Kent State Shootings: Sound Recordings (May 4)
Special Collections and Archives
Kent State Shootings: Sound Recordings (May 4)
Special Collections and Archives
Kent State Shootings: Sound Recordings (May 4)
Non-Music Sound Recordings Related to the Kent State Shootings
May 4 Collection - Boxes 96 & 96A
Finding Aid
Prepared by Nancy Birk and Paul Gregor, January 1995; Last updated: January 2025
Inclusive Dates: 1970-2020
Extent: 1 record storage box + 1 LP case, 1.33 cubic foot
Location: 12th floor
Scope and Content: This collection contains audio materials related to the Kent State Shootings. Provenance information for each piece (if known) can be found with the individual listing. The researcher is advised that other audio materials on this topic may be found in other subcollections.
Other Format Available: Items that are hyperlinked in the listing below will link to a digital copy of the audio footage, available for listening in our digital archive.
Related Materials: There is also a collection of music recordings related to May 4, 1970. See the inventory for boxes 183 and 183A for details.
Restrictions on Use: Copyright restrictions apply to most of these recordings. Duplication requests are subject to obtaining permission from copyright holder(s).
May 4 Collection - Box 96: Audio Tapes & CDs
Tape/CD# -- Contents
- WHLO Newscasts, May 1970 (1 of 2)
Scope and Content: A detailed listing of the contents of this recording is also filed in Box 96.
Alternate Form Available: This recording has been digitally captured. - WHLO Newscasts, May 1970 (2 of 2)
Scope and Content: A detailed listing of the contents of this recording is also filed in Box 96.
Alternate Form Available: This recording has been digitally captured. - Richard Myers' interviews on May 4th for the movie Confrontation, tape 1 of 2. Please note: This recording has been moved to the Richard Myers papers.
- Richard Myers' interviews on May 4th for the movie Confrontation, tape 2 of 2. Please note: This recording has been moved to the Richard Myers papers.
- Panel Discussion -- Calkins, Hubbel, Baldwin, Gibsons, Whitaker: 5/3/89
- Remembering Kent State 1970. WKSU: 5/90. [Copyright: Mark Urycki. This broadcast won a Scripps-Howard award for 1990.]
- Oral Interviews conducted by Mark Urycki to produce tape 6 above. Includes interviews with Tom Grace (5/4/89), John Filo (Fall 1989), Charles Fassinger (National Guard, April, 1990). (Copyright: Mark Urycki.)
- Faculty Forum: "African American Movements: Then, Now, Next," April 30, 1990 (Tape 1 of 2)
Scope and Content: This Faculty Forum featured three topics: 'The Ballot or the Bullet,' 'Activism to Apathy and Back Again,' and 'The 90s and the Next Agenda.'" The recording includes the following speakers: Introduction/Moderator: KSU Professor Dr. E. Timothy Moore; first Black United Students president Dr. Larry Simpson; KSU Professor Dr. Mary Arnold; KSU Professor Dr. Bobby Dixon; first woman elected president of BUS Janice Taylor; and Uhuru editor Kecia Cole. Dr. Larry Simpson's remarks center around Black students' experiences of May 4, 1970.
Alternate Form Available: This recording has been digitized. - Faculty Forum: "African American Movements: Then, Now, Next," April 30, 1990 (Tape 2 of 2)
Scope and Content: This Faculty Forum featured three topics: 'The Ballot or the Bullet,' 'Activism to Apathy and Back Again,' and 'The 90s and the Next Agenda.'" This tape is a continuation of Uhuru editor Kecia Cole's remarks, followed by then current president of Black United Students Ohvahdyah Israel, and a question and answer session. KSU Professor Dr. E. Timothy Moore moderates.
Alternate Form Available: This recording has been digitized. - Faculty Forum, On Faculty and Peace Marshals: 4/30/90
- Faculty Forum, Interpretations of May 4, April 30, 1990
Scope and Content: Audio recording of a faculty forum helding during the 20th Annual Commemoration of the Kent State Shootings on the topic of interpretations of May 4. Speakers included Tom Hensley, Glenn Frank, and Kim Sorvig.
