Trinity Lutheran Church (Kent, Ohio) records
Special Collections and Archives
Trinity Lutheran Church (Kent, Ohio) records
Special Collections and Archives
Trinity Lutheran Church (Kent, Ohio) records
Trinity Lutheran Church (Kent, OH) records
Finding Aid
Prepared by Ted J. Smith April 1991; Prepared for Web by Barbara Bass August 1996; Revisions: May 2022, September 2024
Inclusive Dates: 1884-2015
Extent: 7.5 cubic feet (5 record storage boxes, 2 half record storage boxes, 1 oversize flat box, oversize flat folders in map case) [Please note that boxes 6 and 4a which are the half record storage boxes are housed in a box 6 record center box]
Physical Location: Storage
Storage Note: This collection is housed in a climate-controlled environment off site and requires at least up to three weeks for retrieval. Please call or email the department with requests for this material prior to planning your visit.
Historical Note: Trinity Lutheran Church was organized as the English Evangelical Lutheran Church on July 22, 1877, with Reverend Nathan Paltzgroff as pastor until 1889. During the pastorate of Reverend Abraham Miller (1905-1911) the present brick church at the corner of South Water and Williams Streets was erected. Under Reverend J.H. Dobbyn (1920-1924) the name of the church was informally changed to Trinity Lutheran. Later, in 1952, while Reverend George Kunkle was pastor (1947-1953) the church was formally renamed.
Pastors between Dobbyn and Kunkle included Reverend George T. Heintz (1924-1928), Reverend Martin W. Wappner (1928-1938), and Reverend Henry Edward Hamme (1939-1943). Reverend O. Franklin Johnson became pastor in 1954 and during his term (1954-1972) two new constitutions were adopted; the 1955 constitution in accord with a model of the United Lutheran Church in America, and the 1964 constitution, amended in 1971, based on guidelines provided by The Lutheran Church in America.
In 1977, during the pastorate of Reverend Victor A. Myers (1973-1982), Trinity Lutheran Church observed its one hundredth anniversary. In commemoration, a history of the church was prepared by Leslie Stegh, a church member and also Kent State University Archivist. Box 5 of this collection contains several drafts and proofs of the centennial history which will be of invaluable assistance to the researcher as they provide context and continuity for the primary source materials that make up the bulk of the collection.
Scope and Content: The records of Trinity Lutheran Church of Kent, Ohio, were transferred to the American History Research Center on September 10 and October 26, 1976, and on July 5, 1979.
The collection has been divided into four major categories. The first and largest of these includes church originated materials, both manuscript and print. The remaining categories include printed materials originating outside Trinity Lutheran Church; materials pertaining to the 1977 centennial history; and visual materials such as photographs. Within these divisions the arrangement is at times topical, chronological and alphabetical.
Heading the collection, then, are early church record books, which contain a variety of data including lists of members, the 1906 constitution, council meeting minutes, and annual reports. These earliest hand written documents are especially interesting historical sources. Following the early record books, church materials are arranged topically: constitutions; church directories; church council correspondence and minutes; congregational meeting minutes; annual and miscellaneous committee reports; financial reports and records; special programs and anniversary celebrations; and Sunday school records. These materials complete the first two boxes of the collection.
In Box 3, continuing the category of church originated materials, are the records of various church groups, arranged alphabetically by name of organization. The researcher is referred to the centennial history for a thorough consideration of the history and interrelations of these groups. The first group, for example, listed in the inventory as the Brotherhood and Brotherhood Bible class, has had several titles during its various periods of activity.
Following the formal church groups are two church related groups, Cub Scout Pack 3251, and the Campus Lutherans of Kent State University. Trinity Lutheran Church concerned itself with Lutheran students on campus at several points in its history but most notably during the 1960s. A joint venture of both local Lutheran churches was organized in 1971 as Lutheran Campus Ministries. Various materials from this period have also been placed here, due to the active involvement of Trinity Lutheran Church.
Publications of Trinity Lutheran Church including the Sunday bulletins, the church newsletter "Trinity Topics" and Reverend Johnson's pastoral letters form the last group of church originated materials. The category ends with several folders of items belonging to Reverend Kunkle, and one folder of xerox copies of newspaper clippings concerning the church, dated 1889-1977.
