
- Director of Libraries Search, 1983
- Directory - supplement - Correspondence ; "A Directory of Library Science Instructors in the United States and Canada", 1951-53
- Distinguished Alumna Award, 1970
- Distinguished Alumnus Adward, 1979
- Distinguished Scholar Award - Correspondence, 1971-79
- Doctoral Committee, 1969-71
- Doctoral Committee, 1972-74
- Doctoral Program, 1969-72
- Doctoral Program in L.S., 1965
- Dritina, Jaroslav - "Some of the Tasks of the Libraries in the Cultural Revolution": translated by Sidney Jackson, 1963
Box 10
Folder, Description
- EPC Sub-Committee on Teaching Effectiveness - Correspondence; Minutes, 1975-76
- Ebony Achievement Committee, 1982
- Education 150-550 - Course description; Test, 195?
- Education, College of, 1960-61
- Education, College of, 1962
- Education, College of, 1963-64
- Education, College of, 1964-65
- Education, College of, 1966
- Education, College of, 1967-68
- Education, College of, 1969
- Education, College of, - Assistant Dean - Correspondence, 1961
- Education, College of, - Assistant Dean - Correspondence, 1962-63
- Education, College of, - Dean Schindler - Correspondence, 1960-61
- Education, College of, - Dean Schindler - Correspondence, 1962-64
- Education, College of, - Dean Schindler - Correspondence, 1967-71
- Educational & Student Services. Executive Dean - Correspondence; Press - v. 1, no. 2, v. 3, no. 1, 3 (May '64, Oct '65, Jun '66
- Educational Standards for Music Libraries - Correspondence, 1966
- English - Correspondence, 1972-74
- Equipment - AACR2 Workshop, Apr. 1, 1980
- Equipment catalogs, 1970's
- Equipment inventory, 1963
- Equipment inventory, 1978-80
- Ethnic Grant (7853) - Expenditures, 1980/81
- Examination Aids Office - Correspondence, 1977-79
- Executive Committee (LS) - Minutes; Correspondence, 1977/78
- Expenditure reports, 1969-70
- Expenditure reports, 1971-72
Box 11
Folder, Description
- Expenditure Reports, 1980-81
- Extension Office - Correspondence, 1961
- FIPSE Proposal, 1978
- Facilities Planning and Operations - Correspondence 1978-79
- Faculty, 1970
- Faculty - Misc. memos & Correspondence, 1970/71
- Faculty - Misc. memos & Correspondence; Faculty lists; Class lists, 1971/72-1972/73
- Faculty - Record Inventory and Analysis (inactive and retired), n.d.
- Faculty - Allison, Ann Marie - Correspondence, 1977-78
- Faculty - Allison, Ann Marie - Reports to Mr. Kritzer, July 9, 1979
- Faculty - Banks, Davis - Correspondence, 1978
- Faculty - Bennett, Wilma - Correspondence, 1962-63
- Faculty - Brown, Jack Perry - Correspondence, 1979-84
- Faculty - Brown, Susan - Correspondence, 1977-78
- Faculty - Bryant, E. T. - Correspondence, 1977-80
- Faculty - Burdenuk, Eugene - Correspondence, 1978
- Faculty - Centing, Richard - Correspondence, 1980
- Faculty - Crowl, Virginia - Correspondence, 1976
- Faculty - Crowley, Terence - Correspondence, 1976
- Faculty - DeCharms, Desiree - Correspondence, 1968-73
- Faculty - DeLerma, Dominique - Correspondence, 1975-76
- Faculty - Dewit, Dorothy (deceased) - Correspondence, 1978/79
- Faculty - Donze, Sara Lee - Correspondence, 1949-67
- Faculty - Drusedow, Jon - Correspondence, 1978-84
- Faculty - Dugas, Alice - Correspondence, 1957-59
- Faculty - Edgar, Neal L. (deceased) - Correspondence, 1972-77
- Faculty - Edgar, Neal L. (deceased) - Correspondence, 1978-83
- Faculty - Emerson, Susan - Correspondence, 1978-83
- Faculty - Emdad, Ali-Akbar - Correspondence, 1977
- Faculty - Foster, Elizabeth - Correspondence, 1969
- Faculty - Frietag, Wolfgang M. - Correspondence, 1972-79
- Faculty - Gaines, Ervin (deceased) - Correspondence, 1975-82
- Faculty - Gallacchio, Virginia - Correspondence, 1981-82
- Faculty - Geary, James - Correspondence, 1973-79
- Faculty - Gordeau, John (deceased) - Correspondence, 1947-82
- Faculty - Grabowska, Marta - Correspondence, 1984-85
- Faculty - Green, Dorothy - Correspondence, 1971
- Faculty - Greenaway, Emerson - Correspondence, 1977-78
- Faculty - Hans-Herman, Bernstein - Correspondence, 1969-76
- Faculty - Hart, George (Perspective - Columbus); Correspondence; Articles, 1973-81
- Faculty - Hazeltire, Robert - Correspondence, 1967-69
- Faculty - Heck, Thomas - Correspondence, 1981-82
Box 12
Folder, Description
- Faculty - Heiliger, Edward - Correspondence, 1968-79
- Faculty - Herling, Eleanor - Correspondence, 1972-79
- Faculty - Hoffman, David - Correspondence, 1979
- Faculty - Howard, Dewey - Correspondence, 1973
- Faculty - Hunter, Eric - Correspondence, 1975
- Faculty - Hunter, Marian - Correspondence, 1982-83
- Faculty - Hutton, Malcolm M. - Personal Data Form; Correspondence, 1961-67
- Faculty - Jackson, Sidney L. - Correspondence, 1958-62
- Faculty - Jackson, Sidney L. - Correspondence, 1978-79
- Faculty - Jones, Sally - Correspondence, 1965-81
- Faculty - Jones, Wendell P. - Correspondence, 1970-71
- Faculty - Kaldor, Ivan - Correspondence, 1965-80
- Faculty - Keckler, Jane - Correspondence, 1969-74
- Faculty - Kritzer, Hyman - Correspondence, 1983-84
- Faculty - Lancaster, John - Correspondence, 1964-65
- Faculty - Larson, Julian - Correspondence, 1963-79
- Faculty - Ludden, Bennet - Correspondence, 1970-79
- Faculty - Lyons, Grace - Correspondence, 1974-84
- Faculty - McCrossan, John - Correspondence 1966-68
- Faculty - McNeer, Elizabeth (Coordinator - Columbus Program) - Correspondence, 1980-81
- Faculty - Marco, Guy A. - Articles, n.d.
- Faculty - Marco, Guy A. - Checkpoints, n.d.
- Faculty - Marco, Guy A. - Correspondence; class schedules, 1975-85
- Faculty - Marco, Guy A. - Professional bibliography, 1956, 1963-64
- Faculty - Miller, Karen - Correspondence, 1980
- Faculty - Miller, Richard - Correspondence, 1977-80
- Faculty - Miller, Terry - Vita, 197?
- Faculty - Morton, Steve - Correspondence; Personal data sheet, 1975-85
- Faculty - Mueller, Joyce - Correspondence, 1972-73
- Faculty - Munn, Robert Russell - Correspondence; Personal data, 1964-75
- Faculty - Murfin, Marjorie - Correspondence, 1979-80
- Faculty - Naylor, Lewis - Correspondence; Personal data form, 1969
- Faculty - Newmann, William A. (Dr.) - Correspondence, 1980-81
- Faculty - Nicholson, John B. - Correspondence, 1950-64
- Faculty - Noon, Paul - Correspondence, 1964-69
- Faculty - Norton, Alice - Correspondence, 1983
- Faculty - Olmstead, Elizabeth - Correspondence, 1970
- Faculty - Palmieri, Ed - Correspondence, 1965-66
- Faculty - Palmer, Richard (Columbus) - Correspondence, 1976
- Faculty - Paulin, Alice D. - Correspondence, 1975-76
- Faculty - Pings, Vern M. (Personnel file) - Correspondence
- Faculty - Prichard, Dennis - Correspondence, 1973
- Faculty - Prichard, Joy - Correspondence, 1970-77
Box 13
Folder, Description
- Faculty - Reinhart, Billlie Joy - Correspondence, 1970
- Faculty - Reymond, Betty - Correspondence, 1963-64
- Faculty - Reynolds, Michael M. - Personnel file, 1968
- Faculty - Roe, John - Correspondence, 1970-77
- Faculty - Rogers, James - Correspondence ; Vita, 1974-84
- Faculty - Roloff, Daphne - Correspondence, 1968-80
- Faculty - Rose, Ruth - Correspondence; Vita, 1973-78
- Faculty - Rosenberg, Kenyon - Correspondence, 1968-80
- Faculty - Rusk, Alice - Correspondence, 1966-68
- Faculty - Ryan, L. Dolores - Correspondence, 1969
- Faculty - Sager, Donald - Correspondence, 1976-78
- Faculty - Schmidt, Kim - Correspondence, 1977-79
- Faculty - Schmutzler, Joan - Correspondence, 1971
- Faculty - Sherif, Gladys - Correspondence, 1975
- Faculty - Smith, Evelina (Mrs.) (Trumbull Branch) - Correspondence, 1973-84
- Faculty - Spaith, Thomas G. - Correspondence, 1982
- Faculty - Steuermann, Clara - Correspondence, 1970-74
- Faculty - Stroheeker, Edwin - Correspondence, 1955-58
- Faculty - Tallegn, Van Delft, Saskia - Correspondence, 1977-78
- Faculty - Taylor, Jean - Correspondence, 1963-64
- Faculty - Terrell, Darrell (Ashtabula Branch) - Correspondence; Curriculum material, 1976-77
- Faculty - Titus, David - Correspondence, 1981-82
- Faculty - Travis, Geneva - Correspondence, 1962-63
- Faculty - Veaner, Allen - Correspondence, 1984
- Faculty - Voorhees, David - Correspondence, 1977
- Faculty - Vormelker, Rose L. - Vita; Correspondence ; Vormelker Scholarship Fund, 1977-84
- Faculty - Vormelker, Rose L. - Publications (unpublished), 1959, 61, 62, 69
- Faculty - Watanabe, Ruth - Correspondence, 1968
- Faculty - Whatley, Allan - Correspondence, 1968-72
- Faculty - Wilkinson, Alberta Kathryn - Photo ID, 1955
- Faculty - Wittorf, Robert - Correspondence, 1978-80
- Faculty - Wright, Mildred - Correspondence, 1970-71
- Faculty - Yerkey, Neil - Correspondence, 1976-79
- Faculty - York, Henry - Correspondence, 1977-79
- Faculty - "Who's Who on the Faculty", 1965-69
- Faculty - "Who's Who on the Faculty", 1970 (Sum/Fall)-1979
- Faculty Advisory Committee - Minutes ; Memos, 1980/81-81/82
- Faculty Advisory Committee - Minutes 4/84 - 12/84
- Faculty Candidates, 1969
- Faculty Club - Correspondence, 1961
- Faculty Club Social Committee - Correspondence, 1964-66
- Faculty Development, Office of, Correspondence; Newsletter, 1977-78; Apr. 20, Nov. 13, 19768
- Faculty Participation at Commencements, 1970-76
Box 14
Folder, Description
- Faculty Senate - Nurmi, Martin - Correspondence, 1964-66
- Faculty Senate - Memos, 1979, 1985
- Faculty Senate Advisory Committee - Minutes, Apr. 4, 1984