Alternate Form Available: This recording has been digitized. - Faculty Forum, University Responses, Panel of Speakers, (Dennis Carey, Richard Bredemeier, Carl Moore): 5/1/90, tape 1 of 2.
- Faculty Forum, University Responses, Panel of Speakers, (Dennis Carey, Richard Bredemeier, Carl Moore): 5/1/90, tape 2 of 2.
- Faculty Forum, Keep Kent Open: 5/1/90
- Faculty Forum, Memorials and Controversies, Panel of Speakers (Stan Gregory, Brinsley Tyrrel, Ben Bassham, Jerry Newman): 5/2/90, tape 1 of 2.
- Faculty Forum, Memorials and Controversies, Panel of Speakers (Stan Gregory, Brinsley Tyrrel, Ben Bassham, Jerry Newman): 5/2/90, tape 2 of 2.
- Faculty Forum, Media Responsibilities and Mass Media Catastrophies (Carol Wilder, San Fran. State U., Dale Allen (Editor, Akron Beacon Journal, Barbara Cohen, Dick Feagler): 5/2/90
- Media Presentation, Emerson College students and faculty (Greg Payne) "Kent State: A Requiem": 5/3/90
- Panel Discussion (Cosmo Peters, Mary Arnold, Wuer Ki Xi, Gustava Acosta): "Reaction to Civil Dissent": 5/90
- Panel Discussion (Ken Hammond, Alan Canfora, Roseanne Canfora, Jim Bussell, Joe Lewis, Rob Stamps, Bill Arthrell): 5/3/90
Alternate Form Available: This recording has been digitized. - Scholar and Poet Alicia Ostriker -- The Quest for Unity in Women's Poetry: 5/3/90
- May 4th Task Force Program (Tom Grace, Alan Canfora): 5/4/90, tape 1 of 2.
- May 4th Task Force Program (Terry Burnside, Keesha Cole, Darell Price, Alex Gildzen): 5/4/90, tape 2 of 2.
- May 4th Task Force Program (Music -- Ray and Kate, Audio from Slide presentation, Tom Grace, Roseanne Canfora, Gene Young, Ralph McGeehy): 5/4/91, tape 1 of 2.
- May 4th Task Force Program (Ralph McGeehy, questions and answers): 5/4/91, tape 2 of 2.
- 25th Annual Commemoration, Panel discussion of journalists and open discussion with audience about May 4, 1970. Moderator: Adjured Prof. Albert E. Fitzpatrick, retired Asst. V.P. of Minority Affairs for Knight-Ridder Corp and former editor of Akron Beacon Journal at the time of the shootings. Panelists: William G. Armstrong Jr. (1970 KSU graduate, editor of Kent Stater in 1970), Ike Pappas (CBS network correspondent on campus at the time of shootings), Bob Carpenter (KSU graduate 1971, New director of WKNT AM/FM) and Jeff Salad (KSU graduate 1971, former Beacon Journal writer). All panelists were on campus at the time of shootings : 5/1995, tape 1 of 2.
- 25th Annual Commemoration -- Continuation of open discussion with audience about May 4, 1970: 5/1995, tape 2 of 2.
- Awakening the Buddha Within, Lama Surya Das. 1997. The Lama Surya Das explains the impact that the shootings on May 4, 1970 had on his life. His American born name was Jeffrey Miller, he was a student at SUNY Buffalo and his best friend's girlfriend was Allison Krause. He remarks on the coincidence of his name with the student Jeffrey Miller who was killed by National Guard bullets that day and how this deeply affected his life and changed the course of events in his life, "to find a non violent way to contribute to a more harmonious, beautiful and sane world". Tape donated by Sandy Perlman Halem.
