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LMS Records. Misc. Reports

Special Collections and Archives

LMS Records. Misc. Reports

Special Collections and Archives

LMS Records. Misc. Reports

Libraries and Media Services records. Miscellaneous Reports, 1943-2001

Finding Aid

Prepared by Barbara Bass, May 9, 2005, Updated December 2011.
2 record storage boxes, 2 cubic feet, 11th floor

Box 1

Folder -- Contents

  1. ARL Membership meeting, report: Oct. 13-14, 1982
  2. ARL reports: 1972-1975
  3. ARL reports: 1974/75-1982/83
  4. ARL status paper: "Improving Kent's Position in the Association of Research Libraries: Progress and Illusion": 1989
  5. Accreditation: 1983 (folder 1)
  6. Accreditation: 1983 (folder 2)
  7. Air Quality Survey (indoor): 1994
  8. Annual planning report: 1993-1994
  9. Annual planning report: includes Strategic Plan for 1993-1995: 1994-1995
  10. Annual planning report: 1995-1996: Oct. 20, 1995
  11. Annual planning report: 1996-1997: Oct. 23, 1996
  12. Annual planning report: 1997-1998: Oct. 20, 1997
  13. Annual planning report, Strategic plan: 2000-2001: Dec. 14, 2000
  14. Audio Visual: Summary of Campus Interfacing by Audio Visual During 1976/77 abd 1977/78 Academic Year: Oct. 11, 1978
  15. "Audit of Monographic Holdings Which Support Five Selected Graduate Programs: a prototype for the Kent State University Libraries": Scott Bullard: Mar. 17, 1989
  16. "Automation in Academic Libraries: the Ohio experience 1970-1990"
  17. Library budget paper: 1987, 1989/90
  18. "Budget Reduction Plan 1992-1993": Apr. 9, 1992
  19. CAD paper: Spring 1987
  20. Center for Peaceful Change/Library Committee Report: Sept. 1971
  21. Chinese visitors: report: Sept. 11, 1996
  22. Collection Development Office: report on activities: 1989
  23. Copyright Compliance Guidelines: a resource handbook: 1987
  24. Department reports: 1960-1961
  25. "Documents on Demand: a user's alternative to do-it- yourself library service": June 15, 1988
  26. EPC paper: 1987
  27. "An Evaluation of Kent State University Audio-Visual Services": May 21, 1980
  28. "Expectations for Library Development 1988-1994, 1994-2000" by Don Tolliver and Barbara Schloman: Nov. 26, 1986
  29. Facilities Study Report" by Don Tolliver and Barbara Schloman: Jan. 1987 (Final report is on Kentlink under Present and Future Needs)
  30. "Faculty Performance Evaluation Recommendation On a Revised Process and Instrument": Apr. 1996
  31. Five Year Review (1989-1994): Don L. Tolliver: Sept. 15, 1994
  32. "Goals for the KSU Libraries, 1971-75"" report of the Director's Committee on Goals and Priorities: May 1971
  33. Government Documents, Federal Depository Inspection Report, 1984
  34. Government Documents, Federal Depository Inspection Report, 1989
  35. Government Documents, Federal Depository Inspection Report, 1995
  36. Government Documents, Federal Depository Self-Study, 1999
  37. Greek slides/talk: Mar. 1990
  38. ILL/DDS Committee and Charge: 1988
  39. Dodge, Robert J.: Index to "Recollections of an Old Settler" by Christian Cackler: Third ed., 1964: Sept. 1985
  40. Institutional profile prepared for North Central Association: Aug. 1968
  41. "Inventory of Local Government Records, American History Research Center" compiled by Robert J. Dodge
  42. "Interim Dean report": Dean Keller: Jan. 1-May 31, 1984
  43. "Kent State University Libraries. Background Paper for Program Development": 1985
  44. "A Kent State University Telecommunications Distribution System: a review and proposal": Jan. 1991
  45. Learning & Technology Services: Annual report & strategic plan: 1996-1997
  46. Liason: annual reports: 1990/91-1991/92
  47. Library Facilities Planning Document: 1986
  48. "Library Guide to Genealogocial Sources" compiled by Mary Beth Aust and Dr. Robert J. Dodge: [1980]
  49. "Library Information Desk: needs assessment and service alternatives": Reference: 1986
  50. Library-Physical facility (Draft): [1984]
  51. Media Planning Paper: June 18, 1989

Box 2

Folder -- Contents

  1. Miscellaneous reports
  2. Monthly reports: Jeanne Somers: 1986
  3. "Network Exploration Committee Report": May, 1991
  4. "1989 Collection Development Budget and Emerging Budget issues of the 1990's": June 30, 1989
  5. Office of Management Studies. Report: Jan. 4, 1985
  6. Ohio Union Catalog Center Report, undated
  7. "Overview of Reference Services...": 1970
  8. Photocopying reports: 1986
  9. Planning process: 1989-1990
  10. Planning report files: Ad Hoc Committee: 1984
  11. Position Paper on Factor Allocation for Monographs: [1985?]
  12. Position Paper: Reference Dept.: May 18, 1971
  13. "The Problem of Serials for Kent State University" by Neal Edgar: 1968
  14. Professional leave policy for Library administration/faculty: report: 1970
  15. "Program Requirements for a Library at Kent State University, Kent, OH": Sept. 1965
  16. "Reclassification, Conversion and CETA: a report": by Anne Marie Allison: July 1979
  17. "Report and Analysis of Kent State University Library" by North Central Association: 1943
  18. "Report of Ongoing Investigation Into 'End-user' Laser-disk Products" by Jeff Gatten: May 9, 1986
  19. "Report of Kent State University Library Survey of Student Opinion" : Winter quarter 1971
  20. "Report of the Full-text Group": April, 1992
  21. Report of the Serials Crisis Task Force: Mar. 1991
  22. "Report on Growth of Collection": 1970/71-1980/81
  23. Report on Progress 1945-1955: Kent State University Library
  24. Report to the Director of Libraries, Kent State University on the Computer Assisted Instruction Office: Sept. 1985
  25. Research Leave Reports. Annual statistical reports: 1987-1994/95
  26. Reserve Books from the Fall Quarter 1956 through the Second Summer Quarter 1957, A Report on the Use of, 1957
  27. Scholarship Reconsidered: 1994
  28. Self-study 1984/85-1987/88 by Don L. Tolliver: 1988
  29. Self-study for the North Central Association: 1983
  30. Self-study report for Learning Resources: 1983
  31. Self-study report for Learning Resources: revised
  32. Serials vs Monographs: must we choose? : draft report: 1986/87
  33. Space Needs Preliminary Report: Room 370 Library: Feb. 29, 1996
  34. Statement Concerning University Librarians as University Faculty: Feb. 21, 1978
  35. Strategic Planning Document: 1995
  36. Strategic Planning: report to Graduate College Council: Oct. 1990
  37. Strengthening Research Library Resouces 778.21. Institutional Eligibility (Part 1)
  38. Studies of Reference Use and the Undergraduate Library: 1970-1971
  39. Summary of Material on the Organization Periof of CCLN: OCLC Seminar: Aug. 8, 1978
  40. "Trends and recommended changes in allocation of the library materials budget" by Don Tolliver: Apr. 17, 1987
  41. Twenty-fifth Annual Salary Study of Kent State University: 1972-1973
  42. U.S. Office of Education Statistics: 1953/54-1964/65
  43. U.S. Office of Education Statistics: 1965/66-1976/77
  44. "White Paper on Special Collections" by Alex Gildzen: Jan. 1988