- Faculty Student Council - Minutes, 1965/66
- Faculty Student Council - Minutes, 1966/67
- Faculty Student Council - Minutes, 1967/68
- Faculty Student Council - Minutes, 1968/69
- Faculty Student Council - Notes for minutes, 1968/69
- Faculty Student Council - Minutes, 1969/70
- Faculty Student Council - Agendas, Notes for minutes, 1969/70
- Faculty Student Council - Minutes, 1970/71
- Faculty Student Council - Agendas, Notes for minutes, 1970/71
- Faculty Student Council - Minutes, 1971/72
- Faculty Student Council - Notes for minutes; Memos, 1971/72
- Faculty Student Council - Minutes, Charter as revised 6/6/73, 1972/73
- Faculty Student Council - Notes to minutes, 1972/73
- Faculty Student Council - Minutes, Charter (revision) 6/5/74, 1973/74
- Faculty Student Council - Minutes, 1974/75
- Faculty Student Council - Notes to minutes, 1974/75
- Faculty Student Council - Minutes, 1975/76
- Faculty Student Council - Notes to minutes, 1975/76
Box 15
Folder, Description
- Faculty Student Council - Minutes, 1976/77
- Faculty Student Council - Notes to minutes, 1976/77
- Faculty Student Council - Minutes, 1977/78
- Federal funding - Correspondence, 1981-85
- Federal funds, 1973/75
- Federal grant (Library School), 1976/77
- Fellowship - Interdepartmental charges, Dec. '68 - Mar '69
- Fellowship Fund Records- Correspondence (Misc.), 1967-68
- Fellowships - Budget reports; Misc., 1974/75
- Fellowships - Correspondence, 1973
- Fellowships - Correspondence, 1974
- Fellowships - Correspondence, 1975/76
- Fellowships - Proposal, 1974/75
- Fellowships - Reapplication, 1974/75
- Field trips, 1964-69
- Financial Performance Review, 1972-74
- Fine Arts Workshop, 1970
- Foundation - Correspondence, 1972-81; Financial reports, 1977-81
- Foundation Grants and Federal Funding, 1974-75
- Foundations & Administration of Archives, Pre-1981
- General catalog revision (draft) - Correspondence, 1970-77
- Goals & Priorities Committee, 1972, 1975
- Graduate Assistants, 1953
- Graduate Assistants, 1967-68
- Graduate Assistantships - Correspondence, 1965-67
- Graduate Catalog revision - Correspondence, 1971-77
- Graduate College, 1978-79
- Graduate College - "Off-campus Instructional Plan", 1975-77
- Graduate College Council - Correspondence, 1972-75
Box 16
Folder, Description
- Graduate Council - Agenda; Correspondence, 1952-58
- Graduate Council - Background of policy statement; Policy Statement on Doctoral Programs, 1968
- Graduate Council - Bylaws, 1968
- Graduate Council - Graduate Approvals; Correspondence, 1950-52
- Graduate Council - Memos, 1962-67
- Graduate Council - Memos, 1968
- Graduate Council - Minutes; Memos, 1969
- Graduate Council - Minutes; "Report by the Committee Examining Long-Range Possiblilites of Establishing a School of Social Work at Kent State University", 1970
- Graduate School - Applications - Knerr, Thelma Minnick, Thompson, E. Maxine, 1965
- Graduate School - Assoc. Dean B. Fielitz, 1969
- Graduate School - Assoc. Dean John White, 1965-69
- Graduate School - Committee on Evaluation and Improvement of Instruction, 1966
- Graduate School - Correspondence; "Commission on Role and Status of Graduate Student Appointees", 1970-71
- Graduate School - Correspondence, 1971-73
- Graduate School - Evaluation reports, 1967-69
- Graduate School - Evaluation reports, 1970-71
- Graduate School - Faculty - Minutes; Membership procedures; Constitution, 1964-66
- Graduate School - Foreign language test (#1), 1966-67
- Graduate School - Foreign language test (#2), 1966-67
- Graduate School - General, 1964-69
- Graduate School - Graduation lists, 1962-68
- Graduate School - Graduation lists, 1968-69
- Graduate School - Graduation lists, Jan-June, 1970
- Graduate School - Graduation lists, July-Dec, 1970
Box 17
Folder, Description
- Graduate School - Long Range Graduate Plan, June 5, 1972
- Graduate School - Memos; Enrollment lists, 1964-67
- Graduate School Newsletter - Memos, 1964-72
- Graduate School Council - Constitution, 1970
- Graduate workshops, 1980-84
- Graduates - Present positions, n.d.
- Grant programs - Correspondence; Publications, 1966
- Grant proposal, 1981
- Grant Proposal/Formula Funding - Appendix A, 1984
- Grant Proposal/Formula Funding - Appendix B, 1984
- Grant Proposal/Formula Funding - Appendix C, 1984
- Grant Proposal/Formula Funding - Budget information, 1983-85
- Grant Proposal/Formula Funding - Correspondence, 1984
- Grant Proposal/Formula Funding - Correspondence, 1985
- Great Contemporary Issues - Correspondence, 1963
- Guide to Research Papers, 1964-76
- HPER, School of, 1960-69
- Health Center, 1972-78
- History Dept., 1971-78
- History Dept. - Correspondence, 1962-67
- History of Libraries (60631) - Background material, 1970(?)
- History of Libraries (60631) - Course material, 1979
- History of Science Literature (course) - Correspondence, 1962-65
- Home Economics - Correspondence; Curriculum Committee Memos, 1966
- Honors & Experimental College - Correspondence, 1963-69
- Honors & Experimental College - Correspondence, 1971
- Honors Day - Awards; Correspondence, 1973-79
- Honors Day Program - Correspondence, 1962-71
- Human Resource Utilization, 1972-74
- Human Resource Utilization, 1975-79
- Information Science - Correspondence; Final report, 1984
- Information Studies, 1984/85
- Institute for Afro-American Affairs - Correspondence, 1969
- Institute on the Operation of Educational Information Service Centers - Newsletter, 1968
- Institutional Research, Office of - Correspondence, 1963-65
- Institutional Research, Office of - "Lexicon on Load Cost Studies", Dec. 14, 1962
- Instructional Resource Center - Memos, 1965-68
- Instructional Television - WKSU - Memos, 1962-64
- "Interim Standards for Small Public Libraries", 1962
- International and Comparative Programs - Correspondence, 1967-71
- International Student Affairs - Rosters, 1969-70
- International Studies - Correspondence, 1964
- Inter-office Memos, 1984-85
- Inventory Control - Tag instructions and record form; Correspondence, 1964-81
Box 18
Folder, Description
- IFLA - 42nd General Council Meeting. Programme, 1976
- IFLA - Progress Report, July 1975/76
- IFLA -Working Document 1, Aug. 23-28, 1976
- IFLA -Working Document 1 (French translation), Aug. 23-28, 1976
- IFLA -Working Document 1(German translation), Aug. 23-28, 1976
- IFLA -Working Document 2 (English, French, German translations), Aug. 23-28, 1976
- IFLA -Working Document 3 (English, French, German translations), Aug. 23-28, 1976
- IFLA -Working Document 4 (English and German translations), Aug. 23-28, 1976
- IFLA -Working Document 5 (English and German translations), Aug. 23-28, 1976
- IFLA -Working Documents 1 - 2 Amendments; Report #1, Aug. 23-28, 1976
- IFLA - Reports #2-6, Aug. 23-28, 1976
- IFLA - Reports #7-10, Aug. 23-28, 1976
- IFLA - Reports #11-13, Aug. 23-28, 1976
- IFLA - Reports # 14-16, Aug. 23-28, 1976
- IFLA - Reports # 17-19, Aug. 23-28, 1976
- IFLA - Reports # 20-22, Aug. 23-28, 1976
- IFLA - Reports #23-26, Aug. 23-28, 1976
- IFLA - Reports # 28, 30-33, Aug. 23-28, 1976
- IFLA - Reports # 34-39, Aug. 23-28, 1976
- IFLA - Reports # 40-45, Aug. 23-28, 1976
- IFLA - Reports # 46-47, Aug. 23-28, 1976
- IFLA - Reports # 48-52, Aug. 23-28, 1976
- IFLA - Reports # 53-56, Aug. 23-28, 1976
- IFLA - Reports # 57-61, Aug. 23-28, 1976
- IFLA - Reports # 62-67, Aug. 23-28, 1976
- IFLA - Reports # 68-75, Aug. 23-28, 1976
- Job Satisfaction Survey, 1988
- Journalism - Correspondence, 1966
- Judicial Affairs, Office of - Memo, Sept. 28, 1970
- KSU Foundation - Library Science Account - Check requests, 1971-78
- KSU Foundation - Center for the Study of Ethnic Publications - Expenditures (300-567), 1972-77
- KSU Library Papers - Correspondence, 1956
- Kamerick, Vice Pres. - Correspondence, 1963-67
- Kamerick, Vice Pres. - Correspondence, 1968-68
- Kamerick, Vice Pres. - Correspondence; North Central Association of College and Secondary School "Basic Institutional Data" - sample copy, Jul-Dec, 1968
- Kamerick, Vice Pres. - Correspondence, Jan-Jun, 1969
Box 19
Folder, Description
- Keliscalas - Alumni lists, 1967-71
- Keliscalas - Alumni memos, 1971
- Keliscalas - Bank statements/deposit slips, 1964-72
- Keliscalas - Bibliophile, v. 1, #1 - Mar. 5, 1973; v. 1, #2- Apr. 20, 1973
- Keliscalas - Bills and correspondence, 1965-70
- Keliscalas - Booklet "Noted for the Alumni", #27, Fall, 1970
- Keliscalas - Business, Current, 1974
- Keliscalas - Business, Past, 1964-66
- Keliscalas - Business, Past, 1968-72
- Keliscalas - Correspondence, 1969
- Keliscalas - Fall reception, 1969
- Keliscalas - Fund raising, 1969
- Keliscalas - Letters to new grads, 1969, 1971
- Keliscalas - Nominating Committee, 1969-1974/75
- Keliscalas - Notes for Potpourii, 1974
- Keliscalas - Questionnaire results, 1969
- Keliscalas - School publications (Misc.), 1965-72
- Keliscalas - Travis Memorial, 1968-71
- Keliscalas - Treasurer's reports, 1965-67
- Keliscalas - Vita records, 1967
- Keliscalas - Vita records, 1968
- Keliscalas - Vita records, 1969
- Keliscalas - Vita records, 1971
- Keliscalas - Vita records, 1973
- Keliscalas - Money receipt book and journal, 1964-66
- Knerr Report, Jul 1970
- LSCA/Title 1-2 - Special project grant - Forms; Information, n.d.
- LSCA/Title 3 Grant - Copyright requests, 1983
- LSCA Workshop guidelines, n.d.