Completing Box 4 is the second category - printed materials originating outside Trinity Lutheran Church. Most of these are items mailed to members of the congregation from various agencies of the LCA (Lutheran Church in America) and other inter-Lutheran organizations such as The National Lutheran Council. Because of the addition of church bulletins, covering the years 1977-1984 and "Trinity Topics", the church newsletter, 1977-1984, Box 4a has been introduced to hold materials that were forced out of Box 4 in order to make room for the above mentioned articles. All the folders in Box 4 from 33-59 were put in Box 4a and renumbered, starting with 1.
Box 5, as previously stated, contains drafts, proofs, and research notes for Leslie Stegh's centennial history of Trinity Lutheran Church. It also contains the church bulletins from 1983-1984 because their format changed, from letter size to legal size, in mid 1983.
Box 6 largely contains additional church records, primarily financial records. Box 7 is also church records, specifically the two more recent church registers. These are continuations of the record books in box 1 (folders 2 and 3) which contain information such as membership, baptisms, confirmations, and marriages.
This collection will be of particular interest to church and Lutheran historians and also to local historians and genealogists.
Box 1
- Agreement between Reverend N. Paltzgroff and members of the English Evangelical Lutheran Church, April 1889.
- Record book, 1884-1908. Begun by Reverend Paltzgroff, it includes church members, church officers, baptisms, deaths, collections, minutes of church council meetings from July 1887-July 1889, and a history of the church from 1877-1884. Some records have been updated through 1906. Minutes of church council meeting have been continued, September 1890-February 1908.
- Record book, 1906-1942. Begun by Reverend Miller, it includes the church constitution of 1906 with amendments adopted in 1917, annual reports for 1915 and 1916, and a history of the church to 1938. Reverend Miller's lists of members, baptisms, funerals, weddings and communions have been continued by later pastors through 1941.
- Miscellaneous items removed from 1906-1942 record book.
- Constitution and By-laws, 1955 and undated.
- Constitutional Amendments, 1971.
- List of new members, 1939-1941.
- Church directories, 1952, 1956, 1957, 1958 and undated.
- Church directory, 1961.
- Church directories, 1971, 1977, 1983, 1994, 2003, and undated.
- Trinity Lutheran Church population profile March 1978.
- List of members in military service, undated.
- Correspondence, church council, March 1926-July 1972, November 1982, and undated.
- Minutes, church council, September 1915-October 1922. Book includes annual report for 1916 and some financial notes. Also, minutes of congregational meetings, December 1916; November 1917; January, November, December 1919; June, November 1920; September, October, December 1921; and October 1922.
- Minutes, church council, November 1922-April 1932. Book includes minutes of congregational meetings, January, April, July, August, October 1923; April, May, October 1924; October 1925; October 1926; October 1927; May, September 1928; September 1929; and September 1930.
- Minutes, church council, July 1931; January, May, June, July, August, September 1932.
- Minutes, church council, October 1932, April 1943. Book includes minutes of congregational meetings, September 1932; September 1935; September 1936; September 1937; September, November 1938; April, June 1939; January, November 1940; January, December 1941; and May 1942.
- Minutes, church council, May-November 1946.
- Minutes, church council, July, December 1947. Also council roster and attendance.
- Minutes, church council, January-December 1948.
- Minutes, church council, January-July 1949.
- Minutes, church council, January 1947-January 1952. Book includes minutes of congregational meetings, February, November 1947; December 1948; January, December 1949; and May 1951.
- Minutes, church council, February-December 1952.
- Minutes, church council, January-December 1953.
- Minutes, church council, January-December 1954.
- Minutes, church council, January-December 1955.
- Minutes, church council, January-December 1956.
- Minutes, church council, January-December 1957.
- Minutes, church council, January-December 1958.
- Minutes, church council, January-December 1959.
- Minutes, church council, January-May 1960.
- Minutes, church council, January-December 1962.
- Minutes, church council, January-December 1963.
- Minutes, church council, January-December 1964.
- Minutes, church council, February-December 1968.
- Minutes, church council, January-December 1969.
