May 4 Memorials
Special Collections and Archives
May 4 Memorials
Special Collections and Archives
May 4 Memorials
May 4 Memorials
On the Kent Campus
- B'nai B'rith Hillel Marker (Kent State University)
- Candlelight Walk and Vigil (Kent State University)
- Center for Peaceful Change (Kent State University)
- Don Drumm Sculpture (Kent State University)
- "The Kent Four" Sculpture by Alastair Granville-Jackson (Kent State University)
- May 4 Memorial (Kent State University)
- Chronology of events related to creation of May 4 Memorial at Kent State
- May 4 Resource Room (Kent State University Libraries and Media Services
- May 4 Memorial Windows (Kent State University Libraries and Media Services/May 4 Resource Room)
- May 4 Scholarships (Kent State University)
- Prentice Parking Lot Markers (Kent State University)
On Other Campuses
- "Abraham and Isaac" Sculpture by George Segal (Princeton University)
- "Bridge Over Troubled Waters" Sculpture by Don Drumm in memory of Kent State (Bowling Green State University)