- LSCA - Memos to faculty, Jan-Jun 1984
- LSCA - Memos to faculty, Jul-Dec 1984
- LSCA - Memos to faculty, Jan-Jun 1985
- Language Committee, 1971
- Laurels - List of candidates, 1963
- Libraries and the Disadvantaged Conference (cancelled) - Correspondence, 1965
- Library, 1962-65
- Library, 1966-70
- Library - Correspondence, 1972-74
- Library - Correspondence; List of subscription cancellations, 1975
- Library - Correspondence; Misc. memos, 1976-77
- Library - Correspondence; Misc. memos, 1978
Box 20
Folder, Description
- Library, Acquisitions, 1961-68
- Library, Director - Kritzer, Hyman, 1966-71
- Library, Director - Nicholson, John B., 1959-65
- Library, Personnel Services, 1962-68
- Library, Reading Services, 1962-67
- Library, Schedules - Notes on Library budget and personnel, 1956
- Library, Serials Dept., 1961-68
- Library (Staff) - Correspondence & memos, 1961-68
- Library, Technical Services, 1961-68
- Library and Library School Staff - Photographs, 1960's and n.d.
- Library Buildings & Equipment (Class) - Articles, 1969
- Library Buildings & Equipment (Class) - Schedules; Floor plans for area libraries; Bibliographies, 1973
- Library Buildings & Equipment (Class) - Correspondence; Class schedules, 1974
- Library Buildings & Equipment (Class) - Correspondence; Class schedules; Articles, 1975
- Library Development Consultants, 1979
- Library Lecture for Freshman Orientation, n.d.
- "Library Needs of Nicaragua" (2nd ed.) - Original final draft; Misc., 1974
- Library Network - "Automation for Rationalization in College and University Libraries in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba", Mar. 1970
- Library Research Position - Correspondence, 1983-84
- Library School - Misc., 1967-70
- Library School Courses of Study - Memos from Univ. of Texas; "Report and Recommendations for Courses in the Department of Library Science"; Bulletin of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 1950-52
- Library School Entrance Requirements - Other campuses, 1950-51
- Library Science Collection Regulations, n.d.
- Library Science - Building of, 1970
- Library Science - Correspondence guide, 1959
- Librry Science History and Development, 1949
- Library Science Policies, n.d.
- Library Science Prospective Students, 1959
- Library Science Statistics and Reports - Constitution of the Ohio Student Libraries Association; Placement Lists of Graduates, 1955
- Library Science Student Resumes, 1970-80
- Library Training Fellowships - Proposal, 1981
- Library Training Fellowships - Proposal, 1982/83
- Little United Nations - Correspondence, 1961
- MLS - Notes to graduates, 1963
- Mail Service - Correspondence, 1966-70
- Maintenance Dept. - Correspondence, 1968
- Management Informations Systems - Correspondence; Enrollment, 1973-79
- Marigo, Aristide, Literary and Prehumanistic Culture in the Major Encyclopedias of the Thirteenth Century: the "Speculum and the "Tresor" - 1st draft of translation by Sidney Jackson, 1971
- Marigo, Aristide, Literary and Prehumanistic Culture in the Major Encyclopedias of the Thirteenth Century: the "Speculum and the "Tresor" - 1st draft of translation by Sidney Jackson - 1st corrections, n.d.
- Marigo, Aristide,Literary and Prehumanistic Culture in the Major Encyclopedias of the Thirteenth Century: the "Speculum and the "Tresor" - 1st draft of translation by Sidney Jackson, - Final draft (in part), n.d.
Box 21
Folder, Description
- Master of Library Science in School Library Media Program - Proposal (original), Dec. 1984
- Master of Library Science in School Library Media Program - Proposal (revised), Dec. 1984
- Master of Library Science Joint Degree Program - Kent State and Ohio State University - Copy presented to Program Planning Committee, Sept. 18, 1985
- Master of Library Science Joint Degree Program - Kent State and Ohio State University - Correspondence, 1981-83
- Master of Library Science Joint Degree Program - Kent State and Ohio State University - Correspondence, 1974-85
- Master of Library Science Joint Degree Program - Kent State and Ohio State University - Master revised, Aug. 1985
- Master of Library Science Joint Degree Program - Kent State and Ohio State University - Original, Aug. 1985
- Master of Library Science Joint Degree Program - Kent State and Ohio State University - (Draft), Sept. 1985
- Master of Library Science Joint Degree Program - Kent State and Ohio State University - Preliminary Prospectus ; Corrections copy; Final copy, 1985
- Master of Library Science Joint Degree Program - Kent State and Ohio State University - Proposal; Correspondence, 1984-85
- Master of Library Science Joint Degree Program - Kent State and Ohio State University - Task Force - Background material and memos, 1985
- Mathematics Department - Correspondence, 1962
- Medical Librarianship, 1977-82
- Memos to Faculty, Feb. 1970-Apr. 1971
- Memos to Students, 1975-79
- MI Profiles - Visited libraries (A-B), Aug. 17-29, 1969
- MI Profiles - Visited libraries (C-F), Aug. 17-29, 1969
- MI Profiles - Visited libraries (G-L), Aug. 17-29, 1969
- MI Profiles - Visited libraries (M-N), Aug. 17-29, 1969
- MI Profiles - Visited libraries (O-R), Aug. 17-29, 1969
- MI Profiles - Visited libraries (S-Z), Aug. 17-29, 1969
- Middle Management Institute, May 18-20, 1967
- Middle Management Institute, Oct. 5-7, 1967
- Middle Management Institute - Correspondence, 1967
- Middle Management Institute - Final Participation lists; Enrollment forms, 1967
- Middle Management Institute - New Staff Packets, 1967
- Middle Management Institute - Planning; Advertising, 1967
- Middle Management Institute - Planning; Background literature, 1967
- Middle Management Institute - Planning; Problems, suggested/discussion, 1967
- Middle Management Institute - Program/proceedings materials, 1967
- Middle Management Institute - Programs and menus - tentative and final, 1967
- Middle Management Institute - Proposed budget; Agreements; Receipts, 1967
- Middle Management Institute - Reading lists & Reprints, 1967
- Middle Management Institute - Shorthand notes, 1967
Box 22
Folder, Description
- Middle Management Institute, Oct 3-5, 1968
- Middle Management Institute, Apr. 10-12, 1969
- Middle Management Institute - Registration, Apr. 10-12, 1969
- Mittwoch, 1969-70
- Music bibliography - Correspondence, 1962
- Music Library, 1968
- Music Library Workshop, Mar. 1967 - Jun. 1968
- Music, School of - Correspondence, 1971-78
- NAK - Communication, Apr. 1971
- NDEA Institute - Application for admission; Barlow, Faith Barber, 1965
- NDEA Institute - Application alternates (B-J), 1965
- NDEA Institute - Application alternates (L-W), 1965
- NDEA Institute - Application requests (A-C), 1965
- NDEA Institute - Application requests (D-H), 1965
- NDEA Institute - Application requests (I-N), 1965
- NDEA Institute - Application requests (O-Z), 1965
- NDEA Institute - Application - Rhodes, Lelia G., 1965
- NDEA Institute - Applications (A), 1965
- NDEA Institute - Applications (B), 1965
- NDEA Institute - Applications (C-E), 1965
- NDEA Institute - Applications (F), 1965
- NDEA Institute - Applications (G), 1965
- NDEA Institute - Applications (H), 1965
- NDEA Institute - Applications (I-M), 1965
- NDEA Institute - Applications (N-S), 1965
- NDEA Institute - Applications (T-Z), 1965
- NDEA Institute - Bigelow, Donald N.; correspondence, 1965
- NDEA Institute - Book lists, 1965
- NDEA Institute - Book reviews, 1965
- NDEA Institute - Brochures from various institutes, 1965
- NDEA Institute - Budget, 1965
- NDEA Institute - Class schedule cards, 1965
Box 23
Folder, Description
- NDEA Institute - Correspondence, 1965
- NDEA Institute - Educational Concepts - Articles, 1964
- NDEA Institute - Fee waiver cards, 1965
- NDEA Institute - Films (lists), 1965
- NDEA Institute - Final report, 1965
- NDEA Institute - Final report materials, Jul. 19 - Aug. 28, 1965
- NDEA Institute - Final report materials, Jul. 21 - 28, 1967
- NDEA Institute - Library vacancies, 1964-65
- NDEA Institute - Master lists, 1965
- NDEA Institute - Materials ordered; Brochures, 1964-65
- NDEA Institute - Materials requested A-L, 1965
- NDEA Institute - Materials requested M-Z, 1965
- NDEA Institute - Personnel, local, 1965
- NDEA Institute - Program, original copy, 1965
- NDEA Institute - Publicity, 1965
- NDEA Institute - Publicity releases, 1965
- NDEA Institute - Receipts for coffee hour, 1965
- NDEA Institute - Record albums (lists), 1965
- NDEA Institute - Samples; Newsletters on children's books, 1965
- NDEA Institute - Social Studies; Correspondence, 1965
- NDEA Institute - Television, 1965
- NDEA Institute - Texts; Correspondence, 1965
- NDEA Institute - Travel expenses, 1965
- NDEA Institute - Vocational information, 1967
- Needs for University Development, 1967
- Negro Recruitment, 1965-66
- New Student Program - Correspondence, 1963
- Newman Center - Correspndence, 1961-66
- News releases, 1971-79
- Newsletter, Alumni - Catalyst, v. 1, no. 1-4, 1971
- Newsletter, Alumni - Open Entry, 1968-1968
- Newsletter, Alumni - Potpourii, 1949-Fall 1969
- Newsletter, Alumni - Restricted Circulation, 1949-66
- Newspaper & Mass Media Workshop #1, Jul. 29-Aug. 8, 1968
- Newspaper & Mass Media Workshop #1, Jul. 29-Aug. 8, 1968p #2, Jul. 29-Aug. 8, 1968
- Newspaper & Mass Media Workshop , 1971
- Newspaper & Mass Media Workshop - Articles , 1971
- Newspaper & Mass Media Workshop - Correspondence, 1970-71
- Newspaper Clippings, 1985
- Notice of Faculty Vacancies, 1968-69
- Notice of Student Withdrawals, 1959
Box 24
Folder, Description
- OCLC Terminals - Articles; Installation instructions, 1978-79
- OCLC Terminals - Correspondence, 1978-80
- OLA Arrangements, 1970-76
- Off-Campus Instruction Plan, 1975-77
- Off-Campus Programs, 1978-79
- Office of the V.P. for Academic and Student Affairs - Minutes of Council of Academic Deans; Misc. material, 1969
- Office of the V.P. for Academic and Student Affairs - Minutes of Council of Academic Deans; Correspondence, Aug. - Dec. 1978
- Office of the Provost & V.P. for Academic and Student Affairs - Minutes of Council of Academic Deans; Correspondence, Jan. - Feb. 1979
- Office of the Provost & V.P. for Academic and Student Affairs - Minutes of Council of Academic Deans; Correspondence, Mar. - June 1979
- Office of the Provost & V.P. for Academic and Student Affairs - Minutes of Council of Academic Deans; Misc., Jul. -Sep. 1979
- Office of the Provost & V.P. for Academic and Student Affairs - Minutes of Council of Academic Deans; Correspondence, Oct. 1979
- Office of the Provost & V.P. for Academic and Student Affairs - Minutes of Council of Academic Deans; Sabbatical Leave (draft), Nov. - Dec. 1979
- Office of the Provost & V.P. for Academic and Student Affairs - Minutes of Council of Academic Deans; Misc. material; Sabbatical Policy (draft), Jan. 1980
- Office of the Provost & V.P. for Academic and Student Affairs - Minutes of Council of Academic Deans, Feb. 1980
- Office of the Provost & V.P. for Academic and Student Affairs - Minutes of Council of Academic Deans, Apr. 1980
- Office of the Provost & V.P. for Academic and Student Affairs - Minutes of Council of Academic Deans, May - Jul. 1980
- Office of the Provost & V.P. for Academic and Student Affairs - Minutes of Council of Academic Deans and Regional Campuses; Correspondence, Sep. - Nov. 1980
- Office of the Provost & V.P. for Academic and Student Affairs - Minutes of Council of Academic Deans and Regional Campuses; Correspondence, Nov. - Dec. 1980
- Office of the Provost & V.P. for Academic and Student Affairs - Minutes of Council of Academic Deans and Regional Campuses; Correspondence, Jan. - Apr. 1981
- Office of the Provost & V.P. for Academic and Student Affairs - Minutes of Council of Academic Deans and Regional Campuses; Correspondence, Mar. - Jul, 1981
- Office of the Provost & V.P. for Academic and Student Affairs - Minutes of Council of Academic Deans and Regional Campuses; Correspondence, Aug. - Dec. 1981
- Office of the Provost & V.P. for Academic and Student Affairs - Minutes of Council of Academic Deans and Regional Campuses; Correspondence, 1982
- Ohio Association for Higher Education (Kent State Chapter), 1972-74, some n.d.