- WKSU, Vincent Duffy, Sept. 10, 1999, Dedication Ceremony for May 4 Individual Student Markers In Remembrance of Allison Krause, Jeffrey Miller, Sandra Scheuer, and William Schroeder, Prentice Hall Parking Lot, September 8, 1999.
- WCPN 90.3 FM, Cleveland Public Radio, Morning News: 5/4/2000.
- "The Lessons of Kent State University: Inquire, Learn, and Reflect -- Panel": 1995 American Council on Education Annual Meeting.
- WKSU interview with Robby Stamps: 5/2/00.
- Radio Broadcasts on Student Protests, May 1970
Scope and Content: Sound recordings of various radio broadcasts (including military) about student protests in May 1970
Acquisition Information: Donated by James R. Claeys.
Alternate Form Available: This recording has been digitally captured. - "From This Moment On--Thirteen Seconds That Ended Flower Power." BBC Radio 4 documentary, 2002. [disc 1].
- "Looking Back at May 4" by Christina McVay at Portage County Historical Society, May 31, 2003. See accompanying folder for additional information.
- Kent State University Memorial Dedication Events: Press Conference (side 1) and Memorial Dedication (side 2), May 4 1990.
- "Kent: 1970: Covering the Confrontation" Journalism, BGSU November 11, 1971. (Also see video tape 43 in Box 95).
- Commemoration, Selected speeches including a professor from Jackson State University, May 4, 1993
- Dick Gregory at Kent State (tape 1 of 3)
- Dick Gregory at Kent State (tape 2 of 3)
- Dick Gregory at Kent State (tape 3 of 3)
41A. Dick Gregory at Kent State, 8-track tape, Poppy Records, undated
- Chestnut Burr record insert, 1971
Scope and Content: Audio cassette copy of a compilation of audio footage recorded by Bob Carpenter (WKNT) from May 1-4, 1970, produced by Bob Carpenter and Mark Heil, that was included as a record insert in the 1971 Chestnut Burr. The record also features excerpts from Four Days in May, a radio documentary produced by Paul Brennan and engineered by Chris Hood.
Authors: Brennan, Paul; Carpenter, Bob; Heil, Mark; Hood, Chris - Radio Broadcast, WMCA, Barry Gray, Includes a phone interview with Dr. Jerry M. Lewis, also includes some audio footage related to the shootings, May 3, 1990
- Legacies of Protest Symposium, Opening Session with Intro. by Carol Cartwright and Myron Henry, featuring speaker Michael Schwartz, both sides (tape 1 of 6), 1995
- Legacies of Protest Symposium, International Focus session with Apple, McCarthy, and McGovern, both sides (tape 2 of 6), 1995
- Legacies of Protest Symposium, International Focus session with Apple, McCarthy, and McGovern, continued, both sides (tape 3 of 6), 1995
- Legacies of Protest Symposium, International Focus session with Apple, McCarthy, and McGovern, conclusion, side A only (tape 4 of 6), 1995
- Legacies of Protest Symposium, Scholarship Dinner with Sarah Brady, both sides (tape 5 of 6), 1995
- Legacies of Protest Symposium, Scholarship Dinner with Sarah Brady, Conclusion, side A only (tape 6 of 6), 1995
- Legacies of Protest Symposium, Kent State University Focus with Gitlin, Bills, and Moyer, both sides, (tape 1 of 6), 1995
- Legacies of Protest Symposium, Kent State University Focus with Gitlin, Bills, and Moyer, continued, both sides, (tape 2 of 6), 1995
- Legacies of Protest Symposium, Kent State University Focus with Gitlin, Bills, and Moyer, conclusion side A, Universities Focus with Clark-Hine and Hunter-Gault, etc. side B, (tape 3 of 6), 1995
- Legacies of Protest Symposium, Universities Focus with Clark-Hine and Hunter-Gault, etc., continued both sides, (tape 4 of 6), 1995
- Legacies of Protest Symposium, Universities Focus with Clark-Hine and Hunter-Gault, etc., continued side A, (tape 5 of 6), 1995
- Legacies of Protest Symposium, Universities Focus with Clark-Hine and Hunter-Gault, etc., conclusion side A, (tape 6 of 6), 1995
- Death of a Decade, sides 3 & 4 (see Box 96A for record album)
- NPR, Revisiting Vietnam: 25 Years from Vietnam.
