Library Lockers
Library Lockers
Library Lockers
- Lockers are located on the first floor of the University Library, next to the Library Services Desk and on the eighth floor on the wall behind the elevators where the study carrels with doors are located.
- You can check-out a key from the Library Services Desk located on the first floor.
- The key will check-out for 1 day, and is due back 15 minutes before the building closes the next day. The key cannot be renewed.
- The patron must be a current and valid KSU Student, Staff, or Faculty member, have a valid photo ID, and no other blocks on their library account (such as owing more than $125 in library charges).
- The patron will be charged a $75 Replacement Charge if the key is lost or not returned.
- The Kent State University Library is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged items.
- A patron can only have 1 locker key checked out at a time.
Questions? Contact the Library Services at 330-672-7905.