- Ohio Campus Disruption Act, 1975
- Ohio College Association - Annual Directory, 1960/61-1962/63
- Ombudsman for Faculty, 1969
- Ombudsman for Students - Correspondence; Annual report, 1971-76
- Oral Examination Announcements - Memos, 1958-68
- Oral Examination Records - Memos, 1955-59
- Orientation Letter, 1971-84
Box 25
Folder, Description
- Parking & Traffic, 1967-71
- Parking & Traffic - Correspondence, 1972-79
- Payment Requisitions, 1968
- Payment Requisitions, 1969
- Payment Requisitions, 1970
- Payroll Printouts, 1969-71
- Personnel, Non-Academic, 1963-69
- Personnel, Non-Academic (includes policies & procedures, 1970-75
- Personnel, Non-Academic - Cook, Cynthia L. (Allen); sick leave, vacation forms, 1969-71
- Personnel, Non-Academic - Rosenberg, Carolyn, 1968-71
- Personnel, Non-Academic -Sheaffer, Lizabeth C., 1974-75
- Personnel, Non-Academic -Stillbower, Linda; leave forms, 1971
- Personnel Committee - Correspondence; Articles, 1972
- Personnel Committee - Correspondence, 1973
- Personnel Committee - Report of the Ad Hoc Personnel Committee (draft and final copy), June 1973
- Petty Cash, 1971
- Physics - Correspondence, 1962
- Placement, 1974
- Placement - BFGoodrich interviews, Feb. 8, 1974
- Placement - Reports, 1973
- Placement - Salaries (Library School Grads), 1970
- Placement, Bureau of, 1960-67
- Placement Data, 1960
- Placement Service - Forms; Misc., 1967
- Planning & Analysis, 1969
- Planning Committee - Minutes; Memos, 1968-69
- Policies - Research Time Support (draft); Taking classes, 1986, 1984
- Political Science - Proposal, 1966
- Portteus, Elnora M. - Travel expense reports, 1963, 1965
- Position in Information Science - Correspondence, 1982-83
- Poster Material, 198?
- Pre-College Exhibits - Correspondence, 1961
- President Bowman - Correspondence; Bulletins, 1961-62
- President of Student Body - Bill Slocum, 1971
- President Olds - Correspondence, 1971-73
- President Olds - Correspondence, 1974-76
- President White - Correspondence, 1963-66
Box 26
Folder, Description
- President White - Correspondence, 1967-69
- President White - Correspondence, 1970-71
- Priorities - Correspondence; Articles, 1970-71
- Priorities - Correspondence, 1972-73
- "Profile of a Magazine" by Virginia L. Allison - Correspondence 1968
- "Profile of a Magazine" by Virginia L. Allison - Galleys (pt. 1), 1968
- "Profile of a Magazine" by Virginia L. Allison - Galleys (pt. 2), 1968
- Program and Policy Proposal - Revision (draft), Sep. 1985
- Program Combination - Courses & Credit hours, n.d.
- Program of International Partnerships, 1975/76
- Program Review, 1978-80
- Program Review - Proposal; Correspondence, 1974-78
- Program Review - Report of the Committee on Internal Graduate Review, 1980
- Promotion Committee, 1970-71
- Proposal for the Venture Fund by Clara Jackson, 1973
- Prospective Faculty, 1965-69
- Prospective Faculty, 1972-73
- Prospective Faculty, 1974-79
- Public Events, 1962-69
- Public Events - Correspondence, 1971-75
- Public Library Finance and Support Committee - Adequacy Testimony (A-N), 1984
- Public Library Finance and Support Committee - Adequacy Testimony (O-Z), 1984
- Public Library Finance and Support Committee - Correspondence, Mar-Apr, 1984
- Public Library Finance and Support Committee - Correspondence, May-Jul., 1984
Box 27
Folder, Description
- Public Library and Financing and Support Committee - Correspondence, Aug. 1984
- Public Library and Financing and Support Committee - Correspondence, Sep.-Dec. 1984
- Public Library and Financing and Support Committee - Correspondence, Jan.-Apr. 1985
- Public Library and Financing and Support Committee - Correspondence on Distribution, 1983-84
- Public Library and Financing and Support Committee - Cuyahoga County Public Library Systems. Allocation of Intangibles Tax Revenues, Apr. 1983
- Public Library and Financing and Support Committee - Cuyahoga County Public Library Systems. Allocation of Intangibles Tax Revenues. Dissenting Report, May 1983
- Public Library and Financing and Support Committee - General background - Correspondence, 1983
- Public Library and Financing and Support Committee - Intangibles Distribution - Correspondence, 1978
- Public Library and Financing and Support Committee - Intangibles Distribution - Correspondence, 1979
- Public Library and Financing and Support Committee - Intangibles Distribution - Correspondence, 1982-83
- Public Library and Financing and Support Committee - Minutes/Agendas, 1982/83
- Public Library and Financing and Support Committee - Miscellaneous, 1984
- Public Library and Financing and Support Committee - Miscellaneous, 1985
- Public Library and Financing and Support Committee - Miscellaneous, n.d.
- Public Library and Financing and Support Committee - Testamonies - Distribution of Library Funding, 1984
- Public Library Inquiry - Questionnaire, n.d.
- Public Library Performance Project - 1st Narrative Report, Dec. 31, 1984
- Public Library Performance Project - 3rd Narrative Report, Sep. 24, 1985
- Publications, 1966-71
- Publications - Deposit & receipts, Jan. 1973
- Publications - Faculty listing, 1968
- Publications - Income, 1970-71
- Publications - Misc., 1968-69
- Publications - Misc., 1973
- Publications - Order problems, 1972-73
- Publications - P.O.'s ok'd, 1970
- Publications - Proof - Misc., 1969-71
- Publications - Request orders - Misc., 1969-71
Box 28
Folder, Description
- Publications - Request orders, 1972-73
- Publicity, 1960-69
- Publicity - Vormelker, n.d.
- Publicity Notices, 1956
- Purchase Requisitions, Aug. 1967
- Purchase Requisitions, Sep.-Nov. 1967
- Purchase Requisitions, Dec.1967-Jan. 1968
- Purchase Requisitions, Feb.-Mar. 1968
- Purchase Requisitions (Never appeared on printout), Jul-Aug, Oct. 1968
- Purchase Requisitions, Apr.-Oct, Dec. 1968
- Purchase Requisitions - Bookstore, 1968
- Purchase Requisitions - Prentice Hall, 1969
- Purchasing, 1957-68
- Purchasing - Correspondence; Manual of Purchasing Policies and Procedures, 1979
- Quadrennial Review, 1965
- Qualifying Exam, 1950-60
- RLIN (Research Libraries Information Network), 1988
- Reception for Dr. Marco, 1966
- Receipts and Statements, 1967-68
- Receiving Reports, 1961-69
- Recruiters, 1963-70
- Recruiting Interview, 1969-77
- Recruiting Letters, 1968-69
- Recruitment - Departmental letters for personalized recruiting, 1971-77
- Reference Workshop - A. Robert Rogers, Apr. 25-27 and May 16-18, 1979
- Referral Service Network, 1967-68
- Regional Campuses, 1962-67
- Regional Campuses, 1968-69
- Regional Campuses, 1970-71
- Regional Campuses - Minutes - Regional Campuses Deans' Meeting; Correspondence, 1977-80
- Regional Campuses - Minutes - Regional Campus Deans' Meeting; Correspondence, 1981-83
- Registrar's Office - Correspondence and Course Lists, 1960-61
- Registrar's Office - Correspondence and Course Lists, 1962-63
Box 29
Folder, Description
- Registrar's Office - Correspondence, 1964-67
- Registrar's Office - Correspondence, 1968-71
- Registration - Announcements; Correspondence, 1948-85
- Registration Books for Library Science (Summer-Fall), 1958
- Registration Books for Library Science (Spring-Summer), 1959
- Relocation of the School - Proposal, n.d.
- Request for Reference - Sample letter, 1950
- Research, 1970-79
- Research Assistantships, 1984
- Research Center, 1963-69
- Research Council, 1967-69
- Research Grant - Correspondence, 1984/85
- Research Grant Reports, 1985
- Research Grant Study - Ashtabula, 1985
- Research Office - Correspondence, 1971-79
- Residence Halls, 1971
- Resource Analysis and Planning - Correspondence, 1978-79
- Review Demands Analysis, 1971
- Revision Committee - Printer Deadline, Feb. 1971
- Revision Committee, 1971/72-1972/73
- Roark, Terry , V.P. - Correspondence, 1983-86
- Romance Languages and Classics, 1964-68
- ROTC, Aug.-Sep. 1970
- ROTC, Nov.-Dec. 1970
- ROTC, Jan.-Jun. 1971
- SLS Affirmative Action Plan, 1974-75
- SLS Budget, 1974-75
- SLS Collections, Annual reports, vf, Acquisition lists, 1968-69
- SLS Summer Budged, 1975-77
- Scholarship Fund, 1960-70
- School Library Workshop, 1960-69
- School Library Workshop, 1971
- School Library Workshop, 1972-79
Box 30
Folder, Description
- School of Music, 1965-70
- School of Music - Doctoral Proposal, 1971
- School of Music - Quadrennia Review, 1965/66
- School of Speech, 1961-62
- Scranton Commission, 1970
- Search Committee for Acting Dean of Graduate College - Correspondence, Oct. 1979
- Search Committee for Acting Dean of Graduate College - Correspondence, Nov.-Dec. 1979
- Security Office, 1962-67
- Semester Conversion - Basic Data Sheets, 1978/79
- Semester Conversion - Correspondence and Minutes, 1978
- Semester Conversion - Correspondence and Minutes, 1979
- Seminar in Popular Reading (Course 550), 1966-67
- Shera, Jesse - List of books in Shera's office, n.d.
