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Hart Crane and family papers

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Hart Crane and family papers

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Hart Crane and family papers

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Hart Crane and family papers 

Finding Aid

Prepared by Alex Gildzen; Last Updated: August 2024

Inclusive Dates: 1917-1989
Extent: 8 cubic feet (2 record storage boxes, 1 document case, 1 shoebox, 1 media box, 1 film box, 2 oversized boxes, 2 custom boxes, 2 tube containers, oversized folders)
Physical Location: 11th floor 

Biographical Note: Hart Crane was born in Garrettsville, Ohio, on July 21, 1899. He was the only child of Grace Edna Hart and Clarence A. Crane, original manufacturer of the Lifesaver candy. He grew up in Portage, Trumbull, and Cuyahoga counties. Crane published his first poem in 1916, and his first book, White Buildings, a decade later. His masterpiece, The Bridge, was first published in 1930 by the legendary Black Sun Press. Hart Crane died at the age of 32, an apparent suicide after jumping from the SS Orziaba into the Gulf of Mexico. The Collected Poems of Hart Crane was published after his death and The Complete Poems and Selected Letters and Prose of Hart Crane was published in 1966. In 1972, The University of Pittsburgh Press issued Hart Crane: A Descriptive Bibliography.

Crane was the favorite poet of the great American playwright, Tennessee Williams. Robert Lowell called him the Shelley of his age. Literary scholar R.W.B. Lewis wrote about Crane as "one of the dozen-odd major poets in American history." Crane's epic poem, The Bridge, was read on national television during the celebration of the Brooklyn Bridge.

Arrangement: The collection has been organized into 3 series.

  • Series 1: Hart Crane and family papers I includes materials purchased by Special Collections and Archives.
  • Series 2: Hart Crane and family papers II contains materials donated by Professor Vivian Pemberton.
  • Series 3: Hart Crane and family artifacts includes materials donated by Professor Vivian Pemberton.

Processing Note: Additions have been made to this collection that resulted in its name being changed to the "Hart Crane and family papers." The former title of the collection was the "Hart Crane papers."

Related Materials: Special Collections and Archives has an extensive collection of published works by and about Hart Crane. These are cataloged in KentLINK and housed in our LC-classified book collection. Please contact Special Collections and Archives for assistance in locating published works.

Restrictions on Use: All of the material in Series 2 and much of the material in Series 3 of this collection was donated by Vivian H. Pemberton in 1986 and in the late 1990s. For any of the materials donated by Vivian H. Pemberton, please ensure the following credit line is included in any paper, presentation, or other authorized use of this content: Vivian H. Pemberton. Hart Crane and family papers. Kent State University Libraries. Special Collections and Archives

Series 1: Hart Crane and family papers I

Scope and Content: Series 1 of this collection includes letters to Charles Harris and other associates as well as manuscripts of a few individual poems.

Box 1
Folder -- Contents

  1. 1923, 19 April: [New York City]. To Charles [Harris], [Cleveland].
    Thanks him for letter; announces J. Walter Thompson is trying to get him a job in his copy department but Crane is only "mildly hopeful"; mentions lunching with Untermeyer, Burke and Frank; "Alfred Steiglitz says I am the first one to discover the secret of his marvelous photos--which means an article when I can get time." Autograph Postcard Signed. 1l., 14cm.
  2. 1923, 11 May: [New York City]. To Charles [Harris].
    Writes with a "hang-over" about recent hospitality; says he is "just discovering what a rich place" New York City is; mentions he's been the guest of Slater Brown; announces he's "danced the gotzotsky so much that my calves almost refuse to function"; getting tired of "job-chasing"; sees "Stieglitz, O'Keefe, John Marin, Frank, and am soon to meet the beloved Paul Rosenfeld"; "my cartoon in the last Little Review has caused a little fun all around." Typed Letter Signed. 2p., 17.6cm.
  3. 1923, 8 July: [New York City] To Charles [Harris].
    Excuses his letter being typed; mentions drinking the night before with the Gorham Munsons and Jean Toomer; been "furiously busy"; has begun "my Bridge poem"; "I occasionally get very tired of it..."; lists reading and recent publications. Typed Letter Signed with autograph postscript. 1p., 28cm.
  4. 1923, 2 Dec.: [New York City] To Charles [Harris].
    Discusses mutual friends; announces he's left job at Thompson's; "I got so I simply gagged everytime I sat before my desk to write an ad"; says he is leaving tomorrow for Woodstock; mentions a character (probably in a piece by Harris). Autograph Letter Signed. 3p., 22.5 cm.
  5. 1925, 21 Dec.: [Patterson, N.Y.] To Charles [Harris] [Cleveland].
    Sends season's greetings; apologizes for not seeing him on last Cleveland visit; announces he's "well provided for and writing on The Bridge"; "Otto Kahn has provided me with ample funds for a year's free work on my poetry...". Typed Letter Signed. 1p., 21.3cm.
  6. 1926, 20 Feb.: [Patterson, N.Y.] To Charles [Harris].
    Sends greetings on Harris' plan to sail to Europe; says he's "a little bored with this ultimate privacy of a rural winter"; describes reading "everything from Spanish history to New Bedford Whaling records, from D.H. Lawrence to Lord Bacon"; "Meanwhile the scaffoldings for the Bridge jacknife upward a little and a few stanzas seem to have been evolved." Autograph Letter Signed. 2p., 21.5cm.
  7. 1926, 30 Nov.: [Patterson, N.Y.] To Charles [Harris].
    Asks about Europe; "I was in the Isle of Pines from May until the October hurricane which made the family place unliveable"; describes Cuba; mentions mutual friend; "still writing on The Bridge--3/4 of which is done. 9/10 of my money gone--too!"; " 'White Buildings' will be out in about 2 weeks..." Autograph Letter Signed. 2p., 21.4cm.
  8. 1927, 8 May: [Patterson, N.Y.] To Charles [Harris].
    Thanks him for his reaction to "White Buildings"; "I have received very few comments"; hopes to finish "The Bridge" by autumn; tells where sections are being published; "When I was in Cleveland three weeks ago I was so occupied with my mother's divorce proceedings on the one hand, and my father's nervous collapse on the other--that I didn't get time to look you up." Typed Letter Signed. 1p., 28cm.
  9. 1927, 25 July: Patterson, N.Y. To Jack _____.
    Thanks him for ordering magazine; misses seeing his mother; wants to know if he charge items at Brentano's. Typed Letter Signed. 1p., 28cm.
  10. 1929, 13 Aug.: Patterson, N.Y. To [Louis] Untermeyer.
    Returned from Paris three weeks ago; discusses Malcom Cowley's poems; tells him where to buy The Bridge; grants reprint permission; suggests lunching in the fall. Typed Letter Signed. 1p., 27cm.
  11. 1930, 28 Feb.: Brooklyn. To Mr. [Floyd] Van Vuren.
    Apologizes for not seeing him last night; sends him an article on the Brooklyn Bridge; will send a copy of his book; looks forward to seeing his column. Typed Letter Signed. 1p., 27.8cm.
  12. 1930, 8 June: Patterson, N.Y. To Sam [Loveman?].
    Thanks him for forwarding mail; spent time with Bill Brown; Received check from father; answered Yvor Winters' "fool review"; asks him to send a review of The Bridge. Typed Letter Signed. 1p., 27.7cm.
  13. [1969]: Clark, David R.
    Guide to Hart Crane. Typed Document (copy). 47p. [i.e. 52p.], 27.8cm.
    A xerox copy of the final draft of Guide to Hart Crane with corrections. Part of the Charles E. Merrill Program in American literature. Matthew J. Bruccoli and Joseph Katz, General Editors.
    Inscribed on title page by Mat[thew J. Bruccoli] To Hy[man Kritzer].
  14. 1983, 17 May: Brooklyn Bridge commemorative stamp. First day cover.
  15. Undated: To Charles [Harris].
    Thanks him for Christmas card and sends season's greetings. Autograph Letter Signed. 1p., 21.5cm.
  16. Undated: Altadena, Cal. To Conning.
    Thanks him for records; sends a rattle and grain alcohol. Typed Letter Signed. 1p., 28cm.
  17. Undated: To Mary F. Wolcott, Jamaica, N.Y.
    Regrets not seeing her before leaving; is living in the San Gabriel Valley. Autograph Postcard Signed. 1p., 8.6cm.
  18. Undated: The Bridge of Estador. Typed Document. 1p., 27.3cm.
    Carbon copy of poem with a note from CAH [Charles Harris?] to JJD [James Daly?] asking for "frank criticism."
    Written in 1921 and unpublished. "...a pastiche of lines rejected from other poems, fragments of work in progress, and fragments that would eventually be worked into as yet unwritten poems." Unterecker, Voyager, p. 191.
  19. Undated: Stark Major. Typed Document. 1p., 26.7cm.
    Written in early 1923, Lohf.
    Variations from version published in The Collected Poems of Hart Crane (New York, 1933): line 1 - "death--regular"; line 3 - comma after "sun"; line 5 - "There is not yet"; line 7&8 - "That joining hands will answer after The blown circuits of its later glare."; line 12 - "her, -- not"; line 17 - "and you,"; line 18 - "Answering still"; line 23&24 - "Than your's--in estacies You shall not ever reach or share"
  20. Undated: For the Marriage of Faustus and Helen. Typed Document. 2p., 28cm.
    With expanded version. Typed Document. 5p., 27.5cm.
    Two versions of the poem written in 1921-23 (Unterecker). First published in Broom magazine (Lohf). Published in White Buildings and The Collected Poems.
  21. Undated: Secession flier. Printed with autograph inscription. 1p., 23.3 cm.
    Advertising flier for a new magazine which lists Crane as a contributor. Sent by Crane to Charles Harris with note at bottom: "My friend, Munson's, magazine (#1 due in April) Hart.