- Minutes, church council, January-December 1970.
- Minutes, church council, January-December 1971.
- Minutes, church council, January-December 1972.
- Minutes, church council, January-December 1973.
- Minutes, church council, January-December 1974.
- Minutes, church council, January-December 1975.
- Minutes, congregational meeting, May 1932.
- Minutes, congregational meetings, December 1946, November 1947, January 1949.
- Minutes, congregational meetings, December 1950; December 1951; January, March, December 1952; January, May 1953; January, April 1954; January 1955; January 1956; and January 1957.
- Minutes, congregational meetings, February, September 1964; and January, June 1969.
- Minutes, congregational meetings, January, May, August 1971; February, April, December 1972; February, September, December 1973; April 1974; January, June, November 1975; and undated.
- Annual Reports, 1947-1960.
- Annual Reports, 1971, 1974, 1975.
- Annual Reports, 1976, 1977, 1978.
- Annual Reports, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985.
- Report to the Lutheran Church in America, 1975; and reports to the Ohio Synod, 1975, 1976.
- Pipe Organ Committee: resolution, 1948.
- Sector Project: Highlights from the Research Committee report, 1957.
- Parsonage Study Committee: Report and correspondence, 1969.
- Communion and contribution statistics, 1942-1957.
- Ledger: Treasurer's reports and accounts, January 1943-December 1944.
- Ledger: Treasurer's reports and accounts, January 1945-December 1946.
- Treasurer's report, January 1968.
- Treasurer's reports, January, September, October 1970.
- Treasurer's reports, January, March, December 1972.
- Treasurer's reports, January-September, November 1973.
- Financial Secretary's reports. 1965-1969.
- Financial Secretary's reports, April-December 1971.
- Financial Secretary's reports, January-December, 1972.
- Financial Secretary's reports, January-July 1973.
- Ledger: Collections, February-December 1921.
- Ledger: Collections, December 1921-June 1925.
- Ledger: Collections, June 1925-July 1929.
- Ledger: Collections, Jubilee Fund, July 1926-August 1927.
- Miscellaneous items removed from Jubilee Fund ledger.
- Proposed budgets, 1958, 1966-1970.
- Miscellaneous financial records, 1924-1953.
- Church rededication: Program, January 7, 1940.
- Sixty-fifth anniversary: Program July 19-26, 1942.
- Seventy-fifth anniversary: Correspondence, September 1952 and undated; histories; and programs, October 5, 1952.
- Cottage Meetings: Discussion guide 1963, 1964, 1968.
- Ninetieth anniversary: Brochure, invitations and ribbons, 1967.
- Stewardship Total Emphasis Program: Correspondence, November, 1969; brochures; dinner program, November 1969; and miscellaneous items.
- One-hundredth anniversary: Correspondence, May-December 1977, including reminiscences by Pastors Johnson and Hamme; invitations; ribbons; programs, May 15, 1977; Music by Victor Myers; sermons by Reverend Paul Swartz and Dr. Kenneth Sauer; resolution by Kent City Council; and The Ohio Lutheran, July 13, 1977; Cantate Service Program; Centennial Festival Service of Thanksgiving Program; Centennial Founder's Day Service of Holy Communion Program; Trinity 100th Anniversary Commemorative Photos CD, ca. 2009.
- Acolyte schedules, 1955.
- Alter Guild Workbook Schedules, 1976, 1977, 1981.
- Acolyte schedules, January 1966-December 1969.
- Ushers schedules, April 1968-March 1970.
- Nursery schedule, 1968.
- Sunday School: Record book, July 1926-July 1929.
- Sunday School: Record book, August 1929-May 1932.
- Sunday School: Record book, January l937, December 1939.
- Sunday School Attendance (written notes, 1950).
- Sunday School: Ledger; Financial accounts, October 1931-December 1948.
- Sunday School Staff List, 1955.
- Sunday School: Announcements and Notices, 1966-1969.
- Vacation Church School: Announcements, 1966, 1968, 1969.
- Confirmation Ministry Program: Description, 1976.
- West Branch Retreat: Miscellaneous items, c. 1970.
- Brotherhood Bible Class: Resolution, February 1925; and correspondence, June 1924.
