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Linen & Linentex Books

Special Collections and Archives

Linen & Linentex Books

Special Collections and Archives

Linen & Linentex Books

Linen & Linentex Books (box 5)

Box 5: Linen & Linentex






5-1 Nursery Rhymes [1940?] -- --
5-2 Rumpelstiltzkin 1940 -- --
5-3 A Child's Garden of Verses 1930 57 C. M. Burd
5-4 My Toys 1913 101F --
5-5 My Pets 1913 101G --
5-6 Baby's Rhymes 1913 102E --
5-7 Book of Animals 1913 102G --
5-8 Playmates 1913 103D --
5-9 Child's ABC 1913 103E --
5-10 Busy Baby 1913 103F --
5-11 Animals and Pets 1913 103G --
5-12 The Night Before Christmas 1925 104 --
5-13 The Night Before Christmas 1913 104D --
5-14 Big ABC Book 1913 104E --
5-15 Big Animals Book 1913 104F --
5-16 Ten Little Tin Soldiers 1910 105D --
5-17 Christmas ABC 1910 105E --
5-18 The Little Lame Squirrel 1910 105F --
5-18a All Aboard! 1926 106 --
5-19 Children's Pets 1926 106 --
5-20 Jingle ABC 1926 106 --
5-21 Little Boys and Girlies 1926 106 --
5-22 Jingle ABC 1915 106D --
5-23 Children's Pets 1915 106E --
5-24 All-Aboard 1915 106F --
5-25 Old Mother Bunny 1915 107D --
5-26 In the Barnyard 1915 107F --
5-27 Tots and Toys 1915 107G --
5-28 Tommy Tucker 1915 108D --
5-29 Toodle's ABC 1915 108E --
5-30 Doggie's Doings 1915 108F --
5-31 Tabby Tales 1915 108G --
5-32 The Tale of Peter Rabbit 1928 115 Frances Brundage
5-33 My Playmates ABC 1918 245 --
5-34 Nursery Pets 1918 245 --
5-35 On the Nursery Stairs 1918 245 --
5-36 Mother Goose Pets 1918 245 --
5-37 Animal Picture Book 1923 319 --
5-38 First Object Book 1923 319 --
5-39 Chicky-Chicky 1923 319 --
5-40 Animal Book 1923 319 --
5-41 My Picture Book 1930 320 --
5-41a Ugly Duckling undated 652 --
5-41b Sleeping Beauty undated 653 --
5-42 Alice in Wonderland undated 654 --
5-43 The Three Bears undated 655 --
5-44 Cinderella undated 656 --
5-45 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs undated 657 --
5-46 Puss-In-Boots undated 658 --
5-47 Little Red Riding Hood undated 659 --
5-47a Three Little Kittens 1968 680 --
5-48 The Three Little Pigs 1968 681 --
5-49 The Three Bears 1968 682 Yvonne Perrin
5-50 The Story of Pat, Pete and Puff 1968 683 --
5-51 Farm Friends 1968 684 Yvonne Perrin
5-52 Peter's Adventure 1968 685 Yvonne Perrin
5-53 A Special Day for Jeff and Joyce 1968 686 Yvonne Perrin
5-54 Sailing Jim 1968 687 --
5-55 The ABC Book 1930 803 --
5-56 The Big Animal Book 1930 803 Bill Bailey
5-57 Peter Rabbit Goes to School 1928 1121 Frances Brundage
5-58 Peter Rabbit and His Pa 1928 1121 Frances Brundage
5-59 The Book of Paper Doll Cut-Outs 1927 2051 --
5-60 Paper Cut-Out Dollies 1927 2051 --
5-61 The Night Before Christmas undated 2073 Frances Brundage
5-62 Old Dobbin 1927 3190 --
5-63 My Object Book 1927 3190 --
5-64 Baby's Book 1927 3190 --
5-65 Out in the Country 1927 3190 --


Saalfield Introductory Page

Next Series:Tinted Cloth Books and Real Cloth Books