Series 2: Hart Crane and family papers II

Scope and Content: Series 2 of the collection includes family letters, primarily to and from Hart Crane's father, Clarence A. Crane. Additionally, there are clippings, historical documents, Crane family correspondence, and audio recordings included in this series.

Acquisition Information: This portion of the collection was donated by Vivian H. Pemberton, then Professor of English at Kent State University's Trumbull campus, in 1986.

Restrictions on Use: Please ensure the following credit line is included in any paper, presentation, or other authorized use of this content: Vivian H. Pemberton. Hart Crane and family papers. Kent State University Libraries. Special Collections and Archives

Box 1 (continued)
Folder -- Contents

  1. 1917, 18 Jan.: [Crane, Clarence A.] To Harold [Hart Crane], 1899-1932, [New York, N.Y.].
    Asks him to write and tell him what he is doing; did not know he planned to write and "sell" his thoughts; wants to know how much he needs to live on per week; comments on his business. Typed Letter (carbon). 1p., 26.2cm.
  2. 1917, 20 Jan.: [Crane], Harold [Hart], New York, N.Y. To [Crane, Clarence A.]
    Senses his disappointment; trying to be economical; education stopped because everything was up-rooted at home, but he wants to continue his education; hopes to be independent of his support when he is 20. Typed Letter Signed. 3p., 28cm.
  3. 1917, 25 Jan.: [Crane, Clarence A.] To Harold [Hart] Crane, New York, N.Y.
    His health is good; doesn't think New York is the place to study, but will continue to support his efforts; comments on business; will send his letter on to his mother. Typed Letter (carbon). 1p., 26.2cm.
  4. 1917, 27 Jan.: [Crane], Harold [Hart], New York, N.Y. To [Crane, Clarence A.]
    Saw the burning of Huyler's chocolate factory; is worried about his mother's health. Typed Letter Signed. 2p., 28cm.
  5. 1917, 2 Feb.: [Crane], Harold [Hart], New York, N.Y. To [Crane, Clarence A.]
    Plans to move to better room; basic costs for a week are $13.00; looking for a position "in the writing line"; Harriet Moody introduced him to editors and writers, including Rabindranath Tagore. Typed Letter Signed. 2p., 28cm.
  6. 1917, 3 Feb.: [Crane, Clarence A.] To Harold [Hart] Crane, New York, N.Y.
    Encloses a check for $25.00. Typed Letter (carbon). 1p., 26.2cm.
  7. 1917, 10 Feb.: [Crane, Clarence A.] To Harold [Hart] Crane, New York, N.Y.
    He is going to Chicago and then on to the west coast; his mother is better but will stay with her until she comes to a decision "regarding her matters"; enclosed $50.00. Typed Letter (carbon). 1p., 26.2cm.
  8. 1917, 1 Apr.: [Crane], Harold [Hart], New York, N.Y. To [Crane, Clarence A.]
    Glad he approves of his studies; hopes to enter Columbia next fall; his poetry is being accepted "right and left"; he can find one piece in the Pagan if he goes to Laukhuff's Bookstore; could use increase in his allowance. Typed Letter Signed. 2p., 25.3cm.
  9. 1917, 2 Apr.: [Crane, Clarence A.] To Crane, Harold [Hart], New York, N.Y.
    Anxious to discuss his allowance; his mother's health is improving. Typed Letter (carbon). 1p., 26.2cm.
  10. 1917, 4 Apr.: [Crane, Clarence A.] To Crane, Harold [Hart].
    Had long discussion with his mother about his plans; both wish to be supportive; their divorce has been a great trial. Typed Letter (carbon). 2p., 26.2cm.
  11. 1917, 7 Apr.: [Crane] Harold [Hart], New York, N.Y. To [Crane, Clarence A.]
    Thanks for check; studies 6 hours a day; certain he will become one of the "foremost poets in America"; discusses allowance; met Frank Harris; more poems accepted for Pagan. Typed Letter Signed. 2p., 25.3cm.
  12. 1917, 13 Apr.: [Crane], Harold [Hart], New York, N.Y. To [Crane, Clarence A.]
    Will see Hazel Hasham Cazes; the war has upset him greatly. Typed Letter Signed. 1p., 25.3cm.
  13. 1917, 14 Apr.: [Crane, Clarence A.] To [Crane], Harold [Hart].
    Divorce granted today; hopes he and his mother can remain friends. Typed Letter (carbon). 1p., 26.2cm.
  14. 1917, 17 Apr.: [Crane], Harold [Hart], New York, N.Y. To [Crane, Clarence A.]
    Dined with Hazel Hasham Cazes; glad divorce is over; thanks for suit and ties; looks forward to his visit. Typed Letter Signed. 1p., 25.3cm.
  15. 1917, 18 Apr.: [Crane, Clarence A.] To Crane, Harold [Hart], New York, N.Y.
    His mother calls him nearly every day; both are adjusting to divorce; praises Hazel Hasham Cazes. Typed Letter (carbon). 1p., 26.5cm.
  16. 1917, 27 Apr.: [Crane], Harold [Hart], New York, N.Y. To [Crane, Clarence A.]
    Worried about his mother; asks him to send word soon. Typed Letter Signed. 1p., 25.3cm.
  17. 1917, 28 Apr.: [Crane, Clarence A.] To [Crane], Harold [Hart].
    His mother is well except she is very nervous; encourages him to continue his work; business has been slow. Typed Letter (carbon). 1p., 26.6cm.
  18. [1917?] [Apr.]: [Crane], Harold [Hart], Patterson, [N.Y.[ To [Crane] C[larence] A.
    Received news of the divorce trial; enjoyed their last visit; hopes he won't cancel his Canadian trip. Typed Letter Signed. 1p., 27.9cm.
  19. 1917, 7 May: [Crane, Clarence A.] To Crane, Harold [Hart], New York, N.Y.
    Business is very poor; hopes he will enjoy having his mother in New York. Typed Letter (carbon). 1p., 26.1cm
  20. 1917, 9 May: [Crane, Clarence A.] To Crane, Harold [Hart], New York, N.Y.