- Brotherhood Bible Class: Record book of Men's Class of The Trinity Lutheran Sunday School~, October 1923-June 1930.
- Brotherhood of Trinity Lutheran Church: Constitution, 1958.
- Daughters of Trinity: Record book, including minutes, January 1930-November 1935.
- Daughters of Trinity: Miscellaneous items removed from 1930, 1935 record book, including undated Constitution, and historical notes, 1930-1952.
- Daughters of Trinity: Record book, including minutes, October 1939-December 1944.
- Daughters of Trinity: Record book, including minutes, January 1945-December 1952.
- Daughters of Trinity: Miscellaneous item removed from 1945-1952 record book.
- Daughters of Trinity: Historical notes, 1930-1953.
- Daughters of Trinity: Treasurer's record book, 1930-1939; and miscellaneous financial item, 1930~.
- Daughters of Trinity: Yearbooks, 1948-1949, 1949-1950, and 1954.
- Ladies Aid Society: Correspondence, April 1955-July 1957, and undated.
- Ladies Aid Society: Correspondence, March 1955- February 1957, and undated. Removed from Trinity Fellowship scrapbook.
- Ladies Aid Society: Thank-you notes 1953-1957, and undated. Includes memorial notice for George M. Kunkle. Removed from Trinity Fellowship scrapbook.
- Ladies Aid Society: Record book, including minutes, January 1937-December 1954.
- Ladies Aid Society: Record book, including minutes, January 1955-May 1960.
- Ladies Aid Society: Treasurer's record books, January 1944-February 1950; March 1950-April 1954; May 1954-October 1957; February 1957, May 1960.
- Ladies Aid Society: Flower Fund record books, November 1941-February 1954; February 1954-May 1960.
- Ladies Aid Society: Treasurer's Reports, October 1930-September 1931; 1950; 1951; 1952; and miscellaneous financial items 1953-1956, and undated.
- Ladies Aid Society: Program books, 1948, 1953. Removed from Trinity fellowship scrapbook.
- Ladies Aid Society: Miscellaneous item, 1956.
- Lutheran Church Women: Yearbooks, 1967, 1968, 1969.
- Lutheran Church Women: Yearbooks, 1970, 1971, 1972, and 1973.
- Lutheran Church Women: Yearbooks, 1974, 1975, 1977, and 1978.
- Lutheran Church Women: Yearbooks, 1979, 1980, 1981, and 1982.
- Lutheran Church Women: Yearbooks, 1983, 1984, 1985, and 1986.
- Lutheran Church Women: Miscellaneous items, 1968-1975. Minutes January 8, 1978 and February 8, 1978.
- Luther League: Constitution and By-laws, 1955.
- Luther League: Miscellaneous items, 1966-1968.
- Trinity Fidelis: Membership list, 1952.
- Trinity Fidelis: Yearbooks, 1947-1953.
- Trinity Fidelis: Yearbooks, 1954-1958, 1963, and 1964.
- Trinity Fidelis: Booklet, The Altar Guild by David A. Menges, 1944.
- Trinity Lutheran Fellowship: Financial record book, February 1960-January 1962.
- Trinity Lutheran Fellowship: Miscellaneous financial items, 1961-1962.
- Trinity Lutheran Fellowship: Scrapbook, 1960-1961
Physical location: Filed in oversized mapcase - Trinity Lutheran Fellowship: Miscellaneous items removed from scrapbook, 1961.
- Ralph White Missionary Society: Record book, including minutes, August 1952-February 1958.
- Ralph White Circle (formerly Ralph White Missionary Society) Directory, no date.
- Ralph White Missionary Society: Correspondence and miscellaneous items, 1957, and undated.
- Ralph White Missionary Society: Miscellaneous financial items, 1931, and undated. (Society known prior to 1942 as The Women's Missionary Society)
- Women's Council Board and Fellowship group: Minutes, February 1954. Removed from Trinity Lutheran Fellowship scrapbook.
- Young Women of Trinity: Membership list, undated.
- Young Women of Trinity: Yearbook, 1956.
- Cub Scout Pack 3251: Financial record book and miscellaneous items, 1961.
