LMS Records. Misc. Reports
Special Collections and Archives
LMS Records. Misc. Reports
Special Collections and Archives
LMS Records. Misc. Reports
Libraries and Media Services records. Miscellaneous Reports, 1943-2001
Finding Aid
Prepared by Barbara Bass, May 9, 2005, Updated December 2011.
2 record storage boxes, 2 cubic feet, 11th floor
Box 1
Folder -- Contents
- ARL Membership meeting, report: Oct. 13-14, 1982
- ARL reports: 1972-1975
- ARL reports: 1974/75-1982/83
- ARL status paper: "Improving Kent's Position in the Association of Research Libraries: Progress and Illusion": 1989
- Accreditation: 1983 (folder 1)
- Accreditation: 1983 (folder 2)
- Air Quality Survey (indoor): 1994
- Annual planning report: 1993-1994
- Annual planning report: includes Strategic Plan for 1993-1995: 1994-1995
- Annual planning report: 1995-1996: Oct. 20, 1995
- Annual planning report: 1996-1997: Oct. 23, 1996
- Annual planning report: 1997-1998: Oct. 20, 1997
- Annual planning report, Strategic plan: 2000-2001: Dec. 14, 2000
- Audio Visual: Summary of Campus Interfacing by Audio Visual During 1976/77 abd 1977/78 Academic Year: Oct. 11, 1978
- "Audit of Monographic Holdings Which Support Five Selected Graduate Programs: a prototype for the Kent State University Libraries": Scott Bullard: Mar. 17, 1989
- "Automation in Academic Libraries: the Ohio experience 1970-1990"
- Library budget paper: 1987, 1989/90
- "Budget Reduction Plan 1992-1993": Apr. 9, 1992
- CAD paper: Spring 1987
- Center for Peaceful Change/Library Committee Report: Sept. 1971
- Chinese visitors: report: Sept. 11, 1996
- Collection Development Office: report on activities: 1989
- Copyright Compliance Guidelines: a resource handbook: 1987
- Department reports: 1960-1961
- "Documents on Demand: a user's alternative to do-it- yourself library service": June 15, 1988
- EPC paper: 1987
- "An Evaluation of Kent State University Audio-Visual Services": May 21, 1980
- "Expectations for Library Development 1988-1994, 1994-2000" by Don Tolliver and Barbara Schloman: Nov. 26, 1986
- Facilities Study Report" by Don Tolliver and Barbara Schloman: Jan. 1987 (Final report is on Kentlink under Present and Future Needs)
- "Faculty Performance Evaluation Recommendation On a Revised Process and Instrument": Apr. 1996
- Five Year Review (1989-1994): Don L. Tolliver: Sept. 15, 1994
- "Goals for the KSU Libraries, 1971-75"" report of the Director's Committee on Goals and Priorities: May 1971
- Government Documents, Federal Depository Inspection Report, 1984
- Government Documents, Federal Depository Inspection Report, 1989
- Government Documents, Federal Depository Inspection Report, 1995
- Government Documents, Federal Depository Self-Study, 1999
- Greek slides/talk: Mar. 1990
- ILL/DDS Committee and Charge: 1988
- Dodge, Robert J.: Index to "Recollections of an Old Settler" by Christian Cackler: Third ed., 1964: Sept. 1985
- Institutional profile prepared for North Central Association: Aug. 1968
- "Inventory of Local Government Records, American History Research Center" compiled by Robert J. Dodge
- "Interim Dean report": Dean Keller: Jan. 1-May 31, 1984
- "Kent State University Libraries. Background Paper for Program Development": 1985
- "A Kent State University Telecommunications Distribution System: a review and proposal": Jan. 1991
- Learning & Technology Services: Annual report & strategic plan: 1996-1997
- Liason: annual reports: 1990/91-1991/92
- Library Facilities Planning Document: 1986
- "Library Guide to Genealogocial Sources" compiled by Mary Beth Aust and Dr. Robert J. Dodge: [1980]
- "Library Information Desk: needs assessment and service alternatives": Reference: 1986
- Library-Physical facility (Draft): [1984]
- Media Planning Paper: June 18, 1989
Box 2
Folder -- Contents
- Miscellaneous reports
- Monthly reports: Jeanne Somers: 1986
- "Network Exploration Committee Report": May, 1991
- "1989 Collection Development Budget and Emerging Budget issues of the 1990's": June 30, 1989
- Office of Management Studies. Report: Jan. 4, 1985
- Ohio Union Catalog Center Report, undated
- "Overview of Reference Services...": 1970
- Photocopying reports: 1986
- Planning process: 1989-1990
- Planning report files: Ad Hoc Committee: 1984
- Position Paper on Factor Allocation for Monographs: [1985?]
- Position Paper: Reference Dept.: May 18, 1971
- "The Problem of Serials for Kent State University" by Neal Edgar: 1968
- Professional leave policy for Library administration/faculty: report: 1970
- "Program Requirements for a Library at Kent State University, Kent, OH": Sept. 1965
- "Reclassification, Conversion and CETA: a report": by Anne Marie Allison: July 1979
- "Report and Analysis of Kent State University Library" by North Central Association: 1943
- "Report of Ongoing Investigation Into 'End-user' Laser-disk Products" by Jeff Gatten: May 9, 1986
- "Report of Kent State University Library Survey of Student Opinion" : Winter quarter 1971
- "Report of the Full-text Group": April, 1992
- Report of the Serials Crisis Task Force: Mar. 1991
- "Report on Growth of Collection": 1970/71-1980/81
- Report on Progress 1945-1955: Kent State University Library
- Report to the Director of Libraries, Kent State University on the Computer Assisted Instruction Office: Sept. 1985
- Research Leave Reports. Annual statistical reports: 1987-1994/95
- Reserve Books from the Fall Quarter 1956 through the Second Summer Quarter 1957, A Report on the Use of, 1957
- Scholarship Reconsidered: 1994
- Self-study 1984/85-1987/88 by Don L. Tolliver: 1988
- Self-study for the North Central Association: 1983
- Self-study report for Learning Resources: 1983
- Self-study report for Learning Resources: revised
- Serials vs Monographs: must we choose? : draft report: 1986/87
- Space Needs Preliminary Report: Room 370 Library: Feb. 29, 1996
- Statement Concerning University Librarians as University Faculty: Feb. 21, 1978
- Strategic Planning Document: 1995
- Strategic Planning: report to Graduate College Council: Oct. 1990
- Strengthening Research Library Resouces 778.21. Institutional Eligibility (Part 1)
- Studies of Reference Use and the Undergraduate Library: 1970-1971
- Summary of Material on the Organization Periof of CCLN: OCLC Seminar: Aug. 8, 1978
- "Trends and recommended changes in allocation of the library materials budget" by Don Tolliver: Apr. 17, 1987
- Twenty-fifth Annual Salary Study of Kent State University: 1972-1973
- U.S. Office of Education Statistics: 1953/54-1964/65
- U.S. Office of Education Statistics: 1965/66-1976/77
- "White Paper on Special Collections" by Alex Gildzen: Jan. 1988