    Sends article from the American Magazine, and a poem. Typed Letter (carbon). 1p., 26.2cm
  21. [1917?] 15 May: [Crane], Grace [Hart], New York, N.Y. To Crane, C[larence] A., Cleveland, Ohio.
    Must see him either in New York or Cleveland. Telegram. 1p., 16.2cm.
  22. 1917, 19 May: Crane, Harold [Hart], New York, N.Y. To [Crane, Clarence A.]
    His letter of May 15 "wounded" mother; asks that he be more considerate of him who has "suffered terribly, and am an old man before twenty"; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brooks live in the same building and have been very kind. Typed Letter Signed. 2p., 25.4cm.
  23. 1917, 23 May: Shoot, Ervin, Cleveland, Ohio. To Crane, C[larence] A., Omaha, Nebraska.
    Informs him of Orsa Beardsley's, his cousin, death. Typed Telegram. 1p., 17.7cm.
  24. 1917, 24 May: [Crane, Clarence A.] To Crane, Harold Hart, New York, N.Y.
    Sets new allowance; encourages him in his studies and work; warns him of self-pity; work to fulfill ambitions his parents have for him. Typed Letter (carbon). 2p., 27.7cm.
  25. 1917, 11 June: [Crane, Clarence A.] To [Crane], Harold [Hart].
    War conditions bad for business; visited Garrettsville and Ravenna. Typed Letter (carbon). 1p., 26.6cm.
  26. 1917, 23 June: [Crane, Clarence A.] To [Crane], Harold [Hart].
    Describes candy packages; glad he likes new apartment in New York; saw his friend Gordon Volland in Chicago. Typed Letter (carbon). 1p., 26.7cm.
  27. 1917, 27 June: [Crane], Harold [Hart], New York, N.Y. To [Crane, Clarence A.]
    Asks for rent money and money for a suit and shoes; being tutored in French; has heard from his friend William Wright; wants to know about Canary Cottage. Typed Letter Signed. 2p., 25.2cm.
  28. 1917, 2 July: [Crane, Clarence A.] To Crane, Harold [Hart], New York, N.Y.
    Has had many visitors, including Maxfield Parrish; visited the Seiberling home in Akron; encloses check. Typed Letter (carbon). 2p., 27.7cm.
  29. 1917, 5 June [i.e. 5 July]: [Crane], Harold [Hart], New York, N.Y. To [Crane, Clarence A.]
    Envies his visit with Maxfield Parrish; Seiberling place in Akron must be fine; sends photo; plans to spend week-end in Connecticut. Typed Letter Signed. 2p., 25cm.
    Published in Lewis, T.S.W., ed. Letters of Hart Crane and His Family. New York, 1974, p. 63-64.
  30. 1917, 7 July: [Crane, Clarence A.] To Crane, Harold [Hart], New York, N.Y.
    His letter of the 5th gave more pleasure than any he has had from him; has had health problems but is better; sends design for the Lincoln Highway. Typed Letter (carbon). 2p., 27.6cm.
  31. 1917, 14 July: [Crane], Harold [Hart], New York, N.Y. To [Crane, Clarence A.]
    Likes Maxfield Parrish's design for candy box; mother is in Newport and will miss visit from the Harts; sends article about Mary Garden. Typed Letter Signed. 2p., 28.1cm.
  32. 1917, 20 July: [Crane, Clarence A.] To Crane, Harold [Hart], New York, N.Y.
    Sends money for a birthday dinner; visited the Volland family in Chicago. Typed Letter (carbon). 1p., 27.2cm.
  33. 1917, 4 Aug.: [Crane, Clarence A.] To Crane, Harold [Hart], New York, N.Y.
    Will try to interest art dealers in paintings of Carl Schmitt; his mother has not been well. Typed Letter (carbon). 1p., 26.2cm.
  34. 1917, 8 Aug.: [Crane, Clarence A.] To Crane, Harold [Hart], New York, N.Y.
    His mother is much better. Typed Letter (carbon). 1p., 26.4cm.
  35. 1917, 10 Aug.: [Crane, Clarence A.] To Crane, Harold [Hart], New York, N.Y.
    Mother is better and will arrive in New York on Monday; painting by Carl Schmitt has arrived and he likes it. Typed Letter (carbon). 1p., 26.4cm.
  36. 1917, 11 Aug.: [Crane, Clarence A.] To [Crane], Harold [Hart].
    Mother had a sick spell, is better, but won't start for New York as planned. Typed Letter (carbon). 1p., 26.3cm.
  37. 1917, 15 Aug.: [Crane, Clarence A.] To Crane, Harold [Hart], New York, N.Y.
    Mother has been quite ill. Telegram. 1p., 13.2cm.
  38. 1917, 15 Aug.: [Crane], Harold [Hart], New York, N.Y. To Crane, C[larence] A., Cleveland Ohio.
    Sick in bed; no word from you. Telegram. 1p., 16.4cm.
  39. 1917, 20 Aug.: [Crane, Clarence A.] To [Crane], Harold [Hart].
    Plans a vacation; always wants best for him and his mother. Typed Letter (carbon). 1p., 26.2cm.
  40. 1917, 19 Sep.: [Crane, Clarence A.] To Crane, Harold [Hart], New York, N.Y.
    Comments on the difficulty of doing business; difficulty in adjusting to divorce by both him and his mother. Typed Letter (carbon). 2p., 26.3cm.
  41. 1917, 8 Oct.: [Crane], Harold [Hart], New York, N.Y. To [Crane, Clarence A.]
    Has moved to a new room; enjoys the company of Mr. and Mrs. Brooks; New York part of the candy business is a problem; discusses allowance. Autograph Letter Signed. 4p., 28.1cm.
  42. 1917, 10 Oct.: [Crane, Clarence A.] To Crane, Harold [Hart], New York, N.Y.
    Comments on the difficulty of their relationship; discusses allowance; suggests he find some employment; can't understand why he needs to live in New York to study; the war has reduced profits of his business. Typed Letter (carbon). 3p., 26cm.
    Published in Lewis, T.S.W., ed. Letters of Hart Crane and His Family. New York, 1974, p. 82-85.
  43. 1917, 14 Oct.: [Crane], Harold [Hart], New York, N.Y. To [Crane, Clarence A.]
