KSU Student Organizations collection
Special Collections and Archives
KSU Student Organizations collection
Special Collections and Archives
KSU Student Organizations collection
Finding Aid for the Kent State University Student Organizations collection
Author: Kristin Silvestro, October 2024
Descriptive Rules: DACS 2nd Edition
Origination: Kent State University. Libraries. Department of Special Collections and Archives, curator.
Inclusive Dates: 1929-2024
Bulk Dates: 1965-1985
Extent: 7.27 cubic feet (7 boxes= 3 Record Storage Boxes, 1 oversize document case, 3 oversize flat boxes, 2 oversize folders)
Physical Location: 10th floor
Language of Materials: English
Abstract: This collection includes records from various student organizations that have existed at Kent State University from the 1920s-2020s. The bulk of the files are from the late 1960s through the early 1980s.
Scope and Content:
This collection is comprised of various student organization files that were sent to the archives over time, most without any documentation of who sent them or when they were sent. This collection does not contain records for all student organizations that have operated on campus. The records focus heavily on the late 1960s through the early 1980s. Many folders only have a single document or record for the group, and that may be the only item we have for that organization. Due to the transient and ever evolving nature of student organizations, it is often difficult to get comprehensive archives for student groups. A majority of the collection is made up of flyers, newsletters, publications, or ephemera. Also of special interest are some of the lists of student groups and calendars of events. Notably absent from this group of records are those related to student government (student senate), social fraternities and sororities, and honorary and academic Greek organizations.
While not an exhaustive record of the groups that have existed, the collection does provide insight into the different interests of Kent State University students as well as information on groups of students from different backgrounds that are not as well documented or represented in other collections. If you are not finding a specific group or topic please reach out directly to Special Collection and Archives to see what else we may have in our collections.
Statement of Arrangement: The collection is arranged alphabetically by organization name.
Preferred Citation: Kent State University Student Organizations records. Kent State University Libraries. Special Collections and Archives.
Acquisition Information: The provenance and dates of acquisition are not known for these records.
Related Material: Some student groups have their own collections including but not limited to the Black United Students records, the Kent Gay Liberation Front records, and Progressive Student Network records.
Box 1
Folder -- Contents
- Aikido Club [martial arts], 1974
- All Campus Programming Board [ACPB], 1970s-1980s, undated
- All Campus Programming Board [ACPB]: Newsletters, 1970s
- All Campus Programming Board [ACPB]: Newsletters, 1990s
- All Campus Programming Board [ACPB]: Stadium Proposal, 1977-1978
- Allerton Enterprise Group of Inter-cultural Students [AEGIS], 1990s, undated
- Alternative Lifestyles Collective, 1970s
- Amigos De Las Americas Kent Chapter, 1981?
- Anti Racist Action, 2003, undated
- Assembly and Entertainment Committees, 1941, 1952
- Associated Women Students, 1950s-1960s
- Bands, 1960s-2010s
- Bands, 1960s-2010s
- Bicycle Club, 1970s
- Campus Ministries and related religious and spiritual groups, 1950s-1980s
- Campus Ministries and related religious and spiritual groups, 1950s-1980s
- Campus Ministries and related religious and spiritual groups, 1950s-1980s
- Campus Ministries and related religious and spiritual groups, 1950s-1980s
- Campus Ministries and related religious and spiritual groups, 1950s-1980s
- Campus Ministries and related religious and spiritual groups, 1950s-1980s
- Campus Ministries and related religious and spiritual groups, 1950s-1980s
- Campus Ministries and related religious and spiritual groups, 1950s-1980s
- Campus Ministries and related religious and spiritual groups, 1950s-1980s
- Campus Ministries and related religious and spiritual groups, 1950s-1980s
- Campus Ministries and related religious and spiritual groups, 1950s-1980s
- Campus Ministries and related religious and spiritual groups, 1950s-1980s
- Campus Ministries and related religious and spiritual groups, 1950s-1980s
- Campus Ministries and related religious and spiritual groups, 1950s-1980s
- Campus Ministries and related religious and spiritual groups, 1950s-1980s
- Chestnut League: Posters, 1970