- Lutheran Student Association, Kent State University: Miscellaneous items, 1966-1969; and related materials.
- Miscellaneous church programs and bulletins, 1900-1985.
- Church bulletins, 1966.
- Church bulletins, 1967.
- Church bulletins, 1968.
Church bulletins for 1983 and 1984 are located in Box 5 folders 5a and 5b respectively. These bulletins are oversized reflecting a format change in 1983.
- Church bulletins, 1969.
- Church bulletin, 1970 (one only, June 7, 1970).
- Church bulletins, 1973.
- Church bulletins, 1974.
- Church bulletins, 1975.
- Church bulletins, 1976.
- Church bulletins, 1977.
- Church bulletins, 1978.
- Church bulletins, 1979.
- Church bulletins, 1980.
- Church bulletins, 1981.
- Church bulletins, 1982.
- Parish Paper, Vol. 1, no. 1 (February 1942).
- Parish Paper , Vol. 1, no. 2 (March 1942).
- Trinity Topics, Vol. 1, nos. 1-12 (April 1960-March 1961).
- Trinity Topics, Vol. 2, nos. 1-12 (April 1961-March 1962).
- Trinity Topics , Vol. 3, nos. 1-5 (April 1962-March 1963).
- Trinity Topics, Vol. 4, nos. 1-12 (April 1963-March 1964).
- Trinity Topics, Vol. 5, nos. 1-10 (April/May 1964-March 1965).
- Trinity Topics, Vol. 6, nos. 1-12 (April 1965-March 1966).
- Trinity Topics, Vol. 7, nos. 1-11 (April 1966-April 1967).
- Trinity Topics, Vol. 8, nos. 1-5, 9-10 (May 1967- September 1967; January 1968-February/March 1968).
- Trinity Topics, Vol. 9, nos. 1-8 (April 1968-mid-March 1969).
- Trinity Topics, Vol. 10, nos. 1-5 (April 1969-mid-December 1969).
- Trinity Topics, Vol. 13, nos. 6-10 (October 1972-March 1973).
- Trinity Topics, Vol. 14, nos. 1-6, 8-16 (April 1973-February 1974 plus one unnumbered issue for February 1974).
- Trinity Topics, Vol. 15, nos. [1]-10 (April 1974-December 1974).
- Trinity Topics, Vol. 16, nos. 1-17 (January 1975-December 1975)
- Trinity Topics, Vol. 17, nos. 1-20 (January 1976-December 1976).
- Trinity Topics, Vol. 18, nos. 1-20 (January 1977-December 1977).
- Trinity Topics, Vol. 19, nos. 1-20 (January 1978-December 1978). (extraneous matter: photo, news clipping)
- Trinity Topics, Vol. 20, nos. 1-20 (January 1979-December 1979). (Christmas thoughts of children)
- Trinity Topics, Vol. 21, nos. 1-19 (January 1980-December 1980).
- Trinity Topics, Vol. 22, nos. 1-18 (January 1981-December 1981).
- Trinity Topics, Vol. 23, nos. 1-12 (January 1982-December 1982).
- Trinity Topics, Vol. 24, nos. 1-12 (January 1983-December 1983).
- Trinity Topics, Vol. 25, nos. 1-7 (January-June 1984) and nos. 9-13 (July-December 1984).
- Booklet, The Symbols of Trinity Lutheran Church, 1960.
- Pastoral correspondence of Reverend O. Franklin Johnson, January-December 1966, and undated.
- Pastoral correspondence of Reverend O. Franklin Johnson, January-December 1967.
- Pastoral correspondence of Reverend O. Franklin Johnson, February-December 1968, and undated.
- Pastoral correspondence of Reverend O. Franklin Johnson, January-December 1969.
- Pastoral correspondence of Reverend O. Franklin Johnson, August 1972; and of C. E. Burlingame, undated.
- Miscellaneous materials belonging to Reverend George M. Kunkle: Lessons and publications of The Henry George School of Social Science, 1937, 1942, 1944; publications of ~the Neo-Science Society of America, 1940, 1945; The World's Work, September 1908; a mimeographed paper, "Land in The Human Economy" by G. Frank Kelly, 1945; and a typed paper, "Banish Booze from Politics," undated.