- Sidney L. Jackson Award - Certificates, 1966
- Sidney L. Jackson Award - Burgdorf, Randolph, Feb. 27, 1985
- Sidney L. Jackson Award - Daubenspeck, Pamela R., Feb. 20, 1984
- Sidney L. Jackson Award - Garrison, Bernie J., 1987
- Sidney L. Jackson Award - Kohnhorst, Ellen M., 1981
- Sidney L. Jackson Award - Neff, Linda S., Feb. 8, 1980
- Sidney L. Jackson Award - Reynolds, Glenna, Spring 1983
- Sidney L. Jackson Award - Savage, Scott, Mar. 1, 1982
- Sixth Year Program, 1968
- Sixth Year Program, 1971
- Sixth Year Program - Correspondence; Articles, 1972-79
- Speakers, 1950-58
- Special Events, 1965-70
- Special Programs, College of, (George Melnykovich, Dean) - Correspondence,1972-75
- Special Programs, College of, (George Melnykovich, Dean) - Correspondence, Special Programs, Workshops and Institutions - Requests for Proposasl, Misc. memos,1976-79
- Special Programs, Workshops and Institutions - Requests for Proposasl, Misc. memos,1976-79
- State Library Grant - Proposal material, 1984
- State Library Grant - Proposal , 1984
- State Library Grant - Summit County Public Libraryies - Memos; Correspondence, 1982-85
- State Research Grant - Correspondence, 1981
- State Research Grant - Correspondence, 1982
- State Research Grant - Financial statements; Correspondence, 1981
Box 31
Folder, Description
- Student Academic Services (Thomas Korllos) - Correspondence, 1974-75
- Student Academic Services (Thomas Korllos) - Correspondence, 1977
- Student Academic Services (Thomas Korllos) - Correspondence, 1978
- Student Activities - Correspondence, 1962; List of student organizations,1961,
- Student Activities Board - List of recognized student organizations, 1967
- Student Conduct Programs, 1968
- Student Directories, 1960-64
- Student Directories, 1965-67
- Student Directories, 1968-69
- Student Employment, 1966-69
- Student Employment, 1969-71
- Student Employment, 1972-79
- Student Employment - Trocchio, Susan, 1972
- Student Evaluations, Spring 1969
- Student/Faculty Directory, 1959-60
- Student/Faculty Directory, 1963
- Student/Faculty Directory, 1964
- Student/Faculty Directory, 1965
- Student/Faculty Directory, 1966
- Student/Faculty Directory, 1967
- Student/Faculty Directory, 1968
- Student/Faculty Directory, 1969
- Student/Faculty Directory, 1970
- Student/Faculty Directory, 1971
- Student/Faculty Directory, 1972
- Student Financial Aids, 1965-69
- Student Interviews - Correspondence, 1956
- Student List - Qualifying exam, 1951-63
- Student Workers Manual, 1969
- Summer Lecture Series, 1965
- Summer Modular Scheduling, 1975-77
- Supply Center, 1964-65
- Survey of Library Education Programs, 1962-63
- Survey of Specialities - Correspondence; Surveys, 1985
- "Table of Contents" - An informal guide to the Library School, 1968/69-70/71
- "Table of Contents" - Revision Task Force on Developments in Library and Information Science, 1983/84
- Task Force on Developments in Library and Information Science, 1983/84
- Teaching the Use of Books and Libraries (Course) - Correspondence, 1951-56
- Technology, School of, 1960
- Terminal Records, 1968-69
- Thesis - Approval letter (Sample), 1950-55
- Thesis Topics - Kent Research Group; Titles of Theses completed at Kent State University..., 1951; list, 1956; Bibliography - Univ. of Chicago, 1930-45
- Thesis Writing Guide - "Guide for Faculty Advisors"; "Some Guiding Principles...", n.d.
Box 32
Folder, Description
- Traffic Code, 1962,63
- Travel Expenses, 1988
- Travel Expenses - Approvals, 1960-63
- Travel Requisitions, 1968
- Treasurer's Office, 1961-67
- Turnarounds, 1976-77
- USOE Fellowship, 1977/78
- USOE Fellowship - Payments, 1977/78
- USOE Fellowship, 1978/79
- USOE Fellowship - Correspondence, 1978/79
- USOE Fellowship - Expenditures, 1978/79
- USOE Fellowship - Proposal, 1978/79
- USOE Fellowship, 1979/80
- USOE Fellowship, 1979/80-80/81
- USOE Fellowship - Expenditures, 1979/82
- USOE Fellowship - Proposal, 1982/83
- USOE Fellowship - Proposal; Expenditures, 1983/84
- USOE Fellowship - Possibilities, 1984
- USOE Fellowship - Proposal, 1984/85
- USOE Fellowship - Possibilities, 1985/86
- USOE Fellowship - Report Forms, 1965-71
- Undergraduate Award, 1965
- Undergraduate - List of majors and minors, 1947-50, '56
- Undergraduate Minor - Correspondence, 1961
- University Architecture, 1964-68
- University Courses - Information, 1954
- University Editor - Correspondence, 1961-63
- University Information - Maps, etc., 1967-71
- University Library Bulletin, #1, 1965
- University News Service, 1960-71
- University Plane Travel Arrangements, 1969-72
- University Press, 1964-65
- University Relations, 1966
- University School, 1961-68
- Urban Regionalism, Center for 1963-65
- Vice President and Dean of Faculties - Correspondence, 1968-69
- Vice President and Provost - John L. Kamerick, 1965
- Vice President and Provost - John L. Kamerick, 1966
- Vice President and Provost - F. Leslie Speir, 1967
- Vice President for Academic Affairs - Correspondence, Memos, 1963-65
Box 33
Folder, Description
- Vice President for Academic Affairs - Correspondence, 1978-79
- Vice President for Academic Affairs - Research Time Grants, 1960-67
- Vice President for Administration, 1970-72
- Vice President for Business, 1962-71
- Vice President for Student Affairs, 1963-65
- Vice President Roskens, 1964-66
- Vice President Snyder's Planning Data, 1978
- Wilcuma - 5 issues, n.d.
- Workshop "School Library Tells It's Story: A workshop in public relations" - Correspondence; Purchase orders, 1959
- Workshop Budgets, 1973-75
- Autograph Book - Alumni Reunions 1978, 1981-84
- Guest book - Alumni, 1970-77
- AALS (Association of American Library Schools), 1970-74
- AALS, 1975-77
- AALS, 1978-79
- ALA (American Library Association), 1951-58
- ALA; "Standards for Accreditation"; "Statement of Interpretation, 1961-63
- ALA, 1964-65
- ALA, 1973-76
- ALA, 1977-79
- ALA - Membership renewal (Neal L. Edgar), 1968
- ALA Awards Committee, 1967
- ALA Bulletin, 1969
- ALA Committee on Accreditation, 1970-71
- ALA Committee on Accreditation, 1971-72
- ALA Committee on Equivalencies - Summary report; ALA/LED Equivalencies and Reciprocity Committee, 1969
- ALA Education Division, 1964-68
- ALA Education Division - "Procedure Manual..." preliminary and secondary drafts, 1963; 1969
- ALA International Relations Committee, 1970-71
- ALA International Relations Committee, 1978-79
Box 34
Folder, Description
- ALA International Relations Office, 1965-69
- ALA International Relations Round Table - "Report from the IRRT Committee on Bylaws", n.d.
- ALA Library Education Division, 1971-79
- ALA Library Personnel, 1973-79
- ALA Membership Committee, 1965-79/80
- ALA News, 1966-67
- ALA Nominating Committee, 1962
- ALA Office of Intellectual Freedom, 1969
- ALA Office of Intellectual Freedom, 1970-80
- ALA Office for Research and Development, 1965-66
- ALA Publishing Dept., 1966-67
- ALA Reference Services Divisions Committee, 1971-77
- ALA Research and Development Committee, 1971-77
- ALA Social Responsibilities of Librarians Round Table, 1969-78
- ALA/LED Asia Foundations Grants1963-78
- ALA/LED International Library Education Committee, 1974-77
- Abeline Public Library, 1965-66
- Adjunct Professor; Handbooks from Univ. of Colorado, Pittsburgh, and Columbia Univ., 1973
- Akron Art Institute, 1963
- Akron Beacon Journal, 1962-81
- Akron Public Library, 1960-69
- Akron Public Schools, 1966-68
- Akron Symphony Women's Committee, Dec. 12, 1965
- Akron, University of, 1961
- Akron, University of, 1965-68
- Alabama, University, 1971-79
- Alabama Public Library Service, 1964
- Alberta, University of, 1966
- Allegheny County, Community College of, 1966-67
- American Association of Law Libraries, 1963-64
- American Association of Library Schools, 1963-69
- American Association of Library Schools. Research Committee, 1970-771
- American Association of Library Schools. Research Committee, 1972-73
- American Association of School Librarians - List of State School Library Supervisors, 1966-67
- American Association of School Librarians (AASL), 1970-79
- American Association of State Libraries, 1967
- American Association of University Professors, 1966-70
- American Historical Association, n.d.