    Discusses need for some winter clothing; explains his plan for his life's work; wants to stay in New York and never live in Cleveland again if he can help it; is not extravagant in use of money; believes his allowance is owed to him. Typed Letter Signed. 3p., 28.1cm.
  44. 1917, 16 Oct. [Crane, Clarence A.] To Crane, Harold [Hart], New York, N.Y.
    Understands how he feels; is coming to New York. Typed Letter (carbon). 1p., 26.2cm.
  45. 1917, 22 Oct.: [Crane], Harold [Hart] To [Crane, Clarence A.]
    Sorry for the bad turn in business and that he won't be able to come to New York soon; has been praised by an editor who will publish two of his poems. Autograph Letter Signed. 4p., 26.5cm.
  46. 1917, 24 Oct.: [Crane], Harold [Hart]. To [Crane, Clarence A.]
    Needs a pair of shoes. Autograph Letter Signed. 1p., 22.1cm.
  47. 1917, 27 Oct.: [Crane, Clarence A.] To Crane, Harold [Hart], New York, N.Y.
    Hopes to continue allowance, but business is very bad; considering what needs to be done to stay in business. Typed Letter (carbon). 2p., 26.5cm.
  48. 1917, 3 Nov.: [Crane], Harold [Hart], New York, N.Y. To [Crane, Clarence A.]
    Thanks for money for shoes; needs money for a suit. Autograph Letter Signed. 1p., 26.5cm.
  49. 1917, 5 Nov.: [Crane, Clarence A.] To Crane, Harold [Hart], New York, N.Y.
    Can't understand need for a suit when he provided money for one in October; understands he has been drawing on his allowance in advance and asks him not to do so; knows many who live on $16 a week while his allowance is $25.00; the times are hard and thinks he should get a job. Typed Letter (carbon). 2p., 25.3cm.
  50. 1917, 14 Nov.: [Crane], Harold [Hart], New York, N.Y. To [Crane, Clarence A.]
    Can read French well now; hears he may soon have to close the New York office; hopes he likes his latest poem; has two more coming out next month; hopes to get one in The Little Review soon; he may be drafted. Typed Letter Signed. 2p., 26.6cm.
  51. 1917, 20 Nov.: [Crane, Clarence A.] To Crane, Harold H[art], New York, N.Y.
    Has read his poem in the Pagan and doesn't always get the "drift" of his poems; doesn't think much of the Pagan; The Little Review is better; giving considerable thought to how best to conduct his business. Typed Letter (carbon). 3p., 26.4cm
  52. 1917, 23 Nov.: [Crane], Harold [Hart], New York, N.Y. To [Crane, Clarence A,]
    Agrees with him about the "tone" of the Pagan, but right now The Little Review seems beyond him; French is coming along very well; glad he is beginning to "find himself." Typed Letter Signed. 2p., 26.6cm.
  53. 1917, 13 Dec.: [Crane, Clarence A.] To [Crane], Harold [Hart].
    Is looking forward to his visit to Cleveland at Christmas; glad he has a poem accepted by The Little Review. Typed Letter (carbon). 1p., 24.2cm.
  54. [1918?]: Crane, Harold [Hart]. To ______.
    Battleship in the middle of Union Square as advertising for recruiting; draft riots; it is "treason to talk anti-conscription now." Typed Letter Signed (fragment). 1p., 27.7cm.
  55. 1924, 23 June: [Crane, Clarence A.] To Crane, Harold [Hart], Brooklyn, N.Y.
    Sorry he is suffering an attack of uric acid; recommends a change of diet. Typed Letter (carbon). 1p., 27.9cm. Published in Lewis, T.S.W., ed. Letters of Hart Crane and His Family. New York, 1974, p. 324-325.
  56. 1925, 27 June: [Crane], Harold [Hart], Patterson, N.Y. To [Crane, Clarence A.]
    Staying with friends on a farm in the Berkshires; will probably return to New York in three weeks; plans to take a job on a boat. Typed Letter Signed. 1p., 27.5cm. Published in Lewis, T.S.W., ed. Letters of Hart Crane and His Family. New York, 1974, p. 422-423.
  57. 1925, 4 Nov.: [Crane], Harold [Hart], Brooklyn, N.Y. To [Crane, Clarence A.]
    Back in New York looking for work; knows he is not interested in his son anymore; book is to be published in the spring; critics say it is most important first book of poetry since Whitman's in 1855; sorry his father can't muster up a better appreciation for his son. Typed Letter Signed. 2p., 27.5cm.
  58. 1925, 17 Nov.: [Crane, Clarence A.] To Crane, Harold [Hart], Brooklyn, N.Y.
    It seems "we are always to travel different paths"; sorry he has such a low opinion of him; since it is a check he wants, he encloses $50.00. Typed Letter (carbon). 2p., 27.6cm.
    Published in Lewis, T.S.W., ed. Letters of Hart Crane and His Family. New York, 1974, p. 440-441.
  59. 1925, 25 Nov.: [Crane, Clarence A.] To Crane, Harold [Hart], Brooklyn, N.Y.
    Families do mean something even if they are broken; regrets that they can find little to agree upon concerning the conduct of their lives; feels that most writing must be an avocation and not a vocation. Typed Letter (carbon). 2p., 27.6cm.
    Published in Lewis, T.S.W., ed. Letters of Hart Crane and His Family. New York, 1974, p. 443-444.
  60. 1926, 2 Mar.: [Crane, Clarence A.] To [Crane], Harold [Hart].
    Grandmother's health is improving, but it has been a strain on his mother; glad his health is good. Typed Letter (carbon). 1p., 27.9cm.
    Published in Lewis, T.S.W., ed. Letters of Hart Crane and His Family. New York, 1974, p. 472-473.
  61. 1926, 9 July: Liveright, Horace B[risbin], 1886-1933, New York, N.Y. To Crane, [Harold] Hart, Nueva Gerona, Isle of Pines, Cuba.
    Agrees to publish his book, White Buildings; sets terms. Typed Letter Signed (carbon). 1p., 27.6cm.
  62. 1926, 20 July: [Crane, Harold Hart], Nueva Gerona, Isle of Pines, Cuba. To Liveright, Horace B[risbin], New York, N.Y.