- Henry George News, September, October, December 1943; October, December. 1947; January, April 1948; and Analysis, September, December 1943; August, September, October 1945; February, July, August 1946. Subscriptions of Reverend George M. Kunkle
Physical location: Filed in oversized mapcase
BOX 4a
- Unidentified composition book contains manuscript notes on Martin Luther, 1927. May have belonged to Reverend Kunkle when at Hamma Divinity School.
- Xerox copies of miscellaneous newspaper clippings, 1889-1977, and undated.
- Lutheran Church in America: Confession of Faith, undated.
- Lutheran Church in America, Board of American Missions: Miscellaneous brochures, 1966, 1967.
- Lutheran Church in America, Board of Publications: Miscellaneous brochures, 1966-1969.
- Lutheran Church in America, Board of Theological Education: Miscellaneous brochures, 1966.
- Lutheran Church in America, Board of World Missions: Miscellaneous brochures, 1967, 1968. Includes Interpretation Series on various countries.
- Lutheran Church in America, Commission on Evangelism: Miscellaneous brochures, 1966.
- Lutheran Church in America, Commission on Stewardship: Miscellaneous brochures, 1966.
- Lutheran Church in America, Commission on Youth Activities: Miscellaneous brochures, 1966.
- Lutheran Church in America, Vocational Service: Miscellaneous brochures, 1966.
- Lutheran Church in America, Wittenberg University: Miscellaneous brochures, 1966-1969.
- Lutheran Church in America, Ohio Synod: Miscellaneous brochures, 1966-1969.
- Lutheran Church in America, Ohio Synod: Miscellaneous publications; The Ohio Lutheran, January 22, 1975, July 13, 1977 (partial), and January, 1978, and The Osterlen Herald, September 1965-March 1969.
- Lutheran Church in America, Ohio Synod, Akron District: Miscellaneous flyer, 1976; and newsletter, Advance, January 1976-November 1976.
- Lutheran Children's Aid Society: Miscellaneous brochures, 1965, 1967; and newsletters, 1966-1969.
- Lutheran Service Society of Northeastern Ohio: Miscellaneous brochures, 1966, 1967, 1969; and newsletter, "The Society Page" March 1967-November 1969.
- Lutheran Welfare Council of Ohio: Miscellaneous brochures, 1966.
- Lutheran World Action: Miscellaneous brochures, 1966, 1967; correspondence, Synod of Ohio, 1943; report, Synod of Ohio, 1947.
- National Lutheran Council: Miscellaneous brochures, 1967, including reprint of Time article on Martin Luther, March 24, 1967, offered by The 450th Reformation Anniversary Committee.
- Faith Lutheran Church, Kent, Ohio: Flyers, 1969 and undated.
- Flyers for Lutheran choir concerts, Akron and Cuyahoga Falls, 1967, 1969.
- St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church Scottsdale, Pennsylvania: Fiftieth anniversary booklet, 1940.
- First Evangelical Lutheran Church, Parnassus, Pennsylvania: Fiftieth anniversary booklet, 1941.
- Interdenominational community activities, Kent, Ohio: Miscellaneous flyers and programs, 1968, 1969, 1975.
- UNICEF: Miscellaneous items and brochures, 1966-1969.
- Miscellaneous items, Kent and Ravenna, Ohio, 1966, 1969 and undated.
Box 5
Folder -- Contents
Scope and Content: In addition to the folders listed below, box 5 also contains two boxes of note cards used in the preparation of The Centennial History of Trinity Lutheran Church.
- Centennial History of Trinity Lutheran Church by Leslie Stegh: Typed draft.
- Centennial History of Trinity Lutheran Church: Uncorrected galley proof.
- Centennial History of Trinity Lutheran Church: Galley proof and xerox copy with corrections.
- Centennial History of Trinity Lutheran Church: Galley proof with corrections, additions, graphs.
- Centennial History of Trinity Lutheran Church: Master membership list.
- Church Bulletins, 1983.
- Church Bulletins, 1984.
- Newsclippings.
- Photograph: Russell S. Colley, c. 1961. Removed from Trinity Lutheran Fellowship Scrapbook.