- American Institute of Physics, 1964
- American Libraries, 1970-79
- American Musicological Society - Meeting agendas; Minutes, 1953-69
- American Peoples Library, 1965-66
- American Society for Information Sciences, 1968
- American Theology Library Association, 1965
- Anken Chemical & Film Corp., 1961
- Antioch College, 1968
- Archives - Misc. materials, 1982
- Argonne National Laboratory, 1967
- Arizona State University, 1966-69
- Armed Services Information, 1963
- Arno Inc., 1967
- Articulation Committee, Feb-Jun 1980
- Articulation Committee, Jul-Sep 1980
- Ashland Public Library, 1960
- Aspects of Librarianship, 1956
- Aspects of Librarianship, 1958
- Association of College & Research Libraries, 1962-69
- Atlanta University, 1965-67
- Ayers, Hon. William, 1965
- Babcock & Wilcox Corp., 1965-66
- Baldwin Wallace College, 1964-68
- Baltimore County Board of Education, Jan 11. 1966
- Baltimore, University of, 1971-80
- Barnes & Noble, Inc., 1961-62
- Bibliographical Society, British Museum, Jan 23, 1964
- Bibliographical Society, University of Virginia, 1961-62
- Blackwell's, 1962-66
- Bowker Annual, 1961-68
- British Museum, 1965-66
- Brooklyn College, 1963
- Buffalo & Erie County Public Library, 1964, 1966
Box 35
Folder, Description
- California, University of Berkeley, 1962-78
- California, University of Berkeley, 1963
- Calligraphy Studio, 1976-79
- Camden County College, 1970
- Canton Public Schools, 1960
- Carbondale, University of Southern Illinois at, 1980
- Carnegie Institute of Technology, 1967
- Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh - "Carnegie Library School Alumni Association News Notes", Jun 15, 1963
- Case, Robert, 1965-68
- Case Western Reserve, 1970-71
- Case Western Reserve, 1973-74
- Catholic University of America, 1969-77
- Center for International & Comparative Programming - Proposals, 1973
- Center for International & Comparative Programming - Proposals, 1974-79
- Central Intelligence Agency, 1962
- Central Michigan University, 1963
- Central National Bank of Cleveland, 1962
- Chait, William, 1967-68
- Chandler, George - International Library Review, 1971-73
- Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine, 1979
- Chicago Public Library, 1964-79
- Chicago State College, 1963-68
- Chicago, University of, 1961
- Chicago, University of, 1964-80
- Chico State College (Chico, CA), 1962, 1967
- Children's Press, 1962
- Church & Snyagogue Library Association, 1969-70
- Cincinnati, Public Library of, and Hamilton County, 1961-79
- Cincinnati, University of, 1962-69
- Cincinnati Public Schools, 1960-68
- Citizen Ambassador Travel Program, 1968
- Citizen's Task Force Report on Higher Education - Statement and Response, Sep. 1974
- City University of New York - including Newsletter, 1971-73, 1979
- Classics of Librarianship, 1964-65
- Cleveland Foundation, 1979
- Cleveland Institute of Music, 1968-74
- Cleveland Press, 1971-75
- Cleveland Public Library, 1970-80
- Cleveland Public Library Merger - Newspaper articles, 1970-71
- Cleveland Public Schools, 1965-76
- Clyke, Kurt, 1969
- Coe College, Aug. 16, 1967
- Colorado State College, 1962-66
- Columbia University - Research Reports (by students relating to Vietnam, Cambodia), 1960
- Columbus College of Art & Design, 1960
- Commercial Press, Jan. 3, 1969
- Conference for Ohio L. S. Teachers (1966), 1965-66
- Conference for Ohio L. S. Teachers (1967) - Reservations, 1967
- Continuing Education - Non-university file, 1978
- Continuing Library Education Network & Exchange, 1976-77
- Cooperative College Registry, 1965
- Council of National Library Associations, 1964-68
- Council of National Library Association - "A Report on Library School Placement Activities and Interests.."; Minutes, 1963
- Creager, John, 1963-71
- Crowell - Collier Publishing Co., 1961-62
- Cuyahoga Community College, 1966-67
- Cuyahoga Community College - Library Technology, 1969
- Cuyahoga Community College - Library Technology, 1970-73
- Cuyahoga County Public Library, 1961-69
- Cuyahoga County Public Library, 1970-79
- Cuyahoga County School District, 1961
- Cuyahoga Falls, City of, 1966-68
- Cuyahoga Falls Public Library, 1966
- Cuyahoga Falls Public Schools, 1965-67
- Dalhousie University, 1971-79
- Dana, John Cotton, 1968-71
- Dartmouth College, 1965
- Dayton, University of, 1971-79
- Dayton and Montgomery County Public Library, 1961-79
- Delta College, Michigan, 1961
- Delta Omincron, 1967
- Denis, Laurent G., 1969
- Denoyer - Geppert Company, 1961
- Denver, University of, 1962-78
Box 36
Folder, Description
- Des Moines School District, 1961
- Detroit Public Library, 1960-68
- Dewey, Harry, n.d.
- Dewey Award, Dec. 1, 1965
- Drexel Institute of Technology - Notices "For Immediate Release", 1964-67
- DuBois Book Store, 1965-67
- Dutton-Macrae Award, 1967
- East Palestine High School (Ohio), 1952
- Edison Voice Writer, 1970
- Educational Activities, Inc., 1972
- Educational Testing Service, 1967-68
- Educational Testing Service, 1971-79
- Embassy of the Kingdom of Libya, Jul. 20, 1967
- Encyclopedia Americana, 1961
- Encyclopedia of Library & Information Science, 1967-75
- Environment Information Center, n.d.
- Escuela Inter-Americana de Bibliotecologia (Columbia), 1961
- Extension Work, 1953
- Fiji, Library Service of, 1969
- Findlay College, 1965-66
- Firestone Tire & Rubber Company, 1961, 1966
- Florida State University, 1959-69
- Fresno County Free Library, Feb. 1968
- Frostburg State College, 1961, 1965
- Fuldheim, Dorothy, 1966
- Gardiner, George, May 5, 1969
- Gaver, Mary Virginia - Article, "Masters of the Raging Book", n.d.
- General Correspondence, 1956-57
- General Correspondence, 1958
- General Correspondence, 1959
- General Tire & Rubber Company, 1969
- George, Corrine, 1963-65
- German Consulate, Cleveland, Ohio, 1963
- German Consulate, Cleveland, Ohio, 1965
- Germany, Federal Republic of, 1973-77
- Ghana Library Association, 1965-76
- Girard Free Library, 1961
- Gittings, Barbara, n.d.
- Goodman, Marcia B.,1965
- Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, Feb. 1961
- Goskin, Ida, 1964
- Graduate Record Examination, 1964-65
- Graduate Record Examination - Newsletters; Misc. , 1964-69
- Graphic Systems, Inc., 1970
- Grazier, Virinia (Summer Faculty), 1966-68
- Greenwood Press, Inc., 1977
- Grolier - Americana Scholarship Award, 1961-65
- Guest Lecturers, 1965-66
- Hardin, Mary - Baylor College, 1963
- Harrison, K. D., 1968-78
- Harvard Summer School - Brochures, 1963
- Harvard University Library, 1965-72
- Hawaii, University of, Feb.- Mar. 1965
- Hayashi, Tetsumaro, 1964-66
- Heintz, Edward, 1964, 1966
- Hill, George, 1966
- Hinds, Lillian (Summer Faculty), 1965
- Hiram College, June 16, 1967
- Home-study Courses, 1964
- Hubbard, Mary S., 1963
- Hudson Library & Historical Society, 1973-79
- Hulbert, Helen (Spring Faculty), 1964
- IFLA - IFLA Standards, 1970-79
- Ibadan, University of, 1965-76
- Idaho State Library, 1964-65
- Idaho, University of, 1966
- Illinois, University of, 1961-69
- Indiana State Library, 1962
- Indiana State Library, Jan. 8, 1965
- Indiana University, 1966-67
- Indiana University; University of Cincinnati, 1984-85
- Institute of International Education, 1967-70
- Inter-American University of Puerto Rico, 1966-68
- International Library School, 1967
- International Library School, 1968
- International Programs - Meeting notes, Sept. 16, 1968
- Iowa, State University of, 1964-68
- Iowa University, 1966-67
- Jersey City State College, 1963
- Jersey City State Library, 1963
- Journal of Academic Librarianship, 1979
- Journal of Education for Librarianship, 1964-72
- Journal of Library History, 1966-67
- Kalamazoo Public Library, 1966
- Kansas City Public Library, 1963-66
- Kansas Research Group, 1961-63
- Kansas State Teachers College, 1961, 1963
- Kansas State University, 1966
- Kappa Delta Pi, 1964
- Kent Council on World Affairs, Oct. 25, 1965
- Kent Free Library, 1961-62
- Kent Free Library, 1965-76
- Kent Public Schools, Aug. 1, 1966
- Kentucky, University of, 1960-69
- Knapp School Manpower Project, 1968-70
Box 37
- Lakewood Public Library, 1964-71
- Lancor, Harold, 1970-73
- Legislation, Federal (pt. 1), 1979-82
- Legislation, Federal (pt. 2), 1979-82
- Libraries Unlimited, Inc., 1970-80
- Library Association (England), 1974-77
- Library Careers - Proposals, 1967-71
- Library Careers - Second year report, 1968-69
- Library Development Consultants, 1979
- Library Journal, 1958-67
- Library Journal, 1970-78
- Library Literature - Research Paper Report Form; Thesis and Dissertation Report Form, 1978-79
- Library of Congress, 1962-63
- Library of Congress, 1963-83
- Library Quarterly, 1958-68
- Library Quarterly, 1970-76
- "Library Statistics of Colleges and University" - Article from Time Magazine , Sept. 3, 1965
- Library Trends - Articles; Correspondence (pt. 1), 1970-74
- Library Trends - Articles; Correspondence (pt. 2), 1970-74
- Library Trends - Articles; Correspondence (pt. 3), 1970-74
- Lima Public Library, 1966
- London, Gertrude J. (Perspective Faculty) - Articles, 1969
- Long Island University, 1968-79
- Louisiana State University, 1973
- Manpower Background, 1969-70
- Manpower in Ohio, 1970-72
- Manpower Research Program - Student questionnaire, 1967-70
Box 38
Folder, Description
- Mandel, George, 1965
- Mansfield Public Library, 1964-66
- Map Libraries (list of), 1961
- Marago, John - Personal data form, 1967-67
- Marchant, Maurice - Personnel application, 1969
- Marder, Louis, 1964
- Markus Foundation, 1969
- Maryland, University of, 1963-69
- Maryland, University of - "A Statement of Facts in Response to Allegations Made by Margaret Chisholm..." 1971-80
- Massillon Public Library, 1966-67
- Maxwell Scientific International, 1962-63
- Mayfield Heights School, Cleveland, 1960
- McCluskey, Jean, 1963-64
- McClurg, A. C. and Company, 1965
- McGill University, 1966-79
- McKinnon, Larry, 1966
- Medical Library Association, 1963-67
- Medical Library Association, 1973-79
- Medieval Music, Institute of, Brochures, Correspondence, 1960
- Merrill, Charles E., Books, Inc., 1961
- Meshed, University of Iran, 1974-75
- Miami-Dade Junior College - Correspondence, Bulletin, Misc., 1964-67
- Michigan Department of Education, 1968-70
- Michigan State Library, 1963
- Michigan, University of. School of Library Science - Newsletter; Dean's Report to the Alumni, Annual reports of the School of Library Science, 1961-79
- Micro Photo, Inc. - Price lists, 1961-62
- Microcard Series, 1967
- Mid-Day Club, 1961
- Midwest Federation of Library Associations, 1975-79
- Milwaukee Public Library, 1964-65
- Miscellaneous, 1965
- Miscellaneous, 1968
- Miscellaneous, 1969
- Miscellaneous, 1970-84
- Miscellaneous, 1985
- Miscellaneous, n.d.
- Missouri Library Association, 1966-69
- Mount Union College, 1960-63
- Music Library Association - Membership lists, 1956-68
- Music Library Association, 1970-73
- Musical Quarterly, 1964-67
- NCA (North Central Association) - Basic Institutional Data Report material, 1968
- NDEA Proposal, 1966
- NORASIS, 1978-79
- NSF Grant, Kantor; NSF Proposal, 1977
- Nagar, Murai - Personnel file
- Nathaniel Dame & Co., 1962
- National Association of State University and Land Grant Colleges - "Statement on Student-Faculty-Administrative Relationships", Nov. 1969
- National Commission on Accrediting - List of Accrediting Agencies, 1967
- National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education, 1963
- National Information Service, 1965-79
- National Library Week, 1966-67
- National Science Foundation, 1972-79
- New Bremen Schools, 1967-68
- New Orleans Public Library, 1965
- Newberry Library - History, 1965-70
- Newspaper Clippings, 1963-68
- New York, City University of, 1963
- New York, University of the State of, 1961
- Niedersachsische Staats-Und Universitatsbibliotek Gottingen, 1969
- North Carolina, University of, 1976-78
- Northeastern Ohio Teachers' Association - Newsletter; Convention programs, 1960-61
- Northwestern University, 1973-78
- Nyren, Karl, 1963
- Oberlin College, 1972-79
- Oberlin College Library, 1961-67
- Occasional Papers, 1956-60
- Ohio. Dept. of Education, 1965-78
- Ohio. Dept. of Teacher Education, 1976-79
- Ohio, State Library of, 1960-69
- Ohio, State Library of, 1972-75
- Ohio, State Library of- Correspondence; Calendars, 1976-79
- Ohio, State of. Board of Control, 1972-75
Box 39
Folder, Description
- Ohio Association of Law Libraries, 1964
- Ohio Association of School Librarians - Conference materials; Correspondence, 1962-68
- Ohio Association of School Librarians Bulletin, 1970-75
- Ohio Board of Regnts - Ohio Master Plan (Draft; Board of Directors minutes (Apr. 6, 1967), 1970-72
- Ohio College Library Center (OCLC) - Newsletter, (#111, 113-114); Correspondence, 1967-79
- Ohio Dominican College, 1967-78; n.d.
