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Sea Grant Project records

Special Collections and Archives

Sea Grant Project records

Special Collections and Archives

Sea Grant Project records

Sea Grant Project records

Finding Aid

Prepared by Stephen Paschen, August 2006; Updated February 2019

Inclusive Dates: 1970-1978
Bulk Dates: 1970-1973
Extent: 2 cubic feet (2 record storage boxes)
Physical Location: 11th floor

Historical Note: The Sea Grant Project was a three-year study (1971-1974) headed by Donald F. Mulvihill, chairman of the Kent State University marketing department and Leonard J. Konopa, KSU marketing professor. The project, funded by a federal grant from the National Science Foundation, intended to test consumer demand for fresh fish in northeastern Ohio as well as distribution problems getting the fish to market.

Scope and Content: Materials in this collection include correspondence, publicity, financial records, published and unpublished papers, surveys, and articles relating to the study. Dorothy Fuldheim's critical television commentary and response by co-investigator Donald Mulvihill are of particular interest.

Box 1
Folder - Contents

  1. Advertising and Publicity, 1970
  2. Allen, Kevin J., U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, correspondence, 1971
  3. Aloha Hawaii Travel Ltd., W. Bart Jackson, correspondence, 1972
  4. American Chamber of Commerce in Japan, correspondence, 1973
  5. Appreciation for Appearance, memorandums, 1973
  6. Assistantship letters, correspondence, 1970-1972
  7. A&P Fish Division, correspondence, 1971-1972
  8. Balke, Walter M., California State University, correspondence, 1973
  9. Barnet, Edward M., University of Hawaii, correspondence, 1972
  10. Bechtel Corporation, correspondence, 1973
  11. Bell, Frederick, National Marine Fisheries Service, correspondence, 1970-1971
  12. Bell, Martin, Washington University, correspondence and summary of papers, 1973
  13. Bissell Consultant Ltd., correspondence, 1974
  14. Brawner, Jack T., National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, correspondence, 1971
  15. Budget worksheets, research grants, [various dates]
  16. Caras, Roger, The Today Show, National Broadcasting Company, correspondence, 1972-1973
  17. Cincinnati, University of, Mark E. Deaton correspondence, 1972
  18. Department of Commerce, L.A. Gunnerson, correspondence, 1971
  19. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, Technology Laboratory, correspondence, 1971
  20. Correspondence, 1970-1973
  21. Correspondence, 1974
  22. Correspondence, 1975
  23. Correspondence, 1976-1978
  24. Correspondence Mailing Lists, 1971-1973
  25. Cox, Keith K., correspondence, 1970-1973
  26. Cranfield, England, School of Management, correspondence, 1972
  27. Delaware, University of, correspondence, 1972-1973
  28. East Coast Interviews, 1971
  29. Eldredge, H. Wentworth, Dartmouth College, correspondence, 1973
  30. Elim, Raga, Center for International and Comparative Programs, correspondence, 1972-1973
  31. Energy Seminar, Ohio, correspondence, 1973
  32. File memorandum to Anant R. Negandhi, 1972
  33. Finances-Accounting, 1971-1973
  34. Finances-Accounting, 1974
  35. Finances-Correspondence and Grant Proposal, 1970
  36. Finances-Correspondence and Grant Proposal, 1971
  37. Finances-Correspondence and Grant Proposal, 1972
  38. Finances-Correspondence and Grant Proposal, 1973
  39. Finances-Correspondence, 1974
  40. Fish Product Processors, 1971-1972
  41. Fish and Seafood Councils, 1971
  42. Fisher, Barry R., Oregon State University, correspondence, 1972
  43. Florida Department of Natural Resources, correspondence, 1974
  44. Florida Natural Resources, correspondence, 1971
  45. Florida, University of, correspondence, 1973
  46. Flying Tiger Airline, correspondence, 1973
  47. Fosberg, Irving A., Loyola University of New orleans, correspondence, 1972
  48. Freshwater Fish Marketing Corp., correspondence, 1973
  49. Frolander, Herbert F., Oregon State University, correspondence, 1973
  50. Symposium on Future Environments, correspondence, 1973
  51. Center for Futures Research, correspondence, 1972
  52. Gibson, James, National Federation of Commercial Fishermen, correspondence, 1973
  53. Gillespie, Samuel M., Texas A&M University, correspondence, 1970-1973
  54. Gingrich, Newt, West Georgia College, correspondence, 1972
  55. Glude, John B. U.S. Dept. of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, correspondence, 1970-1972
  56. Goodwin, Harold, Office of Sea Grant Programs, National Science Foundation, correspondence, 1970
  57. Greenwald, Ernest, National Sea Grant Program, correspondence, 1971-1972
  58. Grunewald, Donald, Suffolk University, correspondence, 1972
  59. Gulf Oil Corporation, correspondence, 1973
  60. Hamilton, Lee, National Association of Manufacturers, correspondence, 1973
  61. Hawaii, University of, correspondence, 1971-1972
  62. Holloway, Robert, University of Minnesota, correspondence, 1973
  63. Hook, Ralph C. Jr., University of Hawaii, correspondence, 1972
  64. Institute for Social Research, The University of Michigan, correspondence, 1973
  65. Institute for 21st Century Business, Kent State University, correspondence, [no date]
  66. Jensen, Kathi, Center for Marine Resources, Texas A&M University, correspondence, 1973
  67. Jewel Food Store, correspondence, 1973
  68. John, Joshua, Department of the Environment, Canada, correspondence, 1972-1973
  69. Johnson, Carmen, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, correspondence, 1971-1972
  70. Kahn, Herman, Hudson Institute, correspondence, 1972