    Thanks him for the "advance" on White Buildings; sorry Eugene O'Neill couldn't do the introduction but is pleased with the selection of Allen Tate; returns contract. Typed Letter (carbon). 1p., 27.7cm.
  63. 1926, 2 Sept.: [Crane], Harold [Hart], Havana, Cuba. To [Crane, Clarence A.]
    Enjoys Havana; is returning to the Isle of Pines tomorrow; could he advance $50 until he receives next instalment from Otto Kahn. Autograph Letter Signed. 1p., 27.7cm.
    Published in Lewis, T.S.W., ed. Letters of Hart Crane and His Family. New York, 1974, p. 510.
  64. 1927, 31 Mar.: [Crane, Clarence A.] To Crane, Harold [Hart], Patterson, N.Y.
    Trying to make the best of a bad situation; plans a trip to Northern Canada to see some mining property in which he has an interest; his book has received much favorable comment from those among his friends "who are capable of understanding it."; hopes he can come for a visit. Typed Letter (carbon). 2p., 27.7cm.
    Published in Lewis, T.S.W., ed. Letters of Hart Crane and His Family. New York, 1974, p. 542-543.
  65. 1927, 3 May: [Crane, Clarence A.] To Crane, Harold [Hart], Patterson, N.Y.
    Describes the Old Tavern at Welchfield, Ohio, and is considering buying it; would like him to come and live there and help manage it. Typed Letter (carbon). 2p., 27.7cm.
    Published in Lewis, T.S.W., ed. Letters of Hart Crane and His Family. New York, 1974, p. 552, 554-555.
  66. 1927. 4 May: [Crane, Clarence A.] To Crane, Harold [Hart], Patterson, N.Y.
    Probably will withdraw offer to buy tavern at Welchfield; sends two boxes of books and clothing. Typed Letter (carbon). 1p., 27.7cm.
  67. 1927, 24 May: [Crane], Harold [Hart], Patterson, N.Y. To [Crane, Clarence A.]
    Working on The Bridge; hopes he secured property in Chagrin Falls as it seemed a better prospect than the Welchfield property; encloses some rhymes written by "a number of us." Typed Letter Signed. 1p., 28.2cm.
    Published in Lewis, T.S.W., ed. Letters of Hart Crane and His Family. New York, 1974, p. 570-572.
  68. 1927, 31 May: [Crane, Clarence A.] To Crane, Harold [Hart], Patterson, N.Y.
    Just returned from Atlantic City; secured the property in Chagrin Falls; suffers from depression. Typed Letter (carbon). 1p., 27.7cm.
    Published in Lewis, T.S.W., ed. Letters of Hart Crane and His Family. New York, 1974, p. 574-575.
  69. 1927, 15 June: [Crane, Clarence A.] To Crane, Harold [Hart], Patterson, N.Y.
    Has found a lady to operate the Chagrin Falls property; will call it Canary Cottage. Typed Letter (carbon). 1p., 27.7cm.
    Published in Lewis, T.S.W., ed. Letters of Hart Crane and His Family. New York, 1974, p. 581.
  70. 1927, 12 July: [Crane, Clarence A.] To Crane, Harold [Hart], Patterson, N.Y.
    Liked poem he sent better than his other work; Canary Cottage work processing well; sends $50.00. Typed Letter (carbon). 2p., 28cm.
    Published in Lewis, T.S.W., ed. Letters of Hart Crane and His Family. New York, 1974, p. 595-596.
  71. 1927, 6 Aug.: [Crane, Clarence A.] To Crane, Harold [Hart], Patterson, N.Y.
    Hopes to have all ready at Canary Cottage by September 1; business has been terrible; living at the Alcazar until he moves to Chagrin Falls; sends check. Typed Letter (carbon). 2p., 27.5cm.
    Published in Lewis, T.S.W., ed. Letters of Hart Crane and His Family. New York, 1974, p. 602-603.
  72. 1927, 12 Aug.: [Crane, Harold Hart], Patterson, N.Y. To [Crane, Clarence A.]
    Writing a good deal but not much on The Bridge; must get a job in the winter; payment for his poems is slow. Typed Letter (fragment). 1p., 28cm.
    Published in Lewis, T.S.W., ed. Letters of Hart Crane and His Family. New York, 1974, p. 603-604.
  73. 1927, 2 Nov.: [Crane, Clarence A.] To Crane, Harold [Hart], Brooklyn, N.Y.
    Sorry he missed him in New York; glad he has found a "book" job; business at Canary Cottage is good. Typed Letter (carbon). 1p., 28cm.
  74. 1928, 28 Mar.: [Crane, Clarence A.] To Crane, Harold [Hart], Altadena, California.
    Starting new line of chocolates; mother and grandmother in good health. Typed Letter (carbon). 1p., 28cm.
    Published in Lewis, T.S.W., ed. Letters of Hart Crane and His Family. New York, 1974, p. 617-618.
  75. 1928, 14 Apr.: [Crane], Harold [Hart], Hollywood, California. To [Crane, Clarence A.]
    Writes about family matters, health; attended Easter service in Hollywood Bowl; looking for work as a writer in movie studios; had pleasant talk with Otto Kahn. Typed Letter Signed. 2p., 25.1cm.
  76. 1928, 18 July: [Crane, Clarence A.] To Crane, Harold [Hart].
    Just returned from Detroit; rose fever is bad; Canary Cottage was "wisest move I ever made". Typed Letter (carbon). 1p., 28cm.
  77. 1928, 18 July: [Crane, Clarence A.] To Crane, Harold [Hart], Patterson, N.Y.
    Returned from Detroit this morning; gives details about the trip; comments on death of Uncle Cassins; had party for Fred and his friends at Canary Cottage; sorry could not help him in his effort to purchase a house. Typed Letter (carbon) fragment. 1p., 28cm.
  78. 1928, 26 July: [Crane], Harold [Hart], Gaylordsville, Conn. To [Crane, Clarence A.]
    Sorry his hay fever is so bad; is in poor financial condition; trying to find a job. Typed Letter. 1p., 26cm.
    Published in Lewis, T.S.W., ed. Letters of Hart Crane and His Family. New York, 1974, p. 626-627.