- Ohio Educational Library/Media Association (OLEMA) - Conference Materials; Correspondence, 1979
- Ohio Library Association - Misc., 1962-66
- Ohio Library Association - Library Education Round Table; OLA Conference pamphlets, 1962-70
- Ohio Library Association - Ohio Library Association. College and University Round Table Newsletter (Fall 1968); OLA Conference Material, 1967-69
- Ohio Library Association - Correspondence; OLA Procedures (1972), 1970-73
- Ohio Library Association, 1974-79
- Ohio Library Association, 1982-84
- Ohio Library Association - Round Up; Handbook, #25 (n.d.), 1961
- Ohio Library Association - "Survey of Ohio Libraries and State Library Services" - Final draft, 1967
- Ohio Library Association. Bulletin, 1960-79
- Ohio Library Association. Library Development Committee, 1967-69
- Ohio Library Association. Library Development Committee - Correspondence; Minutes; Misc. reports, 1966-70
- Ohio Library Association. Library Development Committee - Correspondence; Job descriptions; Ohio Library Development Plan, 1970; May 17-24, 1968
- Ohio Library Association. Library Development Council - Report, n.d.
- Ohio Library Association. Recruitment Committee, 1967-68
- Ohio Library Trustees Association
- (Ohio) State Library. Scholarships, 1965
- Ohio State University, 1961-68
- Ohio State University, 1973-79
- Ohio Student Librarian Association, 1978
- Ohio Tuberculosis & Health Association, 1963
- Ohio University, 1969-79
- Olding, R. K., 1967
- Oklahoma, University of, 1962
- Oklahoma, University of, 1969-79
- Olmstead Fallls Local School District, 1961
- Organization of American States, 1971-74
- Orwell Public Library, 1960
- Ottawa, University of, 1961-67
- Ottawa, University of, 1970-79
- Pahlavi University, 1965-73
- Pahlavi University, 1974-79
- Pakistan Library Association, 1973
- Parents' Institute, 1961
- Parma Public Schools, 1961
- Pathfinders, 1973
Box 40
Folder, Description
- Peabody Library School, 1964-72
- Penn State University Library, 1974
- Pennsylvania, University of, 1967-68
- Pensacola Junior College - Trinkner, Charles L. (Personal data)
- Peterson's Guides Incorporated, 1967-69
- Peterson's Guides Incorporated, 1970-79
- Philadelphia, Free Library of, 1964-66
- Philippines, University of, 1965-68
- Philippines, University of, 1970-76
- Pikeville College, 1967
- Pittsburgh, Carnegie Library of, 1963-65
- Pittsburgh, University of, 1962-75
- Pittsburgh, University of - Correspondence; Beta Phi Mu Newsletter, 1971-78; #41 Oct. 1978
- Pittsburgh, University of - Lancor, Harold, 1962-68
- Plain Dealer, 1964-75
- Portage County Schools, 1961-79
- Portage National Bank, 1964
- Portage Travel Service, 1963
- Portland, University of, 1964
- Positions available (Library) - List of positions available in Ohio, 1959
- Pratt Institute, 1963-73
- Presidential Lecture Series, 1965-66
- Presser, Theodore Col., 1961
- Project Aurora - Proposal, 1970
- Providence Public Library,1967-68
- Psychological Corporation, 1965-69
- Public Library of Columbus & Franklin County, 1972-79
- Public Library of Columbus & Franklin County, 1983
- Puerto Rico, University of, 1966-69
- Purdue University, 1962-68
- Queens Borough Public Library, 1963-68
- Queens, New York. Bayside High School, 1960
- Questionnaires, 1969-72
- Questionnaires, 1973
- Questionnaires, 1974-76
- Questionnaires, 1977-79
- Questionnaires, n.d.
- Rand Corporation, 1961-65
- Reading Guide, 1967
- Reed Memorial Library (Ravenna, Oh), 1973
- Regional Council for International Education, 1965
- Research and Development (Cincinnati, Oh), 1962
- Research in Librarianship - Newsletter from University of Chicago Graduate Library School, Mar., June 1953; June 1954
- Richards, Norma, 1966
- Rilm Abstracts of Music Literature, 1969-76
- Ritva Sievanenen, Allen, 1974
- Rochester, University of, 1956-66
- Romanian Libraries, 1977
- Rosary College, 1963-79
- Rovelstad, Howard, 1962-64
- Rudich,Solomon, 1966-67
- Rutgers University, 1966-79
- St. John's University, 1965
- St. Louis Public Library, 1964
- St. Mary's College, Notre Dame, 1965
- Salem Public Library, 1966-67
- San Diego City Schools, 1962
- San Francisco Examiner - News articles
- San Jose State College, 1969
- Scarecrow Press, 1973-77
- Scelba, Cipriana, 1969-74
- Schwann, W., Inc., 1976
- Scott, Dean, 1968
- Scripps-Howard Foundation,1965
- Sexauer, Kathryn, 1964
- Shaker Heights City School District, 1963-65
- Shaker Heights Public Library, 1967
- Sheffield, University of, 1963-66
- Shippensburgh State College, 1974
- Shoestring Press, 1978
- Silver Lake Country Club, 1968
- Simmons College, 1962-79
- Smith's, Paul, College, 1963
- South Carolina, University of, 1976
- Southern Mississippi, University of, 1972-77
- Southern University in New Orleans, 1966-71
- Special Libraries Association, 1960-78
- Stadtbibliothek Federal Republic of Germany, 1973-76
- Stanford University, 1967-68
- Stark County District Library, 1973-79
- State Teachers College (PA), 1962
- State Teachers Retirement System of Ohio, 1977
- State University College, Geneso, NY - Course evaluations, 1970-72
- State University College, Plattsburgh, NY - Resume of Vito J. Brenni, 1968
- State University of New York, Geneso, 1965-69
- State University of New York, Albany, 1962-79
- State University of New York, Buffalo, 1973-74
- Stathclyde, University of, (Andesonian Library), 1975-76
- Stow Public Library - Booklet from Open House, 1970-79
- Stow Public Schools, 1963
- Suffolk Cooperative Library Association, 1967-69
- Summit County Board of Education, 1960
- Summit County Library Association, 1960-61
- Syracuse University - Project paper "Social Science Findings Relevant to Librarianship"; Correspondence, 1964; 1972-78
- Taiwan University - Survey of Special Libraries in Taiwan, 1973
- Tanzania (Tanganyika) - Monthly reports, 1962-64
Box 41
Folder, Description
- Tanzania (Tanganyika), 1965-66
- Taylor Memorial Library (Cuyahoga Falls, Oh), 1966-75
- Teacher Registry, 1966
- Teachers' College (Australia), 1968
- Tehran, University of, 1974-75
- Temple University, 1973-75
- Tennessee, University of, 1967-70
- Texas, University of, 1962-63
- Texas, University of, 1964-68
- Texas State Library, 1971-78
- Texas Women's University - Correspondence; "Alumnae Newsletter", 1979
- Theatre Library Association - Membership list, Mar. 1968
- Thiel College, 1960
- Time, Inc., 1963
- Time Magazine, 1973
- Toledo, University of, 1968-79
- Toledo Public Library, 1964-79
- Toronto, University of, 1963
- Toronto, University of, 1964-79
- Toronto Public Library, 1968
- Tuscarawas Valley Educational Service Center, 1967-68
- Twinsburg Public Library, 1968
- UNESCO, 1964-73
- United Educators, Inc., 1975
- U.S. Congress & Ohio Congress, 1971-79
- U.S. Supreme Court, 1979
- University Federation of Librarians, 1968
- Urban Child Institute - "The Library Dimension: Meeting Needs of Middle-Class Urban Children Ages 6-12 Through Library Programs", 1969
- Ursuline College, 1970-71
- Utah State University, 1965-74
- Veterans Administration, 1960-63
- Virginia, University of, 1961-62
- Virginia, University of, 1967
- Wabash College, 1965
- Wales College of Librarianship, 1970-74
- Wales College of Librarianship, 1975-77
- Wahlert High School, Dubuque, Iowa, 1963
- Wall, Duncan, 1979
- Walsh College - Catalog; Correspondence, 1962-63; 1963
- Walsh College, 1964-70
- Warren City Schools, 1966; n.d.