  71. Kelly, J. Steven, correspondence, 1973
  72. Korey, George, Ryerson Polytechnical Institute, correspondence, 1973
  73. Kozmetski, George, University of Texas, correspondence, 1972
  74. Lamb, Charles W., Department of Fisheries, Canada, correspondence, 1973
  75. Library Correspondence, 1971
  76. McAvoy, Henry, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, correspondence, 1971
  77. McCracken, Paul W.., University of Michigan, correspondence, 1973
  78. McNeal, James U., Texas A&M University, correspondence, 1973
  79. Maine, University of, and Rutgers University, correspondence, 1972
  80. Hyland, Sr. Margaret Thomas, College of Mount St. Joseph, correspondence, 1972
  81. Metcalf, Bob, Highline Community College, correspondence, 1972-1973
  82. Miller, Charles, National Sea Grant Program, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, correspondence, 1971
  83. Miller, Morton, National Marine Fisheries Service, correspondence, 1972-1973
  84. Morel, Gus, National Sea Grant Program, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, correspondence, 1971
  85. Muse Corey, State of Maryland Seafood Marketing Authority, correspondence, 1973
  86. Nanus, Bert, UCLA, correspondence, 1972
  87. Nash, Darrel, U.S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, correspondence, 1970-1971
  88. National Fisheries Institute, correspondence, 1971
  89. "National Fisherman," correspondence, 1971-1973
  90. National Marine Fishery Service, correspondence, 1971-1972
  91. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, correspondence, 1970-1974
  92. National Science Foundation, correspondence, 1970-1971
  93. Negandhi, Anant,correspondence, 1973
  94. News Service, Kent State University, press release, 1970
  95. Newspaper Correspondence, "Cleveland Plain Dealer", 1971
  96. North Carolina Seafood, Marketing Development Program, correspondence, 1973
  97. Nusbaum, Harvey, Wayne State University, correspondence, 1972
  98. Oceanography Mariculture Industries, correspondence, 1972-1973
  99. Oceans and National Economic Development, correspondence, 1973
  100. Oregon Fish Commission, correspondence, 1968-1970
  101. Oregon State University, correspondence, 1972-1973
  102. O'Rourke, Hugh, Massachusetts Seafood Council, correspondence, 1971-1972
  103. Physical Distribution Survey, correspondence, 1973
  104. Point Judith Fisherman's Cooperative, correspondence, 1971-1973
  105. Point-of-PUrchase Advertising Institute, correspondence, 1973
  106. Position Survey, memorandums, 1970-1973
  107. Provincetown Co-operative Fishing Industries, Inc., correspondence, 1970-1973
  108. Questionnaires-Consumer, [no date]
  109. Questionnaires-Dealers, 1971-1972
  110. Questionnaires-Restaurant, 1972-1973
  111. Questionnaires-School and Hospital, 1972
  112. Rengel, Joseph C., Westinghouse Electric Corporation, correspondence, 1973
  113. Rochester, University of, correspondence, 1972-1973
  114. San Francisco Meeting, Sea Grant Food Scientists, correspondence, 1972-1973
  115. Sanchez, Peter M., Rider College, correspondence, 1972-1973
  116. Schwartz, Bill, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, correspondence, 1972
  117. Sea Grant Project, correspondence, 1970-1973
  118. Seaboard Fish Company, correspondence, 1971
  119. Seattle Questionnaire Replies, 1973
  120. Shawyer, Donald L., University of Missouri, correspondence, 1973
  121. Shellfish Institute of North America, correspondence, 1971
  122. Singer, Leo, Miracle White Company, correspondence, 1973
  123. Soloman, Ezra, Kent State University, correpondence, 1973
  124. Southeastern Fisheries Association, correspondence, 1971
  125. SUNY Buffalo, correspondence, 1972
  126. Swain, Paul, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, correspondence, 1971
  127. Texas A&M, Center for Marine Resources, correspondence, 1973
  128. Thom, Suzanne E., correspondence, 1973
  129. United Nations Information Centre, correspondence, 1972
  130. University Relations, Kent State University, correspondence, 1971-1973
  131. Washington, University of, correspondence, 1970-1972
  132. Water and Waste Water Equipment Manufacturer's Assn., correspondence, 1973
  133. Werner, Edgar, Interamerican University of Puerto Rico, correspondence, 1973
  134. Wildman, Robert D., National Sea Grant Program, correspondence, 1971-1973
  135. Wood, Helen, Regional Council for International Education, correspondence, 1973
  136. Zolper, J.T., Marine Colloids, Inc., correspondence, 1972
  137. 5 short-hand correspondence books time card records and notes
  138. 4 audiocassette tape recordings: Tape #1 Bob Metcalf, audio correspondence addressed to Don Mulvihill, 1972; Tape #2 Interview, two unidentified voices discussing domestic marketing of fish at the Point Judith Fisherman's Cooperative, [no date]; Tape #3 Interview, two unidentified voices discussing domestic marketing of fish at the Point Judith Fisherman's Cooperative as well as audio notes (perhaps Mulvihill), [no date]; Tape #4 Interview, two unidentified voices discussing domestic marketing of fish at the Point Judith Fisherman's Cooperative, [no date]
  139. Fuldheim, Dorothy, WEWS Television, commentary and correspondence, 1972
  140. Sea Grant publicity, KSU Office of Internal Communications, "Sea Grants" newsletters, prints of KSU marketing students used in newsletters, 1970-1973
  141. Kent State Institute for 21st Century Business: Paper: "Attitudes About Water Pollution and Fish Consumption," by J. Steven Kelly; Paper: "Survey of Wholesalers Handling Fish in Cuyahoga and Summit Counties, Ohio," by Leonard J. Konopa