  79. 1928, 2 Aug.: [Crane], Harold [Hart], Croton-on-Hudson, [N.Y.] To [Crane, Clarence A.]
    Visiting the Habichts on his way to New York City; thanks for check; hopes for a place of his own some day. Typed Letter Signed. 1p., 27.7cm.
    Published in Lewis, T.S.W., ed. Letters of Hart Crane and His Family. New York, 1974, p. 629-630.
  80. 1928, 8 Aug.: [Crane, Clarence A.] To Crane, Harold [Hart], Patterson, N.Y.
    Knows he puts his writing first; most people would get a job first and then write; feels he should have a "trade" to fall back on when necessary. Typed Letter (carbon). 2p., 27.7cm.
  81. 1929, 16 May: Liveright, Horace [Brisbin], New York, N.Y. To Crane, [Harold] Hart, Collioure, Pyrenees-Oreintales, France.
    Eager to read the manuscript of The Bridge; looking to a Spring 1930 publication. Typed Letter Signed. 1p., 21.4cm.
  82. 1929, 22 Aug.: Schneider, Helen B., Erwinna, Pa. To Crane, [Clarence A.], Cleveland, Ohio.
    Sends clipping from Vanity Fair with picture of Hart Crane; is interested to know that his White Buildings is used as a college poetry text. Autograph Letter Signed. 1p., 29.6cm.
  83. 1929, 26 Aug.: [Crane, Clarence A.] To Schneider, Helen B., Erwinna, Pa.
    Thanks her for sending clipping from Vanity Fair about his son. Typed Letter (carbon). 1p., 28cm.
  84. 1929, 20 Dec.: Horace Liveright, Inc., New York, N.Y. To Crane, [Harold] Hart, Brooklyn, N.Y.
    Agreement to publish The Bridge; sets terms. Typed Letter. 1p., 27.7cm.
  85. 1929, 23 Dec.: Crane, [Harold] Hart, New York, N.Y. To Horace Liveright Inc., New York, N.Y.
    Agrees with terms of publication of The Bridge. Typed Letter signed (carbon). 1p., 27.7cm.
  86. 1930, 13 Jan.: Horace Liveright, Inc. New York, N.Y. To Crane, [Harold] Hart, Brooklyn, N.Y.
    Agreement for an option on his next book. Typed Letter (carbon). 1p., 27.7cm.
  87. 1930, 4 June: [Crane, Harold Hart]. To Winters, [Yvor], 1900-1968.
    Defends The Bridge against Winters' review in Poetry. Typed Letter (carbon). 3p., 27.7cm.
    Published in Pemberton, Vivian. "Hart Crane and Yvor Winters, Rebuttal and Review: A New Crane Letter." American Literature, Vol. 50, No. 2 (May, 1978), pp. 276-281. 
  88. 1930, 23 Aug.: Roebling, Margaret Shippen, Bernardsville, New Jersey. To Crane, [Harold Hart].
    Thanks him for sending a copy of The Bridge on behalf of Mr. Roebling, who is ill; Mr. Roebling is reading the poem aloud to his family. Autograph Letter Signed. 3p., 16.8cm.
  89. 1930, 26 Nov.: Smith, T.B., Horace Liveright, Inc., New York, N.Y. To Crane, [Harold] Hart, Brooklyn, N.Y.
    Sends $100 which can be charged against future work. Typed Letter Signed. 1p., 21.5cm.
  90. [1931], 1 Apr.: [Crane, Harold] Hart, New York, N.Y. To [Crane] C[larence] A.
    Gives address of his bank in Mexico; gives address of Katherine Anne Porter; sails on the 29th; gives other addresses. Typed Letter Signed. 2p., 22.6cm.
  91. 1931, 1 May: [Crane, Clarence A.] To [Crane, Harold Hart].
    Concerned about sending money to Mexico by wire; would like to know who Miss [Katherine Anne] Porter is with whom he is staying; asks for [Arthur] Cages [i.e. Cazes] address. Typed Letter Signed. 1p., 27.7cm.
    Published in Lewis, T.S.W., ed. Letters of Hart Crane and His Family. New York, 1974, p. 642-643.
  92. 1931, 15 May: Kahn, Otto [Herman], 1867-1934, Genoa, [Italy]. To Crane, [Harold] Hart, Mexico City, [Mexico].
    Glad he has decided to spend the year of his Guggenheim Fellowship in Mexico; looks forward to literary results. Typed Letter Signed. 1p., 28.2cm.
  93. 1931, 18 May: [Crane, Clarence A.] To Cazes, Hazel, Mexico.
    Has sent Harold some money; sorry to hear Arthur Cazes is not in best of health; business is poor; putting a lot of effort into Canary Cottage. Typed Letter (carbon). 1p., 27.9cm.
  94. 1931, 2 June: [Crane, Clarence A.], Cleveland, Ohio. To Crane, Harold [Hart], Mixcoac, Mexico.
    Glad he is feeling better; repaid Hazel Cazes for money she advanced; with Guggenheim Fellowship he should be able to live on his income; business is not good. Typed Letter. 1p., 27.9cm.
    Published in Lewis, T.S.W., ed. Letters of Hart Crane and His Family. New York, 1974, p. 643-644.
  95. 1931, 2 June: [Crane, Clarence A.] To Cazes, Hazel, Mexico.
    Writes about Harold's allowance; he should be able to live on his allowance; grateful for her kindness to Harold. Typed Letter (carbon). 2p., 27.7cm.
  96. 1931, 5 June: [Crane], Harold [Hart], Mixcoac, Mexico. To [Crane], C[larence] A.
    Will try to economize; doesn't get much news from United States; encloses a photograph [not present]. Typed Letter Signed. 1p., 27.7cm.
    Published in Lewis, T.S.W., ed. Letters of Hart Crane and His Family. New York, 1974, p. 645-646
  97. 1931, 18 Aug.: [Crane], Harold [Hart], Chagrin Falls, Ohio. To [Madden, N.] Byron.
    Thanks him for his attention to the business of his father's estate; comments on his visit home. Typed Letter Signed. 1p., 27.7cm.
  98. 1931, 10 Sept.: [Crane], Harold [Hart], Mixcoac, Mexico. To [Madden], Bess [Crane].
    Thanks for forwarding mail; hopes to hear from her; plans walking trip to Tepozlan; sends photographs [not present]. Typed Letter Signed. 1p., 27.5cm.
  99. 1931, 20 Sept.: [Crane, Harold] Hart, Mixcoac, Mexico. To [Hurlbert], Helen [Hart] and Gooz [Hurlbert, Griswold].