- Kent Radio News Line: May 4 stories 1988-89 See accompanying folder for additional information.
- CBC Radio, May 3, 1990. Interview with Dr. Jerry M. Lewis.
- Tent City (Side one: NPR Feed, Olds comment on Hill, Tent City sound, Tent city, ATC/NPR Feed. Side Two: Tent City/ATC/NPR Feed [cont.] Tape 1 of 2, transferred from reel-to-reel originals, see folder for information on tapes 60-65). For listening only.
- Tent City (Side one: Faculty statement on Tent City, Tent City ATC Feed [Jane Voice] test tape. Side Two: ATC Tent city [was put on with the tape on the wrong side-sounds muffled], ATC submission-excellent sound, NPR/ATC/AP test tape, ATC/NPR Tent City feed. Tape 2 of 2, transferred from reel-to-reel originals).
- Hill Discussion: Tent City.
- Hill Noises: Tent City.
- Hill Noises: Arrests, Tent City.
- On Hill after Arrests, Tent City.
- Concerned Citizens Committee (CCC) April 17, 1969, hold rally to discuss recent developments.
- Concerned Citizens Committee (CCC) April 21, 1969, hold rally to clarify their group's beliefs and deny affiliation with the SDS.
- Student body meeting October 20, 1970. Student body President Craig Morgan calls for national moratorium on October 23, 1970 as a sign of support for those indicted. Includes the reading of a joint-statement by the Graduate Student Council, Student Senate and Faculty Senate in response to the Grand Jury Report. (Transferred from reel-to-reel original).
- Student body meeting October 22, 1970. Discusses moratorium plans and future peaceful student actions against the indictments. (archival copy on 11th floor).
- Student Body Meeting on Grand Jury Report, October 25, 1970 (1 of 2)
Scope and Content: Student body meeting in which Dr. Jerry M. Lewis addresses the students about the Grand Jury Report, along with others speakers.
Alternate Form Available: This recording has been digitally captured. - Student Body Meeting on Grand Jury Report, October 25, 1970 (2 of 2)
Scope and Content: Meeting continues with strategy/idea session, questions and comments by those in attendance.
Alternate Form Available: This recording has been digitally captured. - AFVN Radio News Report May, 1970 (includes story about ROTC burning down, as well as other news stories from that day). Includes photographs from DaNang taken by John Norris and provided by Karl (Wayne) Raschdorf and are for research purposes only.
Physical Description: Compact Disc - WGAR radio report on the Scranton Commission, August 22, 1970
- "Great American Dream machine" Discussion on campus unrest, NET-TV, February 3, 1971
- NET-TV program on Kent State, December 19, 1972
- May 4 commemoration, 1972
- Interview with John Carson, 1992
- Janet L. Falbo-Marvin account of the Kent State shootings of May 4th with transcript, 1990
- First Annual Commemoration of the Kent State Shootings: James Ahern speech, May 3, 1971
Physical Description: Originally recorded on reel-to-reel tape. This is a digital capture on compact disc.
Scope and Content: James Ahern, member of the Scranton Commission and former police chief of New Haven, Conn. was one of the speakers for the first commemoration of the shootings held at Kent State in 1971.
Alternate Form Available: There is also a CD copy available in Box 96 for reference access to this recording. - "Kent State: Two Views." Interview, Pacifica Radio Archive, Program Number BB3980, 1970 (copyright by Pacifica Radio Foundation, 1983)
Scope and Content: "Two young people, participants in the Kent State University demonstration that ended with the killing of four students, are intervewied shortly after that fateful day..." (insert). Steve Titchenal (sophomore and student marshal at the time) and Jack Corliss (freshman at the time) are interviewed by Bill Schechner. Excerpts of the Portage County Grand Jury report, as distributed by UPI, are read by Schechner before the interview. - May 4th Task Force Program: Wounded Students-Attorneys forum event, KIVA, December 1, 1975. Includes wounded students Alan Canfora and Robby Stamps and attorneys Steven Sindell and Nelson Karl. See accompanying folder for clippings from the Stater about this event.