- Photograph: Mr. and Mrs. S.K. Fretz.
- Photograph: Reverend R. A. Halverstadt.
- Photograph: Reverend H. Edward Hamme.
- Photograph: Reverend O. Franklin Johnson.
- Photograph: Reverend J. E. Loerch and family.
- Photograph: Reverend Abraham Miller, part of a 1907 church calendar.
- Photograph: Reverend and Mrs. Abraham Miller.
- Photograph: Reverend Abraham Miller and members of the congregation at the laying of the cornerstone, 1908. Most members are identified.
- Photograph: Reverend Abraham Miller in front of completed church, 1911.
- Photograph: Group of children including the sons of Earnie Miller.
- Photographs and negatives: Reverend Victor Myers and members of the congregation.
- Photograph: Tombstone of Reverend and Mrs. Nathan Paltzgroff.
- Photograph: Grandma Paltzgroff, Josephine Paltzgroff, Amanda, and Mrs. E. E. Shiltz.
- Photograph: Mr. and Mrs. D. Henry Plump.
- Photograph: Reverend Merle V. Rentz with George Travis and William Allen, 1942.
- Daguerreotype: Levi Stonemetz.
- Daguerreotype: Mrs. Levi Stonemetz.
- Daguerreotype: Romanus and Levi Stonemetz.
- Daguerreotype: Sarah Stonemetz.
- Daguerreotype: William Stonemetz.
- Photograph: William, Romanus and Levi Stonemetz.
- Photograph: Sue Nighman, Helen Johnson, A. Favors, Vera Howard, C. Pratt, C. Zapf, G. Yonkers.
- Photograph: Mr. and Mrs. Jacob White.
- Photograph: Reverend Ralph J. White.
- Photograph: Mrs William White, Bertha White, Mrs. Oren White, Sarah Stonemetz, Pearl Stonemetz, Mrs. Levi Stonemetz, Sadie Stonemetz.
- Photograph: Unidentified man in iron lung.
- Photograph: Unidentified men in chefs' hats and aprons.
- Photograph: Unidentified man at the pulpit of an unidentified church.
- Photograph: Trinity Lutheran Church, exterior, 15 copies.
- Photograph: Trinity Lutheran Church, interior, possibly 1927.
- Photograph: Unidentified church interior.
- Photograph: Rev. Victor Myers, wife Nancy, daughter Heidi taken at annual church corn roast, dated September 6, 1973.
- Photograph: Mrs. Charles Pennepecker; Mrs. Paul Steide. Mrs. Bradford Dawson, dated 1974.
- Photograph: Mrs. J.T. Escott, Mrs. Harry Stark, Mrs. Hazel Mohler, Mrs. Fred Yonkers.
- News Announcement Easter Week Services, dated 1985.
- Photograph: Gladys Frankhauser, Clara Crampton, 2 unidentified women 1969.
- Photograph: Eleanor Mileski, 3 unidentified women, n.d.
- Photograph: Thomas Shumaker, Donald Ray, Fred Sarrach, unidentified scoutmaster (1950's).
- Photograph: four unidentified persons.
- Photograph: early church building.
- Ink drawing: Trinity Lutheran Church, exterior, 1977.
Physical location: Filed in oversized mapcase - Map: Membership Distribution composite, oversized, undated
Physical location: Filed in oversized mapcase - Map: Sunday School Distribution composite, oversized, undated
Physical location: Filed in oversized mapcase - Hymn Book, 1876
Scope Note: This hymn book was given to the church by a member. The front page has the following inscription "Mrs. A.S. George Nov 11.1877 Kent Ohio."
Box 6
Folder -- Contents
- Bills, receipts: 1962-1966
- Current expense fund: 1947-1957
- Receipt books: 1951, 1953
- Receipt book-treasurer: 1966
- Receipt book-building fund: 1954-1966
- Budgets: 1959-1962
- Financial Secretary's journal: 1968-1972
- Budget information: 1976-1977
- General ledger sheets: 1976
- General ledger sheets: 1977
- Rental property documents: 1958, 1968, 1973
Box 7
Folder -- Contents
- Parish Register, 1940s-1970s
- Parish Register, 1970s-2010s