    Plans to travel more in Mexico; describes what he would like to see; was pleased to see them all again. Typed Letter Signed (photocopy). 2p., 28cm.
    Accompanied by a photocopy of an inscription: "For Helen and Griswold with best love always, from Hart Jan. '31" and a photocopy of a photograph.
  100. 1931, 12 Dec.: [Crane], Harold [Hart], Mixcoac, [Mexico]. To [Crane], Bess[ie Meachem].
    Describes the Feast of the Virgin of Guadalupe; Christmas always calls up his fondest memories. Typed Letter Signed. 2p., 27.2cm.
  101. 1931, 16 Dec.: Ferrer, Antonio M., Nuevo Laredo, Mexico. To Crane, [Bessie Meachem].
    Asks for Hart Crane's street and house number in Mixcoac and $10.00 for duty fees for the package she sent. Typed Letter Signed. 1p., 27.5cm.
  102. 1931, 21 Dec.: [Crane, Bessie Meachem]. To Ferrer, Antonio M., Laredo, Texas.
    Encloses $10.00 duty fee and Hart Crane's address. Typed Letter (carbon). 1p., 28cm.
  103. [1931]: [Crane], Harold [Hart], Mixcoac, [Mexico]. To [Crane], Bess[ie Meachem].
    Hasn't heard from her lately; has she received his letters and photographs; spent most of a week in Taxco where David Segneiros painted his portrait. Typed Letter Signed. 1p., 27.4cm.
  104. [1931]: [Crane, Harold] Hart. To [Crane, Clarence A. and Bessie Meachem].
    Describes life in Katherine Anne Porter's villa; pleasure to work there; he is loved in Mexico and is meeting all the poets, editors and scholars; parts of The Bridge and White Buildings are being translated into Spanish. Typed Letter Signed (fragment). 1p., 27.2cm.
  105. 1932, 9 Jan.: [Crane], Harold [Hart], Mixcoac, [Mexico]. To [Crane], Bess[ie Meachem].
    Enjoying the boxes she sent; describes visit with Peggy Cowley in Taxco. Typed Letter Signed. 2p., 27.2cm.
    Accompanied by a copy of this letter.
  106. 1932, 24 Jan.: [Crane, Harold] Hart, Taxco, Mexico. To Crane Chocolate Co., Cleveland, Ohio.
    Credit letters not good at local banks; wire $100.00. Telegram. 1p., 16.4cm.
  107. 1932, 5 Feb.: [Crane, Harold] Hart, Mixcoac, [Mexico]. To [Crane] Bess[ie Meachem].
    Describes money situation; seems her judgement on business matters is good; hopes he can begin to draw from the estate in April. Typed Letter (copy). 1p., 26cm.
  108. [1932], [17 Feb.]: [Crane], Harold [Hart]. To [Crane, Bessie Meachem].
    Confesses he has fallen in love with Peggy Cowley; discusses financial matters; sends greetings to members of the family. Typed Letter Signed (fragment). 2p., 27.6cm.
    Published in Weber, B., ed. Letters of Hart Crane, 1916-1932, New York, 1952, p. 402-403.
  109. 1932, 8 Mar.: [Crane], Harold [Hart], Mixcoac, [Mexico]. To [Crane], Bess[ie Meachem].
    Describes Puebla where he and Peggy Cowley have been visiting; discusses his allowance; working on a new poem; thinks of her and the family by the fireplace in Canary Cottage; went to a tea given for the new Guggenheim scholars who are in Mexico. Typed Letter Signed. 2 p., 27.7cm.
    Published in Lewis, T.S.W., ed. Letters of Hart Crane and His Family. New York, 1974, p. 650-652.
  110. 1932, 15 Mar.: [Crane], Harold [Hart], Mixcoac, [Mexico]. To [Crane], Bess[ie Meachem].
    He and Peggy Cowley argued over money; he "misunderstood and misinterpreted Peggy's character quite badly"; is in favor of liquidation [of the estate]. Typed Letter Signed. 1p., 27.7cm.
  111. 1932, 15 Mar.: Crane, Harold H[art], Mixcoac, [Mexico]. To Madden, N. Byron, Cleveland, Ohio.
    Discusses the Crane Chocolate Company and agrees to its liquidation. Typed Letter Signed. 2p., 27.7cm.
  112. 1932, 1 Apr.: Crane, [Harold] Hart, Mexico City, [Mexico]. To Crane, [Mrs.] C.A. [Bessie Meachem], Cleveland, Ohio.
    No word in weeks; no check; cannot pay bills. Telegram. 1p., 16.4cm
  113. 1932, 2 Apr.: [Crane], Harold [Hart], Mixcoac, [Mexico]. To [Crane], Bess[ie Meachem].
    Shocked to learn [of an automobile accident]; glad to know money is on the way. Typed Letter Signed. 1p., 27.7cm.
  114. 1932, 7 Apr.: [Crane], Harold [Hart], Mixcoac, [Mexico]. To [Crane], Bess[ie Meachem].
    Received her letter about the [automobile] accident; no money has yet reached his bank; other money matters. Autograph Letter Signed (photocopy). 2p., 27.9cm.
    Accompanied by a photocopy of a letter to Vivian H. Pemberton from Stuart Bennett of Sotheby Parke Bernet in New York, giving the value of this letter and a copy of White Buildings.
  115. [1932?], 17 Apr.: Cowley, Peggy Baird. To Crane, [Grace Hart].
    Hart Crane is quite sick but expects to sail for the United States on April 24; she is going on the same boat. Autograph Letter Signed. 2p., 27.7cm.
  116. 1932, 18 Apr.: [Crane, Harold] Hart, Mexico City, Mexico. To Crane, Mrs. C.A. [Bessie Meachem], Cleveland, Ohio.
    Needs $125.00 more to sail. Telegram. 1p., 16.1cm.
  117. [1932], [Apr.]: [Crane], Bessie [Meachem]. To Crane, [Harold] Hart, Mixcoac, Mexico.
    Mailing check today; describes automobile accident. Telegram. 1p., 17.7cm.
  118. [1932?], 21 June: [Cowley], Peggy, Patterson, N.Y. To [Crane], Bess[ie Meachem].
    Thanks her for pictures of Hart Crane; his books were to have been shipped from Mexico; gave two things which belonged to Hart Crane to friends of his; has many of his manuscripts, letters, and some photographs which she will send to his mother. Typed Letter Signed. 2p., 27.6cm.
  119. Undated: Hart Crane photograph. Inscribed "For Bess and C.A. from Harold, and 'Heart'."