Box 2

Folder - Contents

  1. Computer printouts: Report of Expenditures NSF GH 27177 - Mulvihill, 1970-1972
  2. Computer printouts: Departmental Budget Report NOAA 2-35364 - Mulvihill, 1972-1974
  3. Computer printouts: Duplicate copies Sea Grant NOAA 2-35364 - Mulvihill, 1970-1974
  4. Computer printouts: Sanchez/Konopa Consumer Data, 1971
  5. Computer printouts: Consumer Sample, [no date]
  6. Publication: "National Fisherman," Vol. 52, No. 13, Yearbook Issue, Camden, Maine: Journal Publications, Inc., 1972
  7. Publication: "National Fisherman," Vol. 54, No. 13, Yearbook Issue, Camden, Maine: Journal Publications, Inc., 1973
  8. Publication: "National Fisherman," Vol. 55, No. 13, Yearbook Issue, Camden, Maine: Journal Publications, Inc., 1975
  9. Consumer Questionnaires, undated
  10. Consumer Questionnaires, undated
  11. Public and Industrial Restaurant Surveys, undated
  12. Public and Industrial Restaurant Surveys, undated
  13. Schools and Hospitals Surveys, undated
  14. Consumer Surveys, undated
  15. Public and Industrial Restaurant Surveys and Correspondence, 1973
  16. Calculation Sheets: Surveys, undated
  17. Related Studies and Papers, 1968-1972
  18. Related Studies and Papers, 1967-1972