- WKSU Program about Dance Alloy, 2000
Scope and Content: Vivian Goodman interviews Mark Taylor (choreographer) and others involved in this performance, which was part of the 30th Commemoration, May 3, 2000.
Alternate Form Available: This recording has been digitally captured. - NPR Program, May 4, 1990. Includes lead-in report on dedication of the May 4 Memorial by WKSU (Roy Jones), followed by a NPR piece looking back on the Kent State shootings, featuring an interview with Jerry M. Lewis, interspersed with audio footage related to the shootings.
- Hubert Humphrey Speech at Kent State University, May 3, 1968
Format of Original: Reel-to-reel audiotape
Restrictions on Access: Due to the fragility of the original tape, this recording must be accessed online. Click on title above to access digital recording. - May 4 Feature for NPR by Matt Ritzert, May 4, 1977
Format of Original: Reel-to-reel audiotape
Restrictions on Access: Due to the fragility of the original tape, this recording must be accessed online. Click on title above to access digital recording.
Alternate Form Available: There is also a CD copy available in Box 96 for reference access to this recording. - NPR "Morning Edition", February 9, 1981
Physical Description: Originally recorded on an open reel. This is a digital capture on compact disc.
Scope and Content: Includes lead-in report by Michael Flaster on student reactions to the broadcast of NBC's docudrama, "Kent State". Compact disc donated by Michael Flaster. - Kent State Audio Documentary by Michael Flaster, 1981
Physical Description: Originally recorded on an open reel. This is a digital capture on compact disc.
Scope and Content: Audio documentary produced by Michael Flaster on the shootings featuring several witnesses to include Alan Canfora and Dr. Jerry Lewis. Compact disc donated by Michael Flaster. - WCPN 90.3 FM, "Emily's Diary" Feature, May 4, 1995
Physical Description: This is a digital capture on compact disc.
Scope and Content: Emily Burnell Petrou recounts her memories leading up to the Kent State Shootings through the diary entries she had written as a ten year old. Her entries reflect major events to include President Nixon's April 30, 1970 announcement and the arrival of the National Guardsmen to Kent, Ohio. Donated by Kim Gilbertson. - 10th Annual Commemoration: Those We Call By Name by Mary Catherine Bateson, May 3, 1981.
Scope and Content: See accompanying folder for clippings from the Stater about this event.
Alternate Form Available: This recording has been digitally captured. - WKNT Radio, "Four Days in May," 1971
Restrictions on Access: Due to the fragility of the original tape, this recording must be accessed online. Click on title above to access digital recording.
Alternate Form Available: There is also a CD copy available in Box 96 for reference access to this recording.
Authors: Brennan, Paul; Hood, Chris
Acquisitions Information: Donated by Tim Conley in 2016.
Scope and Content: "Four Days in May" was a radio documentary that aired during the first anniversary of the Kent State shootings. It includes an interpretive narration of events interspersed with audio footage, recorded by Bob Carpenter, other WKNT personnel, and student contributors, of events occurring in the City of Kent and at Kent State University from May 1-4, 1970. The program provides an account of the events leading up to and culminating with the Kent State Shootings. It includes excerpts of reporting; press conferences; and interviews with Kent State University students and citizens of the City of Kent from May 1970. Produced, written, edited, and narrated by Paul Brennan. Chris Hood was the studio engineer for this work. - WKYC Radio, "The Alan Douglas Show," May 6, 1970
Restrictions on Access: Due to the fragility of the original tape, this recording must be accessed online. Click on title above to access digital recording.