Box 1A
Folder -- Contents

  1. Clippings: Hart Crane and family, 1916-1987
  2. Crane family deeds, legal and financial documents, 1891-1910
    Custodial History: This material was formerly owned by Hart Crane's cousins Clara and Jeanette Risdon and was later given to Vivian Pemberton.
  3. Crane family letters, 1898 
    Custodial History: This material was formerly owned by Hart Crane's cousins Clara and Jeanette Risdon and was later given to Vivian Pemberton.
  4. Crane family history and genealogy, 1989; 1947; undated
  5. Film: Hart Crane - The Broken Tower: Clippings, 1988
  6. Film: Hart Crane - The Broken TowerScript, 1984
  7. Reel-to-reel audiotape: The Last Days of Hart Crane, WBAI Public Radio, 1961
    Restrictions on Use: The content of this tape may not be duplicated or re-broadcast without permission of copyright holder(s).
  8. Reel-to-reel audiotape: Christmas Greetings by Helen Hart Hurlbert, undated
  9. Reel-to-reel audiotape: Tribune Musical Christmas Card by Helen Hart Hurlbert, undated
  10. Photograph: James R. Green, undated
    Scope and Content: Recto of photograph contains the following handwritten text: "Warren (O) Tribune. Return Photo." Verso of photograph contains the following handwritten text: "I called on him at Ellsworth Ohio in the summer when he was 99 years old. James R. Green - The Man Who Saw the Battle of Waterloo. Note # True story by William C Deming written nearly fifty years ago. 9/1/'46" Photograph by Leeper, No. 5 E. Main Street, Salem, Ohio.
    Historical Note: Some references to Green spell the surname "Greene."
  11. Zell Hart Deming tribute, undated

Box 1B

  1. Photo album, undated
    Scope and Content: According to a typewritten note included with album, "Old Crane family album (INCOMPLETE: all photographs of family members have been removed). Trip to New York and New England photographs, including one of THE BROOKLYN BRIDGE."

Series 3: Hart Crane and family artifacts

Scope and Content: Series 3 includes objects (artifacts) belonging to the Crane family.

Acquisition Information: Unless otherwise specified, items in this series were donated by Vivian H. Pemberton.

Restrictions on Use: Please ensure the following credit line is included in any paper, presentation, or other authorized use of this content: Vivian H. Pemberton. Hart Crane and family papers. Kent State University Libraries. Special Collections and Archives

Box 2

  1. [1899?]: Hart Crane's christening gown and cup
  2. 1913-1922: Art works, Reproductions. 15 leaves. Some imprinted: "c[opyright] C. A. Crane."

Box 3

  1. Crane's Canary Cottage Chocolates. Cleveland: The Crane Chocolate Co. Box that contained chocolate candy made by the company owned by Clarence A. Crane, father of Hart Crane.
    Acquisition Information: Gift of Jacob Leed.
  2. School bell of Civil War teacher Elizabeth Belden Hart, grandmother of Hart Crane

Box 4

  1. Porch light from Hart Crane's birthplace on Freedom St.
    Restrictions on Use: This item is fragile. Handle with caution.

Box 5

  1. Desk pen set from Helen Hart Hurlbert

Box 6

  1. Nightgown worn by Grace Hart Crane, poet's mother, on her wedding night 

Box 7

  1. Film footage of Hart Crane, 1931
    Physical Description: 16mm film, silent, black and white
    Historical Note: This is the only known film footage of Crane. It was filmed by Griswold Hurlbert.
    Alternate Form Available: This item has been digitized.

Tube Containers

  1. Art Prints produced by C. A. Crane, Cleveland, OH
  2. Art Prints produced by C. A. Crane, Cleveland, OH

Oversized Items

Physical Location: The oversized items are filed in the map case, unless otherwise indicated.

  1. Art Prints and Postcards produced by C. A. Crane, Cleveland, OH
  2. Art Print: "The Red Cavalier" by DeAndreis by C. A. Crane, Cleveland, OH (mounted onto masonite board)
  3. Straw circle mat kept under the glass top desk of Zell Hart Deming and Helen Hart Hurlbert
    Restrictions on Use: This item is fragile. Handle with caution.
  4. Tremblay, Bill. "Hart Crane's Example," The Pikestaff Forum. Number 2 (Winter 1978-79): 24-26
  5. Portrait of Hart Crane as a Child, circa 1900-1901
    Historical Note: This is the only known painting of Hart Crane. Artist unknown.
    Physical Location: Housed in a custom box. Special Collections & Archives staff, see Location Guide for location information.