Physical Location: This folder is filed in the map case. - Chinese Student Association, 1970s-1980s undated
- Chorale, undated
- Chorus, 1978, undated
- Committee Against Repressive Legislation, 1970s
- Committee Against the Murder of Gary Sherman, 1970s
Physical Location: This folder is filed in the oversized box 1. - Committee For Nonviolence, 1970, undated
- Committee to Fight the Food Coupon Rip-Off, 1974
Physical Location: This folder is filed in the oversized box 1. - Committee to oppose the Glorification of Recreational Killing, undated
- Commuter and Off-Campus Student Organization, 1970s-1990s
- Commuter and Off-Campus Student Organization, 1970s-1990s
- Concerned Students and Alumni for Kent State, 1997
- Constitutional Convention: Ballots, 1973
Physical Location: This folder is filed in the oversized box 1. - Constitutional Convention: Petitions, 1973
Physical Location: This folder is filed in the oversized box 1. - Council on Freedom: Campus Report Newsletter, 1964
- Disabled Students Advisory Committee, undated
- Environmental Conservation Organization, 1970s, undated
- Farah Strike Support Committee, 1973
- Figure Skating Club, 1970s
- Friendship Association of Chinese Students and Visiting Scholars, undated
- Gymnastics Club, 1950s, 1970s
- Health Physical Education Club, undated
- History Club, undated
- Improvisation Theater group, 1970
- Independent Student Association [ISA], 1953-55, undated
- Independent Student Association [ISA]: Scrapbook, 1951
Physical Location: This scrapbook is filed in oversized box 2. - Indochina Peace Campaign. 1974, undated
- Industrial Arts Club, 1941, 1959-1960
- Institute for the Study and Prevention of Violence, 1990s-2000s
- International Film Society, 1970s-1980s
- International Socialist Organization, 2003
- Jewish Services Center, 1970s, undated
- KCEWV [Kent Committee to End the War], 1968
- Kent African Liberation, 1970s, undated
- Kent African Students Association, 1975
- Kent Anthropology Club, 1975
- Kent Area Tenants Organization, 1978
- Kent Attica Brigade, undated
- Kent Cruisers Club [group activities for people with and without disabilities], 1980s
- Kent Guitar and Stringed Instruments Association, 1976
- Kent Interhall Council, 1970s, undated
- Kent Interhall Council, 1970s-1980s
- Kent Interhall Council: Newsletters, 1970s-1980s
Box 2
Folder -- Contents
- Kent International Students and Internationals Club, 1950s-1990s
- Kent International Students and Internationals Club, 1950s-1990s
- Kent International Students and Internationals Club, 1950s-1990s
- Kent Iranian Student Club, 1978, undated
- Kent Reform Council, 1970s
- Kent State University Hillel, 1970s, undated
- Kent State University Isshinryu Karate Club, undated
- Kent Student Chapter of the American Institute of Architects, 1970s
- Kent Student Mobilization Committee to End the War, 1969
- Kent Student Union, 1970s, undated
- Kent Women's Action Collective, undated
- Kent Women's Alliance, undated
- Kindergarten & Primary Club: Yearbooks, 1942-43, 1947-48
- Kindergarten & Primary Club: Scrapbooks, 1928-1936, 1937-1940, 1936-1945, 1942-1943, 1947-1948
Physical Location: These 5 scrapbooks are filed in oversize boxes. Scrapbooks 1928-1936 and 1937-1940 are in oversized box 2. Scrapbooks 1936-1945 and 1942-1942 are in oversized box 3. Scrapbook 1947-1948 is in oversized box 4. - KSU Association for Computing Machinery, undated
- KSU Campus Calendar, 1959-1962, undated
- KSU Campus Calendar, 1959-1962, undated
- KSU Campus Calendar, 1959-1962, undated
- KSU Green Dragon Intramural Kung Fu Club, 1989
- KSU Medieval Society, undated
- KSU United for Biloxi [hurricane relief group], 2005-2008
Physical Description: This folder also contains a CD. - KSU Vets, 1971, 1975
- KSU Women's Liberation Organization: Newsletter, 1972-1973
- Kwan Yhing Kenpo Club [Shaolin Kung-Fu], 1973
- Latvian Student Delegation, 1978
- Little United Nations Assembly [Model UN], 1960s
- Little United Nations Assembly [Model UN], 1970s
- Married Students Organization, 1960s
- May 4 Ad Hoc Strike Committee, 1976
Physical Location: This folder is filed in the oversized box 1. - Med-Dent Club, undated
- Men Student's Association [Men's Union], 1952-1963, undated
- Military Draft organizations, 1971, 1979-1980
- Mobilization for Survival, undated
- National Organization of Women, 1979
- Native American Indian Rights Association, 1970s
Physical Location: This folder is filed in the oversized box 1. - Native American Indian Rights Association, 1974-1976
- No Time for Classes [theater group], 1950s-1960s
- Orchestra, 1947
- Public Interest Research Group, 1975-1976
- Publication: A Book of Orville's, undated
- Publication: A.M., June-August 1972