Alternate Form Available: There is also a CD copy available in Box 96 for reference access to this recording.
Extent: 2 reel-to-reels
Scope and Content: A recording of The Alan Douglas Show, which aired on May 6, 1970 on the radio station WKYC. Douglas speaks with professors, students, and administrators about the Kent State shootings. In another segment, listeners call in and provide their opinions on the shootings. - Interview with Brian VanDeMark and Mathew McManus, October 24, 2020
Scope and Content: This audio recorded interview was conducted by author, Brian VanDeMark, as part of his research for his book, Kent State: An American Tragedy. The interview is between Brian VanDeMark and Mathew McManus who was a Guardsman during May 4, 1970.
Alternate Form Available: This recording has been digitally captured.
Acquisitions Information: Donated by Brian VanDeMark in 2025.
Restrictions on Access: Kent State University does not contain copyright. This recording is currently restricted.
Box 96A: Audio Discs (LPs)
LP# -- Contents
- Chestnut Burr record insert, 1971
Alternate Form Available: Please use cassette copy above to listen to this item.
Scope and Content: A compilation of audio footage recorded by Bob Carpenter (WKNT) from May 1-4, 1970, produced by Bob Carpenter and Mark Heil, that was included as a record insert in the 1971 Chestnut Burr. The record also features excerpts from Four Days in May, a radio documentary produced by Paul Brennan and engineered by Chris Hood.
Authors: Brennan, Paul; Carpenter, Bob; Heil, Mark; Hood, Chris - Chestnut Burr record insert, 1971
Alternate Form Available: Please use cassette copy above to listen to this item.
Scope and Content: A compilation of audio footage recorded by Bob Carpenter (WKNT) from May 1-4, 1970, produced by Bob Carpenter and Mark Heil, that was included as a record insert in the 1971 Chestnut Burr. The record also features excerpts from Four Days in May, a radio documentary produced by Paul Brennan and engineered by Chris Hood.
Authors: Brennan, Paul; Carpenter, Bob; Heil, Mark; Hood, Chris - May 4, 1970 Kent State University: A Decade Past photograph booklet
- May 4, 1970 Kent State University: A Decade Past poetry booklet
- May 4, 1970 Kent State University: A Decade Past speeches booklet
- May 4, 1970 Kent State University: A Decade Past album insert
- May 4, 1970 Kent State University: A Decade Past. Kit. Assembled by students in the Kent State University Center for Peaceful Change to commemorate the 10th anniversary of May 4, 1970.
Scope and Content: Includes 2 LPs, Death of a Decade, a booklet of speeches, poem booklet and photograph booklet, and album insert. - Death of a Decade: The Kent State Story. Two LPs.
- New York Post Columnist Pete Hamill's Murder at Kent State University. Narrated by Rosko; Produced by Bob Thiele; Commentary by Nat Hentoff; Musicians: James Spaulding and Ron Carter. Flying Dutchman/Polydor, 1970.
Extent: 2 copies
Scope and Content: Presents Pete Hamill's interpretations of the events that led to the May 4, 1970 Kent State shootings. Includes music. - Seventeen Magazine: "Youth on Youth," 1972
Alternate Form Available: This recording has been digitized. A CD copy is also available in Box 96A for reference access to this recording.
Restrictions on Access: This file contains recordings protected by copyright and cannot be published online at this time. Researchers should be directed to use the digital or CD copy of the recording as the original is not playable due to preservation concerns.
Acquisitions Information: Donated by Jordan Berson in 2016.
Scope and Content: Audio production titled "Youth on Youth," hosted by Jean Baer and produced by Seventeen magazine. Includes an interview with Kent State University student Debbie Shryock, who published an article in Seventeen titled, "Kent State: Two Years Later." The remainder of the recording includes interviews with other young adults such as Donald Reeves, Julie Budd, Larry Harmon, Moon, Paul Silver, and Ann Pardue Sonet. See accompanying folder for additional information.