- Washington, George, University, 1966
- Washington, University of, 1962-63
- Washington, University of, 1965-79
- Washington State University, 1965
- Washington University (St. Louis), 1966-69
- Wayne County Public Library, 1964
- Wayne State University, 1961
- Wayne State University, 1966-74
- Welsh, Helen C., 1965
- West Indies, University of the, 1975-79
- West Virginia Library Commission, 1967
- Westchester Library System, 1968
- Western Michigan School of Librarianship,, 1975-76
- Western Michigan University, 1963
- Western Reserve University - Dr. Jesse Shera, Dean, 1960-69
- Weston Public Library, 1966
- Willoughby - Eastlake Board of Education, 1965
- Wilson, H.W. Company, 1962-76
- Wilson Library Bulletin, 1974-76
- Wisconsin, University of, 1962-63
- Wisconsin, University of, 1964-79
- Wisconsin State University, 1968
- Wichita City Library, 1965
- Wichita Public Library, 1968
- Wittenberg University, 1962-66
- Wittenberg University, 1979
- Woodbridge, Free Public Library of, 1968
- Wooster College, 1960
- Wright Junior College, 1966
- Wright State University, 1972-79
- Xavier University, 1971-79
- Yale Medical Library, 1962
- Yale University, 1965-70
- Yale University Press - Memorandum of Agreement for translation of The Art of Counterpoint, 1957-67
- Yes and No - Correspondence Candidates as applicants, 1962
- Yonkers Public Library, Fact Sheet; Application for position, 1962
- Young Librarians Association, 1967-69
- Youngstown and Mahoning County, Public Library of, 1961-81
- Youngstown, Ohio. Cardinal Mooney High School, 1961
Box 42
Folder, Description
- Correspondence, Nov. 9, 1963
- Correspondence, Apr. - June 1966
- Correspondence, Jul. - Sept. 1966
- Correspondence, Oct. - Dec. 1966
- Correspondence, Jan. - Mar. 1967
- Correspondence, Apr. - June 1967
- Correspondence, Jul. - Sep. 1967
- Correspondence, Oct. - Dec. 1967
- Correspondence, Jan. - Mar. 1968
- Correspondence, Apr. - June 1968
- Correspondence, Jul. - Sep. 1968
- Correspondence, Oct. - Dec. 1968
- Correspondence, Jan. - Mar. 1969
- Correspondence, Apr. - June 1969
- Correspondence, Jul. - Sep. 1969
- Correspondence, Oct. - Dec. 1969
- Correspondence, Jan. - Feb. 1970
- Correspondence, Mar. - May 1970
- Correspondence, June - Aug. 1970
- Correspondence, Sep. - Dec. 1970
- Correspondence, Jan. - Mar. 1971
- Correspondence, Apr. - June 1971
- Correspondence - Summary Annual Report, Jul. - Sep. 1971, 1970/71
- Correspondence, Oct. - Dec. 1971
- Correspondence, Jan. - Mar. 1972
- Correspondence, Apr. - June 1972
- Correspondence - Summary Annual Report, Jul. - Dec. 1972; 1971/72
- Correspondence, Jan. - Apr. 1973
- Correspondence, May - Aug. 1973
- Correspondence - Summary Annual Report, Sep. - Dec. 1973; 1972/73
Box 43
Folder, Description
- Correspondence, Jan. - Mar. 1974
- Correspondence, Apr. - June 1974
- Correspondence - Summary Annual Report, Jul. - Sep. 1974
- Correspondence, Oct. - Dec. 1974
- Correspondence, Jan. - Mar. 1975
- Correspondence, Apr. - June 1975
- Correspondence - Summary Annual Report, Jul. - Sep. 1975; 1974/75
- Correspondence, Oct. - Dec. 1975
- Correspondence, Jan. - Mar. 1976
- Correspondence, Apr. - June 1976
- Correspondence, Jul. - Sep. 1976
- Correspondence, Oct. - Dec. 1976
- Correspondence, Jan. - Mar. 1977
- Correspondence, Apr. - June 1977
- Correspondence, Jul. - Sep. 1977
- Correspondence, Oct. 1977
- Correspondence, Nov. - Dec. 1977
- Correspondence, Jan. 1978
- Correspondence, Feb. 1978
- Correspondence, Mar. 1978
- Correspondence, Apr. 1978
- Correspondence, May 1978
- Correspondence, June 1978
- Correspondence, Jul. 1978
- Correspondence - Summary Annual Report, Aug. 1978; 1977/78
- Correspondence, Sep. 1978
Box 44
Folder, Description
- Correspondence, Oct. 1978
- Correspondence, Nov. 1978
- Correspondence, Dec. 1978
- Correspondence, Jan. 1979
- Correspondence, Feb. 1979
- Correspondence, Mar. 1979
- Correspondence, Apr. 1979
- Correspondence, May 1979
- Correspondence, June 1979
- Correspondence, Jul. 1979
- Correspondence, Aug. 1979
- Correspondence, Sep. 1979
- Correspondence, Oct. 1-15, 1979
- Correspondence, Oct. 16-31,1979
- Correspondence, Nov. 1979
- Correspondence, Dec. 1979
- Correspondence, Jan. 1980
- Correspondence, Feb. 1980
- Correspondence, Mar. 1980
Box 45
Folder, Description
- Correspondence, Apr. 1980
- Correspondence, May. 1980
- Correspondence, June 1980
- Correspondence, Jul. 1980
- Correspondence, Aug. 1980
- Correspondence, Sep. 1980
- Correspondence, Oct. 1980
- Correspondence, Nov. 1980
- Correspondence, Dec. 1980
- Correspondence, Jan. 1981
- Correspondence, Feb. 1981
- Correspondence, Mar. 1981
- Correspondence, Apr. 1981
- Correspondence, May. 1981
- Correspondence, June-Jul. 1981
- Correspondence, Aug. 1981
Box 46
Folder, Description
- Correspondence, Sep. 1981
- Correspondence, Oct. 1981
- Correspondence, Nov. 1981
- Correspondence, Dec. 1981
- Correspondence, Jan. 1982
- Correspondence, Feb. 1982
- Correspondence, Mar. 1982
- Correspondence, Apr. 1982
- Correspondence, May 1982
- Correspondence, June 1982
- Correspondence, Jul. 1982
- Correspondence, Aug. 1982
- Correspondence, Sep. 1982
- Correspondence, Oct. 1982
- Correspondence, Nov. 1982
- Correspondence, Dec. 1982
- Correspondence, Jan. 1983
- Correspondence, Feb. 1983
- Correspondence, Mar. 1983
Box 47
Folder, Description
- Correspondence, Apr. 1983
- Correspondence, May. 1983
- Correspondence, June 1983
- Correspondence, Jul. 1983
- Correspondence, Aug. 1983
- Correspondence, Sep. 1983
- Correspondence, Oct. 1983
- Correspondence, Nov. 1983
- Correspondence, Dec. 1983
- FIPSE Grant Proposal (1) - Correspondence, 1978 - Oct '79
- FIPSE Grant Proposal (2) - Correspondence; Articles, 1979
- FIPSE Grant Proposal - Curriculum; Vitae of A, Robert Rogers, Project Director; Correspondence, 1980
- FIPSE Grant Proposal - Program Information and Application Procedure Booklets, 1979-80
- Handbook for Ohio Library Trustees - Correspondence; Financial and Contract Records, 1977-78
- Handbook for Ohio Library Trustees - Draft; Background material, 1978
- Handbook for Ohio Library Trustees - Draft (2nd copy); Background material, Jan. 1978
- Handbook for Ohio Library Trustees - Draft, Mar. 24, 1978
- Handbook for Ohio Library Trustees - Draft of Appendices, 1978
- Handbook for Ohio Library Trustees - Final copy, 1978
- Handbook for Ohio Library Trustees - Historical file; Correspondence; Directory; Memos, 1977-78
Box 48
Folder, Description
- IFLA Conference - Cumulative Author/Title List and a Brief Subject Index of IFLA Papers by Judith Daso, 1965-72
- IFLA Conference (Liverpool) - Misc., 1971
- IFLA Conference (Liverpool) - Papers presented (f. 1), 1971
- IFLA Conference (Liverpool) - Papers presented (f. 2), 1971
- IFLA Conference (Liverpool) - Papers presented (f. 3), 1971
- IFLA Conference (Liverpool) - Papers presented (f. 4), 1971
- IFLA Conference (Liverpool) - Papers presented (f. 5), 1971
- IFLA Conference (Liverpool) - Papers presented (f. 6), 1971
- IFLA Conference (Liverpool) - Papers presented (f. 7), 1971
- IFLA Conference (Liverpool) - Pre-Session Seminar Papers (f. 1), 1971
- IFLA Conference (Liverpool) - Pre-Session Seminar Papers (f. 2), 1971
- IFLA Conference (Lusanne) - List of participants, 1976
- IFLA Conference (Copenhagen) - Correspondence; Minutes, 1979
- IFLA Conference (Manila) (f. 1) - Papers presented; Newsletter; Preliminary list of papers, 1980
- IFLA Conference (Manila) (f. 2) - Papers presented, 1980
- International Library School - Correspondence, 1969-71
- International Library School - Correspondence; Minutes, 1970-75
- International Library School - Proposal; Revised proposal, 1969; 1971
- Library Careers Projects - Memos; Porposal, 1968
- Library Careers Projects, 1969
Box 49
Folder, Description
- Library Careers Project - Annual report, 1967-68
- Music Library Institute - Case studies, Aug. 17-29, 1969
- Music Library Institute - Case studies; Library profiles, Aug. 17-29, 1969
- Music Library Institute - Institute materials, Aug. 17-29, 1969
- Music Library Institute - Newspaper articles, Aug. 17-29, 1969
- OVAL Annual Plan of Service - Correspondence, 1980
- OVAL Annual Plan of Service - Document, pt. 1, 1980
- OVAL Annual Plan of Service - Document, pt. 2, 1980
- White House Conference on Library and Information Services - Correspondence; Pre-Conference meeting; Minutes, 1977/78
- White House Conference on Library and Information Services - Correspondence; Conference minutes, 1978
- White House Conference on Library and Information Services - Conference pack materials (#1), Sep. 20-24, 1978
- White House Conference on Library and Information Services - Conference pack materials (#2), Sep. 20-24, 1978
- White House Conference on Library and Information Services - Pre-Conference; Correspondence; Conference materials, 1978
- White House Conference on Library and Information Services - Correspondence; Dr. Rogers' appointment by Governor Rhodes, 1977-79
- White House Conference on Library and Information Services - Delegate information, 1979
- White House Conference on Library and Information Services - Delegates meeting at ALA Midwinter; Evaluation report; Correspondence; Misc., 1977-79
- White House Conference on Library and Information Services - Memos; Misc. material, 1979
- White House Conference on Library and Information Services - Packet; Memos, Sep. 1979
- White House Conference on Library and Information Services - Memos, Misc. publications, Oct. 1979
- White House Conference on Library and Information Services - Misc. material, Oct. 1979
- White House Conference on Library and Information Services - Memos, Nov. 1979
- White House Conference on Library and Information Services - Misc. material, Nov. 1979
Box 50
Folder, Description
- White House Conference on Library and Information Services - Program material, 1979
- White House Conference on Library and Information Services - Publications, 1979
- White House Conference on Library and Information Services - Correspondence, 1980
- White House Conference on Library and Information Services - Memos, Misc. material; "Resolutions Voted on By Delegates to the White House Conference...", 1980
- White House Conference on Library and Information Services - News articles, 1979-80
- White House Conference on Library and Information Services - Key to brief case; delegate badge, 1980(?)
- Title III Proposal - Correspondence, 1978-80
- Activities and Publications - Historical, 1975-76
- Activities and Publications - Personal, 1980-81
- Activities and Publications, 1983-85
- Articles, 1971-85
- Book Reviews & Book Review Manuscripts, 1980-85
- Certificates of Award, 1976
- Clippings, 1969
- Correspondence, 1968-Feb. 1981
- Correspondence, Mar. 1976-Dec. 1981
- Course Information and Evaluations, 1975-88
- "Conception and Birth Pangs of OCLC - an account of the struggles of the formative years" - Correspondence; Drafts; Galley, 1979-80
- Correspondence; Resumes & Vitaes, 1976-83
- Draft of articles, n.d.
- Journal, 1984
- 0ff-campus and External Degree Programs, 1980-82
- Columbus Extension Program - Photographs, 1983
- Libraries in Society - Research material for book, 1976-85
- Libraries in Iran - Articles, 1973-79
Box 51
Folder, Description
- Library in Society - Correspondence, 1982-83
- Library in Society - Correspondence, 1983-85
- Papers presented at the Congressional Hearing..., Cleveland, Oh, Oct. 19, 1981
- Publications, 1975-85
- Publications - Articles (Original manuscripts), n.d.
- School Libraries/Media Centers Reports, 1974
- Seiberling Hearing, Mar. 23, 1973
- Youngstown Report, 1975
- Humanities book - Correspondence, 1976-80
- Humanities book - Bibliographic information, n.d.
- Humanities book - Questionnaire on Revision, Apr. 2, 1976
- Publications correspondence, 1976
- (a and b) Bibliographic reference cards for Humanities book (contained in 2 small boxes), 1976-80
Box 52
Folder, Description
- Misc. bibliographical reference cards
Box 53
- Address cards for NDEA, n.d.
- Bibliographical reference cards, n.d.
- Index to Faculty Student Senate Council Minutes, 1971-77
Box 54
- Video, Dr. Roger's class "Foundations" #60600, Nov. 2, 1982
Oversize items
- OS folder, Floor plans for Library Science classrooms and offices, 1969, renovation Floor Plans, 1995
- Map box, Floor plans for library, 1969