- Publication: Adult Outlook: News for Undergraduate Adult, Evening, and Weekend Students, 1980s-2000s
- Publication: Blank-the ragazine of high and low art,1970s
Physical Location: This folder is filed in the oversized box 1. - Publication: Bulletin of Women's Organizations & Activities, 1936-1937
- Publication: Chestnut Burr, 1920s, 1977
- Publication: Collage, 1966
- Publication: Daily Kent Stater: Policies and Standards, 1960s-1970s
- Publication: Fourth Dimension Con, 1970s
- Publication: Ha-Kol: The Jewish Students Voice at Kent, 1976
- Publication: Infinite Dreams, 1970s
- Publication: Inner Angle Creative Arts Magazine, 1970s
- Publication: Kent Co-ed, 1950-1961
- Publication: Kent Co-ed, 1950-1961
- Publication: Kent Contemporary Arts Group [Schema], 1981, undated
- Publication: Kent Ford, undated
- Publication: Kent Progressive: Voice of the Kent Progressive Student Alliance, 1979-1981
- Publication: Kent State Free Press and C.O.R.E. [Congress of Racial Equality] Newsletter, 1964
Physical Location: This folder is filed in the oversized box 1. - Publication: Kent Weekly, 1977
- Publication: Kent Writers Club 1933-1935
- Publication: Monday Sneaker Newsletter, 1970s
Physical Location: This folder is filed in the oversized box 1. - Publication: Nous, 1960s
- Publication: SEEDs of Change [Students Eliminating Environmental Destruction], 2005
- Publication: Summit Street Journal, 1995
Physical Location: This folder is filed in the oversized box 1. - Publication: The International Scholarly Review, 1975
- Publication: The Phoenix- Newsletter of the Nonviolent Revolution, 1971, undated
- Publication: The Student, 1962
- Publication: Voice of the Seven, 1948
Physical Location: This folder is filed in the oversized box 1. - Publication: Wardarian, 1960s
- Publication: Weekly Reader, 1970s
Box 3
Folder -- Contents
- Pyramid Zen Society, 1976
- Radical Action Collective, 1976
- Revolutionary Communist Youth Brigade, 1970s, undated
- Revolutionary Student Brigade, 1970s-1980s, undated
Physical Location: This folder is filed in the oversized box 1. - Revolutionary Student Brigade, 1970s-1980s, undated
- Revolutionary Union, 1971
Physical Location: This folder is filed in the oversized box 1. - Romanian Cultural Studies Group, 1970s, undated
- Sailing Club, undated
- Sharks: Synchronized Swim Club, 1960-1961, undated
- Social Committee of KSU, 1950s-1960s
- Social Committee of KSU, 1950s-1960s
- Socialist Educational Forum, 1970s
- Spartacus Youth League, 1975-1967, undated
Physical Location: This folder is filed in the oversized box 1. - Student Activities Board, 1970s, undated
- Student Activities Board: The Date Book, 1962-1964, 1968-1969
- Student Activities Office, 1971-1972, 1993-1994, undated
- Student Affairs Council, 1960s-1980s
- Student Affairs Council, 1960s-1980s
- Student Affairs Council, 1960s-1980s
- Student Affairs Council, 1960s-1980s
- Student Bar Association, 1974
- Student Coalition Against Racism, 1975
Physical Location: This folder is filed in the oversized box 1. - Student Legal Services Fees, ca. 2004
- Student Ombudsman, 2000s
- Student Organizations: Lists, 1971, 1992-1993, 2001,2003
- Student Organizations: Policy and Procedure Manuals, 1980s-1990s
- Students and Cultural Program Committee, 1950s-1960s
- Students for a Decent Education, 1975, undated
- Students for a Democratic Society, 1968, 1973, undated
Physical Location: This folder is filed in the oversized box 1. - Students for Israel, 1970s-1980s, undated
- Students for Native American Rights, 1973
Physical Location: This folder is filed in the oversized box 1. - Students in Free Enterprise, 1970s
- Students Maintaining & Advocating Cooperation & Constructiveness at Kent [SMACCK], 1978
- Students Supporting Students, 1990s
- Students Ticked About Book Prices [STAB]- Dial a Book, 1970s
- Students United Against the War, 1990s
- The Merrymen of Kent [singing group], 1950s-1970s
- Tuesday Cinema [Filmworks], 1970s, undated
- United Front, 1976
- United Students Against Rhodes, undated
Physical Location: This folder is filed in the oversized box 1. - Universities and the Quest for Peace, 1969-1973
- University Ad Group, 1974
- Varsity K: Athletics Hall of Fame, 1980s-2000s
- Varsity K: Athletics Hall of Fame, 1980s-2000s
- Vietnam Veterans Against the War, 1970s
- Voices in Vital America, undated
- Women's Athletic Association, 1936-1938
- Women's League of Kent State, 1929-1938
- Women's Recreation Association [WRA], 1950s-1970s
- Young Americans for Freedom, 1970, undated
Physical Location: This folder is filed in the oversized box 1. - Young Democrat Club: Newsletter, 1960
Physical Location: This folder is filed in the map case. - Young Socialist Alliance, 1970s